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DAQami Math operation between 2 channels



I am using a USB-231 with 2 single ended input channels 0-5V (one from a AC volts transducer and the other from an AC current CT).

I am trying to find out if there is a MATH function within DAQami that would create a 3rd waveform would multiply 2 channels results and create a 3rd wave form ( power in this case VA = AC_Volts x AC_current). 

Is that possible or is that a post processing only through Mathlab, C++, VB, etc?


Edited by CRB
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The DAQami software does not have a math channel feature. Instead, you could switch to the DASYLab Lite software ($499.99 US). It makes available an arithmetic module that features a two-channel mode for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponential channel1 ^ channel2. Of course, you could do it using MatLab, C++, and VB, but that is way more work. 


Best regards,


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