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Everything posted by JColvin

  1. Hi @SaltMastering, You'll need to enable the power supplies for the Audio Adapter + outputs to work. Set both power supplies to have matching outputs greater than 1.5 V in magnitude and enable them so that the amplifier circuitry in the adapter is enabled. There is a bit more detail in the Reference Manual here: https://digilent.com/reference/add-ons/audio-adapter-plus/reference-manual#power. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, JColvin
  2. Hi @Tom Pyragon, I don't believe Digilent has an officially recommended calibration interval for the Digital Discovery. I personally only calibrate my devices when I start to suspect it feels off, which admittedly is more of a gut feel than anything. As the Digital Discovery is primarily a digital device (no analog inputs/outputs like on most of Digilent's other Test and Measurement Products), the calibration procedure within WaveForms for the Digital Discovery (WaveForms Device Manager -> Calibrate button) correspondly only calibrates the Digital Supply voltage output and the built in Ammeter for the supply. My personal opinion is that your device is most likely perfectly and in calibration as is, though of course it won't hurt to do a calibration if it is better for your documentation purposes. To be clear, Digilent does not offer any calibration services for our boards. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, JColvin
  3. Hi @ajbristow, Thanks for sharing what worked for you. I've seen previous reports that Zadig can be a little too good in fulfilling its role, https://forum.digilent.com/topic/25705-windows-recognises-eclypse-z7-board-incorrectly-as-a-trion-board-in-device-manager/#comment-76839, so I'm glad the resolution process was easier for you in this instance. Thanks, JColvin
  4. Hi @kamalesh vikramasimhan, I'm not certain exactly what sort of information you are looking for, but Xilinx has some material about how this might be done in their documentation here: https://docs.xilinx.com/r/en-US/ug908-vivado-programming-debugging/Programming-FTDI-Devices-for-Vivado-Hardware-Manager-Support. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, JColvin
  5. Hi @Zer0, Adapter wise, it really depends what you think you might be interested in measuring or learning about. The full list of compatible accessories are available on the Analog Discovery 3 Resource Center here: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-3/start#accessories, but personally what I would be most likely to use (as opposed to own and have collect dust like too many other things in my house) would be the Impedance Adapter followed by Audio Adapter+. Impedance Adapter because I would be fiddling and measuring with those sorts of details (especially in a student scenario) and Audio Adapter+ because I would be interested in measuring and trying to manipulate audio signals. Of course, I'm biased as a Digilent employee, so take the above with a grain of salt. Thanks, JColvin
  6. Hi @Joshua Nekl, I asked the design engineer about this and they let me know that ADBUS5 is the tri-state buffer enable for TMS. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, JColvin
  7. Hi All, We’ve been noticing an uptick recently in posts that appear to be generated by ChatGPT or other large language models. Some of these users have included links in their posts which appear to be associated with affiliate marketing scams, while others seem like they are out there to build SEO or just test and build up these tools. Spam is obviously not allowed, but the others are more of a gray area. From a moderation standpoint, we’re not entirely sure how to approach this, and wanted to solicit opinions from community members. For the time being, the policy is that users posting this kind of content will be treated the same as any other user. Moderation actions will be taken as appropriate based on Forum guidelines (available at the top of every Forum section and subForum, as well as here: https://digilent.com/reference/forum-guidelines), particularly when spam is involved. We’ve also updated guidelines to list what we would consider to be best practices while using these kinds of tools. Everyone is free to engage with any posts as they see fit, however, posting unverified outputs of these tools and not explicitly marking it as such is a potential waste of everyone’s brainpower and time. If you are reading a post or comment that seems off, please make use of the Report feature so that we can keep close eye on these posts and review for spam. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
  8. Hi @Ruckus1631, Are the two devices both connected over the same USB source (i.e. computer with multiple USB ports) or on separate systems? If they are on the same source, it'll still be good to have the grounds connected because of that difference in potential that you measured. I'm also guessing that you are using the regular MTE cables to connect the devices and don't have a 0.1X BNC probe or something unexpected in your system? Additionally, if you disconnect the AD3 and give it a chance to cool down (shouldn't be necessary, but in the interest of isolating potential problems), if you directly connect its analog input channels to its analog output channels (AWG) with it otherwise disconnected from your CAN transceiver, are you still getting those 30 V spikes? Thanks, JColvin
  9. Hi @JacksonPa56, I have sent you a PM. Thanks, JColvin
