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    attila reacted to sam5991 in Waveforms 'Bus Error' Raspberry Pi 4   
    Thanks @attila! I’ll give it a go today :)
  2. Like
    attila got a reaction from Walter76 in AD2 Network Analyzer calibration?   
    Hi @Walter76
    It looks like some AC coupling going on 2+ Since 2- is fine we can rule out wiring problem.
    It may be a cold soldered resistor on the 2+ input:
    How does 2+ behave at high range, having Scope Channel 2 Range above 500mV/div or in Network Analyzer Amplitude above 2.5V ?
  3. Like
    attila reacted to mowoodsiii in Query Wavegen Status   
    I see! 🙌 Thank you very much, @attila! That works beautifully, AND I learned about the tooltips! Neat!
    Thanks again
  4. Like
    attila got a reaction from Arno in Analog Discovery troubleshooting   
    Hi @Arno
    For warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent @ ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.
  5. Like
    attila reacted to yusuke_Adv in DigitalIn Acquisition with external clock source (ADP3450)   
    Hi @attila

    I was able to figure things out because you helped me.
    I appreciate your support.
  6. Like
    attila got a reaction from Anthocyanina in Can't download for Mac or Windows   
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    attila reacted to Mathias G. in Set a trigger in record mode with python   
    Hi @attila
    I don't know that we need to set the frequency, I understand the problem ! Thank you !!
  8. Like
    attila got a reaction from nurber3 in AD3 probe compensation for newbie ?   
    Hi @nurber3

  9. Like
    attila got a reaction from Xavier Jiang in Analog Discovery 3   
    Hi @Xavier Jiang
    You probably used Record mode to capture multiple samples, which uses data streaming and has limited rate, ~3MHz for AD2 and ~10MSps for AD3.
  10. Like
    attila reacted to DigilentFan in AD2 and Waveforms: Best way to decode analog input signals   
    Thank's a lot for the quick response!
  11. Like
    attila reacted to danaur in Scope.Measurements aqcuisition number and auto complete   
    Ah, yes, thanks - without "_" in the variable name the auto complete is recognized. The "Acq" value from the Measurements table  is called "count".
  12. Like
    attila reacted to ionica in Analog Discovery 3 - lock-in SDK manual   
    Thank you!
  13. Like
    attila got a reaction from ionica in Analog Discovery 3 - lock-in SDK manual   
    Hi @ionica
    The Lock-in is only available in the WaveForms application Scope interface, it is a software feature.
  14. Like
    attila got a reaction from jabitti in Curve Tracer H-Parameters   
    Hi @jabitti
    For hFE select Measure: Ic/Ib

  15. Like
    attila reacted to jabitti in Curve Tracer H-Parameters   
    That worked fabulously. I'm getting the expected results, and I understand how the software works better. Thanks @attila!

  16. Like
    attila got a reaction from yusuke_Adv in DigitalIn Acquisition with external clock source (ADP3450)   
    Hi @yusuke_Adv
    Yes, dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, 0, 0, c_double(1.2))
  17. Like
    attila got a reaction from Musicsteve in Cannot get download link for Waveform software...   
    Hi @Musicsteve
    The dropdown options should show up on click.
    What OS browser are you using?
    The download links are also available here:
    or the latest beta version here:

  18. Like
    attila reacted to yusuke_Adv in DigitalIn Acquisition with external clock source (ADP3450)   
    Yes. I am using the Sync mode in Logic Analyzer. Your advice is very helpful.
    After reading the sample scripts you mentioned(DigitalIn_Sync.py), most of my questions have been answered.
    I will give it a try.
  19. Like
    attila reacted to JimR2 in Select + Dual Feature Appears to Have A Bug   
    Thanks for the information. I just downloaded the latest Beta you recommended, and that fixed the ADP3450 Dual DPS3340 issue I was seeing. Thanks!
    Regards, JimR2
  20. Like
    attila reacted to JerryM in Connect ADP3450 via Ethernet on Linux CentOS7   
    Hi @attila,
    Thanks for the reply. Updating to a newer OS would be my last resort, but if you think nothing can be done on CentOS7, I'll try to upgrade.
  21. Like
    attila got a reaction from cdupuis in Operation of a ADP3450 and DPS3340 - Communication error   
    Hi @cdupuis
    Fixed in the latest version:
    Thank you for the observation.
  22. Like
    attila got a reaction from nurber3 in Crimping my own MTE connector ?   
    Hi @nurber3
    The flywires are UL1007 24AWG OD1.45
  23. Like
    attila reacted to soerenbnoergaard in Waveforms Logic: Narrow pulses disappear when zooming out   
    Hi @attila
    That is excellent!
    After clicking "Check for Updated", I downloaded Waveforms 3.20.1, and indeed the problem has been fixed.
    The traces now looks like this when zoomed out:

    Thank you so much for the quick response!
  24. Like
    attila reacted to corestar in ADP 5250   
    Thanks for the suggestion, but I had already uninstalled it on the Windows 7 machine. Looking for a Windows 10 machine to try. 
    They do not list any system requirements, but I notice an earlier version of release notes say Windows 7 no longer supported.
  25. Like
    attila reacted to nurber3 in Analog Discovery 3 information   
    Thanks for answering, portability with USB power a must for me and I believe ADPx000 are all powered with external power supply.
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