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About attila

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  1. Hi @hemalarora See the following example: AnalogIn_Devices.py I tested it with 2 AD3s but it should also work with ADP3X50, just the trigger delay compensation (- 10/hzRate) may need to be adjusted. It can done also with manual trigger, but using the default none trigger the capture starts immediately on software call.
  2. Hi @attila, I wanted to reach out for some help with the waveforms SDK. Any help would be much much appreciated! I have two ADP3450s and all 8 analog input channels on them are being used to record signal measurements. I want the two ADP3450s to trigger and start recording simultaneously with manual input from my laptop. My problem is I'm unable to decipher the meanings of the different functions like FDwfDeviceTriggerSet, FDwfAnalogInTriggerSourceSet etc. How do I implement this in python? What I want to do is use one of the ADP3450s to receive the trigsrcPC signal and then use one of its trigger pins (connected to the second device) to send that trigger signal to the other ADP3450 such that both can start recording simultaneously. I'm unsure of how to set up the trigsrcPC correctly on the first device, how to set up the trigger pin as an output for sending the signal to the second device, how to correctly configure the signal to be sent between the devices, and then how to correctly receive that transmitted signal as the trigger on the second device. Thank you so much in advance!
  3. Hi @diodo93 As the name should suggest the "DigitalDiscovery_RecordToFile.py" is an example for the Digital Discovery and not Analog Discovery. See the DigitalIn_Acquisition.py DigitalIn_Trigger.py ... examples
  4. Hi @Alexa Are the jumpers behind the Scope BNC connectors in DC position? For such measurements you should also set the jumpers behind the AWG BNCs to 0R
  5. Hi @eradarhughes Use the second device configuration for 2x 32768 oscilloscope sample device buffer. If one channel is enabled will let you capture up to 65536 samples. For more samples at lower rate (<=10MS/s) use streaming mode, see AnalogIn_Record.py .... AnalogOutIn_PlayRecord.py examples
  6. /Library/Frameworks/dwf.framework/dwf
  7. Hi @eradarhughes The under/over cutoff voltages for both USB and AUX supply are 4.5/5.5V
  8. Hi @eradarhughes It could be a powering issue, the USB supply voltage drops and the device gets reset. Try using powered hub or 5VDC auxiliary power for the AD3. By the way, you can set a parameter to continue running on close, so the device will continue to generate the output after device close and app exit. ... dwf.FDwfParamSet(DwfParamOnClose, 0) # 0 = rundwf.FDwfDeviceOpen dwf.FDwfDeviceOpen... ... dwf.FDwfDigitalOutConfigure... dwf.FDwfDeviceCloseAll() exit
  9. Hi @AdamN The FDwfDigitalI2CRead/Write expects address in 8bit format, like it is in the examples: # 8bit address dwf.FDwfDigitalI2cWrite(hdwf, c_int(0x1D<<1), rgTX, c_int(16), byref(iNak)) # write 16 bytes
  10. Hi @fleanme Yes, it is possible. The device implements logic analyzer and pattern generator. The protocols (UART,SPI,I2C...) use generator device resource to send and analyzer to receive data, so one protocol/setup can be used at a time. The SPI signals can be assigned to any DIO. When switching between the used IOs make sure not to cause glitch on the output with: pull-up from device or external, or configure the DIO properly using digital/static-io functions. The Digital Discovery beside 16 DIOs also has 24 DIN lines which can be used only for logic analyzer, high speed capture, deep memory and DIO voltage adjustment. If you need analog signals you may also consider the Analog Discovery 3 which has 16 DIOs, 2 oscilloscope, 2 AWG, +/- supplies, but less memory and fixed 3.3V DIOs
  11. Hi @constantina https://www.google.com/search?q=inductor+resonant+frequency A coil is not an ideal inductor. It can be modeled with series resistance and parallel capacitance, or with additional components if you want to be more precise. As the frequency increases, the impedance of the inductor increases and the impedance of the capacitor decreases. The crossing point is the self resonant frequency. The inductance should be measured at lower frequencies, before this point. Like here 1mH with 1k reference around 100kHz, between 20k and 200kHz. If you want to measure it at lower frequency use lower reference resistor value.
  12. Hi @br3 You can use file io, serial port, named pipe, tcp to interface Script with other applications, devices... execute/call external apps. The application has arguments to load and run scripts, or use the eval function to execute script in script.
  13. Hi @Jurek The commands are not 'replaced' just executed in sequence. For easier testing of sequence of commands you can use the Custom tab. Are you taking the DAC out of reset ?
  14. Hi @br3 Try updating the software, 3.20 is quite old. JTAG interpreter is only available in the WaveForms app. It could be implemented with custom application like the SPI is in DigitalIn_Spi_Spy.py
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