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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @qwertylex

    The Record capture in the application is limited to 200M samples/channel, 200sec @ 1MHz
    Allowing Math channels in "Record to File" could slow down the process causing device buffer overflow.
    With AD3, ADP3X50... you also have in device filter channels.




    To visualize imported high values, change the Channel's Attenuation to adjusts the selectable Range, like with 100X it lets to set 500V/div.


  2. Hi @Dan N

    Use Record Mode and Export.
    The in device filters are real-time, provides in-device routing from Scope to AWG signal or modulation, but are limited in taps/order compared to (software) Math channels.
    For ADP3X50 and EclypseZ7 normal capture mode can be used since these provide 128&256Mi sample device buffer.


  3. Hi @Oleg

    The 10ms should be sufficient for the acqmodeSingle to transfer the capture to the computer and rearm for the next capture.
    ADP3X50 lets you capture up to 128Mi samples on up to 4 channels at up to 125MHz. For this acqmodeSingle or Record can be used.
    The acqmodeRecord is intended to be used for larger captures than the device buffer using data streaming.
    ADP3X50 also provides device buffering (memory segmentation) with <1us latency between captures which can be enabled with FDwfAnalogInBuffersSet.




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