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  1. DAQman's post in TC-32 Alarm Output's was marked as the answer   
    Programmatically, you can connect to the TC-32 using either USB or Ethernet. Channels can be individually set to a TC type. You can enable open TC detection and TC filtering, either 50 or 60 Hz. You have complete control over the 8-bit digital input port and the two 32-bit output ports. Reading the TC channels can be done one at a time or by group. The only exception to your list is field calibration. That can only be done using a Windows computer and the InstaCal utility. 
  2. DAQman's post in 24 analog channels on a Raspberry Pi was marked as the answer   
    I'm sorry, but I don't have throughput numbers on how much data a Raspberry PI 4B+ can handle. MCC doesn't test multiple device combinations. It is up to you to try; because of this, we have a 30-day return policy. I would try using two USB-2627, each with six channels running at 100k S/s (600k S/s aggregate).  An external clock output can be used for synchronization, and it supports the BURSTMODE scan option that instructs the board to sample the channels 1uS apart.
  3. DAQman's post in USB1208LS Simple Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Not Working (No Echo Response) was marked as the answer   
    It's impossible to set a bit high and back low in 10uS using the USB-1208LS. 
  4. DAQman's post in Is the usb-2408-2ao able to be calibrated? was marked as the answer   
    Using our DAQami program, an outside calibration company can verify the hardware performance but cannot make adjustments. If they determine the device is out of calibration, it must be returned to MCC for factory calibration. A factory calibration takes four weeks and requires payment upfront. However, it does not conform to existing standards like ISO17025 or z540. Please let me know if you want to send it for factory calibration.
  5. DAQman's post in Using MCC128 to collect SE and differential signals was marked as the answer   
    The MCC 128 does not have per-channel input mode configurations. You either use all differential or all single-ended inputs. The same is true when setting the voltage range. The range setting applies to all the channels. 
    Best regards,
  6. DAQman's post in Need repair on USB-2416-4AO was marked as the answer   
    Please provide the USB-2416-4AO serial numbers. Could you look for a 7-digit hex number on the bottom of the device? 
    Best regards,
  7. DAQman's post in DAQami Math operation between 2 channels was marked as the answer   
    The DAQami software does not have a math channel feature. Instead, you could switch to the DASYLab Lite software ($499.99 US). It makes available an arithmetic module that features a two-channel mode for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponential channel1 ^ channel2. Of course, you could do it using MatLab, C++, and VB, but that is way more work. 
    Best regards,
  8. DAQman's post in USB-2416 Digital I/O not available in InstaCal was marked as the answer   
    Your USB-2416 analog input channel must be configured with the InstaCal utility, not the digital IO. To set the digital IO direction with LabVIEW, place a ULx Create Channel VI on the block diagram and change the bottom selector from Analog Input to Digital Input or Output. Do this before connecting any wires. The ULx LabVIEW digital IO examples are in \National Instruments\LabVIEW 2022\Examples\ULx\Digital. To test the outputs, open the library called Generate Values.llb and run ULx Write Dig Chan.vi. To test the inputs, open the library called Read Values.llb and run ULx Read Dig Chan.vi.
  9. DAQman's post in Ulx LabVIEW create channel does not have differential selection was marked as the answer   
    The Channel input mode is set with InstaCal, not from within LabVIEW. It reads the InstaCal configuration when it first starts. If you update InstaCal while LabVIEW is running, the new settings won't register until LabVIEW is restarted.
  10. DAQman's post in Quad08 Quaderature Mode Question was marked as the answer   
    Only channel 0 is set to quadrature encoder mode. 
    Depending on how the encoder is mounted, the count will either increase or decrease when turned clockwise. Therefore, you can determine if the direction changed by monitoring the count direction. For example, if the counter value stopped increasing and is now decreasing, the encoder changed direction.
  11. DAQman's post in DIO-24 DAQ Device LED Always Off was marked as the answer   
    The USB-DIO24 uses the Windows HID driver. The HID driver automatically turns the device off - a Microsoft power-saving feature. As a workaround, we created a utility called HIDRegUpdater.exe. It modifies a registry value that tells Windows not to turn the device off.  It's in C:\Program Files (x86)\Measurement Computing\DAQ\. I'm hoping the problem is that HIDRegUpdater did run for this one device. Could you unplug the other three, only plug in the device in question, and run HIDRegUpdater? 
  12. DAQman's post in Scan Rate Error was marked as the answer   
    The 16-bit port on the USB-1208HS-4AO does not have the high-speed scanning circuitry found on the analog input and output channels. Because of this, it is slow, usually less than 100 Hz, depending on the number of output lines. The module that proceeds the digital output will dictate the output speed. You should use the DASYLab time base for the analog input. Press the Measurement button on its setup dialog to change the time base. 
    The analog output can be fussy. Depending on the update rate, it will want block sizes that can be pretty large. The output's time base, rate, and block size must match the analog input. Try the following: Set the analog input time base to USB-1208HS-4AO Device1 - Input HW. Set the rate to 1000 Hz with a block size of 5000. Set the analog output time base to USB-1208HS-4AO Device1 - Output HW. Set the rate to 1000 Hz with a block size of 5000. You will see a lag between the input and the output; it won't be simultaneous.
    Because there is one analog input time base, if you configure it for analog output, your digital output will generate an error. A way around this issue is to write the analog input value to a global variable. Then use a global variable read module to send the value to the digital output. This separation will allow the analog input to run faster while maintaining the slow speed required by the digital output. 
    If this is your first day with DASYLab, you unknowingly stepped into one of the more difficult DASYLab topics: time bases. 