  10. Hi @Ákos, I apologize for not updating this thread. My understanding is that about a month after you had inquired about this, Digilent was able to get the probes that we sourced correctly spec'd so that they now correctly compensate for the Analog Discovery 2 (as well as the Analog Discovery 3). They will be the same SKU. What I do not have any insight on is how quickly (or slowly) the correctly spec'd probes propagated through distribution stock. If Mouser is not willing to send you a (ideally new stock) set of probes, please private message me with your preferred email contact so I can work with our Sales team to send you a replacement set (they would contact you for any needing information I do not have access to, such as shipping address). Thank you, JColvin
  11. Hello, I have sent you a PM with an additional question on which Digilent device you were using with the FT4232H. I will note though that Digilent's solution for fixing an overwritten EEPROM on an FTDI chip is Windows only and that there is no intention (I've asked the developer several times over the years) to make a Linux solution. Thanks, JColvin
  12. Sorry, I had meant that my post that I had then proceeded to type was off topic to the thread at large; I did not have an objection to how the thread had progressed conversation wise.
  13. Hi @AbbyL, To the best of my knowledge, there as been no change to the Analog Discovery 2 case or the flywire assembly. I know with my own Analog Discovery 2, there is a bit of resistance when inserting the cable around the distance you should in your picture, but it should be able to go much farther so that the black housing is flush with the plastic housing on the right angle header within the Analog Discovery 2 housing. Since you have the BNC Adapter (which should have identical dimensions to the cable, minus the key nub) is fitting easily in your existing AD2, then I would be more inclined to think that the 2x15 flywire is somehow incorrectly sized and you should get an RMA (or have a new cable assembly sent to you). If you, or your department, purchased through Digilent, you can send me a private message with the following information: - Purchase date - order number - serial number on the underside of the AD2 (the barcode number) - preferred email contact Then I'll be able to get the details to our Sales team who will process the RMA and contact you for any additional information that I don't have access to (such as confirming shipping address). Thank you, JColvin
  14. Hi @digilent_user, I have sent you a PM. Thanks, JColvin
  15. Hi @zstokes, I presume that you are referring to the Nexys Video, https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/nexys-video/start. If so, you are correct that the dot corresponds to C1 in the schematics (page 2, https://digilent.com/reference/_media/reference/programmable-logic/nexys-video/nexys_video_sch.pdf). There is also a pdf detailing some of the FMC to FPGA connections in the Resource Center here that you might find helpful: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/nexys-video/start#additional_resources. I have attached a picture for some extra clarity just in case. Let me know if you have any questions about this. Thanks, JColvin
  16. Off topic to the purpose of this thread, but regrettably, I have never been able to find a setting to force the Forum to present the replies on an individual thread in chronological order by default. I've also asked Invision Community (who makes the software this Forum is hosted on) about adding/changing this a couple of different times over the years, but to no avail.
  17. Hi @Zebryk, I suppose it depends on what functionality you are thinking of as both devices have analog inputs, analog outputs, and digital I/O with access to the same instruments within the WaveForms software. You'll be the only one that is able to decide if the price difference is worth it to you, but here is the primary list of things that the Analog Discovery Pro (I'm presuming you're referring to the ADP3450, ,) has that the Analog Discovery 3 does not. Two additional oscilloscope channels DDR memory for larger captures -- up to 128Mi samples (134217728 samples) rather than 32 Ki samples like on the AD3 Ethernet port for connectivity Embedded Linux mode so the device can run autonomously and be set up with custom applications so you can have it trigger and capture data to be stored on an attached flash drive without needing to be constantly tethered to a host PC. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, JColvin
  18. Like zygot mentioned, older versions of the software suite are going to be your best bet in terms of reducing install size, though your mileage may vary depending on your intended workflow. After unchecking everything I don't need during the install process (I sometimes check and then uncheck boxes just to visually confirm the install size goes down), I also tend to go into <xilinx install path>/Xilinx/<version number>/data/parts/xilinx/ and delete the part families I don't need, and within the familes I do plan on using, go into their nested devint folder to delete the specific parts I don't need (such as the automotive versions of the parts, usually with an 'a' prefix such as aartix7) or go into the artix7 folder itself and delete the parts I don't plan to use (such as xc7a12t and cx7a12ti). This same approach can be done for the Vitis folder as well. If you do end up needing a part later for whatever reason, it's usually straightforward enough to download the part family you need by editing the install through Xilinx Information Center. This is all after the downloading process though, so it doesn't really help anybody without broadband connections, and you quickly get diminishing returns with relatively small part families like Artix 7 (as opposed to the much bigger files from various Zynq Ultrascale parts). Thanks, JColvin I am hoping one day I'll be allowed to optionally exclude Vivado/Vitis HLS from the initial install as I don't plan on using it, but I'm also not holding my breath.
  19. JColvin

