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  1. look at the following code in the read_data function. new_time = time() elapsed_time = new_time - start_time if(elapsed_time > 5): break
  2. If the E-TC is on a DHCP network, in InstaCal, press the plus icon (add board). Select the ENET tab and wait a few seconds for it to appear; then, you can add it to the board list. If you inadvertently set it to a bad IP address, reset it by holding down the reset button for 3-4 seconds until the LEDs blink.
  3. The USB-1808 and USB-1808X devices have an ADC for each channel for eight, so ADC settling time doesn't apply. Cross-talk is -95 dB, 100 times better than the PCI-2513.
  4. I have attached a new Python script. It is our continuous_scan.py example modified to save the data to a binary file, which is faster than a CSV or TXT file. It uses time() to determine if four seconds have elapsed and, if so, stop. Please review our multi_hat_sychronuous_scan.py example, especially the comments about connecting the external clock pins and applying an external trigger. You can adapt part of my testCont_to_file.py example to write two binary files, one for each board. Once you have it working with two files, you can combine them into one file. testCont_to_file.py
  5. I have attached a Python script to capture a few seconds of data and plot the first 100 values. Attached to CH0 is a 10k Hz sine wave; CH1 is connected to the ground. The sample rate is set to 50,000. The plot displays A/D counts where 65535 is +10 volts and 0 counts is -10 volts. Because the MCC 128 is a multiplexed board, source impedance must be kept below 100 ohms to avoid channel cross-talk. testCont.py
  6. The Encore software is archived here. However, support for it and the 6000 series product line is not readily available.
  7. The y/t chart for Raw g's is minimized at the bottom of the worksheet. Along the top toolbar is an icon that looks like a window with an arrow pointing diagonally up; press it to show all windows. Below is another worksheet that records g's only. GForce.DSB
  8. Could you make me a simple test program that demonstrates the issue? I'll run it on my RPi 5 to see what happens.
  9. If the MCC 128 input is in differential mode and your signal generator has an isolated output, then the system is hunting for a ground reference. The typical solution is to switch to a single-ended mode so that it measures with reference to the system ground. Another solution is to attach a 47k - 100k ohm reference resistor from the differential low side to the system ground.
  10. Please have a look at the worksheet I've attached below. I purposely omitted the DT9837A Analog Input module because it was tied to my unit and would generate an error on your end. So, the first thing you'll need to do is add it. By default, it is set to be a straight voltage input. Select the Gain/IEPE/Coupling tab and enable AC Coupling and IEPE Supply to switch to an accelerometer input. The Analog Input module has many settings, but most do not apply to your device. If you wish to test with a sine wave generator, do not enable IEPE Supply. Your generator may not like the DC. After the DT9837A input, is a Scale module that multiplies by 10 (50 g sensor) and changes the units from V to g's. The next module is the Data Window, which is used to apply an essential windowing filter, followed by the FFT module. It is set for an Amplitude Spectrum and double integration for displacement. After that is another Scale module to convert g's to mils. The FFT filter follows this to remove unwanted parts of the spectrum. My input signal was a 100mV - 50 Hz sine wave, so I removed the DC and everything above 100 Hz. The remaining parts of the worksheet I'll leave to you to figure out and if questions arise, I'll try to answer them the best I can. Vibration_to_Displacement.DSB
  11. Please refer to the attached zip file... cu_mcc_128.zip
  12. There is no fuse in line with the +5v output. You most likely overloaded the output circuit, and it's now broken. You'll have to use a separate supply instead. Something like this should work: https://www.amazon.com/MTYTOT-Adapter-100V-240V-Converter-Security/dp/B0BV64MHY6/
  13. The MCC 128 inputs were not designed for microphones. To read a condenser microphone, you would need to add a pre-amplifier. Even with a pre-amp, the inputs would be compatible with a Python streaming library. You could investigate if Pyaudio will support USB adapters like this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NMXY2MO/
  14. Use the Statistical Values module to get a Maximum or Minimum. Select the Cumulative option so that it maintains the value from block to block. Use a Switch and Action to reset the Statistical Values module to the current value.
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