    Best regards,
  13. DAQman's post in DASylab. Get time difference in milliseconds. was marked as the answer   
    Assuming you have a device like the USB-1608G, the digital input is too slow to record the pulses. But you could use two analog inputs to digitize the two pulses at a high sample rate. Connect the analog input signals to a Combi trigger module set to trigger using two signals. Set both the start and stop conditions to the rising edge. One signal will make the Combi output go high and the other will set it back low, producing a pulse. Then use the Pulse Analysis module to measure the pulse width. The whole thing will be clocked using the device time base, which can be set relatively high. 

  14. DAQman's post in Count skipping when using 2 programs to read from PCI-QUAD04 encoder was marked as the answer   
    MCC's Universal Library does not support two programs controlling a single device. You can have two programs running on the same computer, but they must use separate devices. You can also control two or more devices from a single program.
  15. DAQman's post in How can I upgrade the QuickDAQ software's license from FFT Analysis option to Advanced FFT Analysis option? was marked as the answer   
    Please get in touch with our Data Translation distributor for India: https://www.mccdaq.com/templates/distributor.aspx?cid=18. I'm pretty sure they handle sales for Bangladesh.
    Best regards,
  16. DAQman's post in OMB-DAQ-2408 Best way to communicate with I2C ? was marked as the answer   
    The OMB-DAQ-2408 is not compatible with I2C or SPI. The eight digital lines are general purpose and have an update speed of around 100 Hz, depending on the software program. 
    Best regards,
  17. DAQman's post in USB-1608GX VB Analog Input Integration was marked as the answer   
    Your source of information is the Universal Library Help: https://www.mccdaq.com/pdfs/manuals/Mcculw_WebHelp/ULStart.htm. You can look up the functions to see what they do. To get to the USB-1608G page, use the Search feature and look up "USB-1608G". 
    To get started, review the following program. https://kb.mccdaq.com/KnowledgebaseArticle50847.aspx This program reads the first four channels continuously. To stop it, press any key. 
    I've attached its Visual Studio project to this post. The project uses a the mccdaq.dll. It was added to the project as Reference Extension. If you create a new project, right mouse click the project shown in the Solution Explorer and select Add->References, select Extensions and add MccDaq. 
    Best regards,
  18. DAQman's post in USB-1608G -10V on all channels was marked as the answer   
    What you described is a normal operation. The USB-1608G is designed to work with low-impedance (<100 ohms) sources. Open or unconnected channels are high impedance. This causes the inputs to charge to some unknown voltage (-10v sounds right). Connect the other 15 channels to AGND to simulate a low-impedance source. If you do this, you will not see an image of the 16th channel on them.
    Best regards,
  19. DAQman's post in Labview ULx USB 1608 Digital outputs state was marked as the answer   
    The USB-1608FS-PLUS does not have the correct circuitry to read back the state of the digital outputs. 
    Best regards,
  20. DAQman's post in Order equipment with accredited calibration was marked as the answer   
    Hello Robin,
    When you place the order, please specify that a calibration certificate should be included. This is the calibration our factory does to meet our published specifications. After, if you'd like it to be recalibrated, please contact us, and we'll arrange for it to be recalibrated. 
    The third-party accredited calibrate houses can only perform a verification, not an adjustment. Often, this is sufficient because they find it to be within specification and issue a new certificate.
    Best regards,
  21. DAQman's post in What value to use for MccService.DeclareRevision was marked as the answer   
    The original intent for DeclareRevision was so that we could make changes or fix bugs and not have to worry that we broke your program. However, we stopped managing it quite some time ago because no matter what you set it to, it returns 5.5, and GetRevision returns 5. One indication that this is true is the GetRevision function. It has a parameter for a VXD library, which was old Visual Basic 6 technology. I think you should use MccService.DeclareRevision(out revNum) where revNum = 6.73. It may not do anything, but later when someone reads your code, they'll know you had InstaCal 6.73. 
    Best regards,
  22. DAQman's post in Data translation DT9837 Tachometer set up in Dasylab was marked as the answer   
    Enable channels 0 through 4 on an Analog Input module. Channel 4 is the tach and it outputs a count of the 12MHz clock that occurs between the edges of your tach signal so, expect large numbers. You can get RPM by dividing 12,000,000/ count and multiplying by 60.
    Best regards,
  23. DAQman's post in WebDAQ 504 digital input wiring was marked as the answer   
    The WebDAQ digital input is internally pulled up to +5v via a 100k ohm resistor. Assuming the relays is the dry contact type, it can only pull the digital input down to ground (GND) when it closes. When open, the input will return to +5v.  I'm sorry, but it doesn't provide a means to change the internal pull up to pull down and because of this, I don't see a way of reading a logic low with the relay contacts open. However, if you're looking to trigger the WebDAQ 504 when the relay is open, use rising edge as the type. This will force it to wait for the input to transition from low to high or from closed to open.
    Best regards,
  24. DAQman's post in CAD file or 2d drawing of the WebDAQ 504 was marked as the answer   
    see attached zip file...
    Best regards,
  25. DAQman's post in Help with Digital Pins? was marked as the answer   
    use the following to set the bit direction:
    ul.d_config_bit(board_num, DigitalPortType.AuxPort, bitnum, DigitalIODirection.In)
    AuxPort is used with devices that have individual bit direction control, such as the USB-1608G (same for Omega OM-USB-1608G)
    more info can be found in https://www.mccdaq.com/pdfs/manuals/Mcculw_WebHelp/ULStart.htm

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