    Genesys ZU-3EG ECC DRAM

    Hi @jfra, The Genesys ZU does not have an option to be shipped with ECC memory as you correctly read; the only ECC memory that I know of that was specifically tested would be what it was validated with as mentioned in this post here: Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, JColvin
  20. Hi @engrpetero, Edit: aw dang, Arthur beat me to it by a couple minutes. The Vivado general warnings about board parts/files you might be able to remove, though I am not certain what you have tried already. The first one with the 109 warnings about Vivado not finding a board part is an unfortunate side effect of having installed a board file but not having the associated FPGA/SoC part actually installed with software. What you can do to get rid of this is to go into the directory it mentioned and delete every board file you don't intend to use from the directory. If you do end up getting one of those boards later, you can always reinstall it from the Xilinx Board Store at the "select a part" step of a new Vivado project. Or at least that is what I have historically done when I didn't have some many types of FPGA/SoC hardware installed with my multitude of Vivado installs. I'm not sure what you have tried. As for the Zybo Z7-10 1.1 board file being out of date, I'm not sure why this error is showing up as the Xilinx Board Store only has the board files that Digilent provided to them from our own repository sometime last year, so to the best of my knowledge they are identical in content. My best guess is that AMD is pushing people to use the Xilinx Board Store instead of locally copying and installing the files. I am not certain at the moment for the IP Packager warnings about your interfaces not existing; I would have to do some more research. Thanks, JColvin
  21. JColvin

    USB104 A7 Standalone ?

    Hi @petarv, Yes, but you would have to create and load a configuration into the device's flash memory (for either an all HDL design or with a bootloader if you implemented a processor into the hardware design) and have the pin1 of Switch 1 (SW1) be set to the QSPI side. What you can then do with the board while in standalone mode entirely depends on what you configured the FPGA to do, though you would only be able to reconfigure the device to do something different after reconnecting it to a host PC. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, JColvin
  22. Hi @JMarshall97, My understanding is that you would not need any other hardware (like an antenna) to get the maximum 100 mW power transmit rating from this chip (Table 5-4 from here: https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-wroom-32_datasheet_en.pdf, which I think applies to the Bluetooth Classic since the datasheet doesn't specify non Bluetooth LE ratings otherwise). What I don't know is which particular AT firmware release version is loaded onto Digilent's Pmod ESP32 modules, though based on the Bluetooth API reference, https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/index.html, I think the default configuration enables a dual-mode Bluetooth to support both Classic and Bluetooth Low Energy...actually I don't think it does support Classic Bluetooth commands out of the box as per here: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-at/en/latest/esp32/AT_Command_Set/BT_AT_Commands.html. The Espressif documentation indicates you would have to compile your own firmware and load it onto the module which might be more effort than you are looking for, depending on your situation. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, JColvin
  23. Hi @jlaudolff, I imagine you already checked this but I my gut reaction would be to double check that the Xilinx software didn't lose access / association with the cable drivers that it uses (https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/guides/install-cable-drivers). I'm not a Linux user by trade, but it doesn't look like Fedora 36 is subject to this particular upstream Linux bug reported here, https://forum.digilent.com/topic/25708-a-linux-6213-bug-breaks-digilent-programmer-driver/. Let me know what you find out. Thanks, JColvin
  24. Hi @frankZ, I'm presuming that the Kintex 7 in question has a 2x7 2mm JTAG header on it. If you can get Adept running on the particular OS that you have on your Beagle Bone and Adept supports/detects the Kintex and you already have the bitstream generated, then yes this is possible in conjunction with the HS3. Otherwise you can probably use something like OpenOCD or xc3sprog to configure the FPGA from the Beagle Bone (I haven't checked compatibility). If you don't have the bitstream generated already though, you'll have to find some way of using Vivado as that is the only way I am aware of with regards to being able to actually generate bitstreams for Xilinx devices. Thanks, JColvin
  25. JColvin

    NetFpga SUME

    Hi @Leo_W, I was provided the .bit file for the SUME production test (we could not readily find the .bin), which I have attached to this post. Thanks, JColvin production_test.bit
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