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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @engrpetero

    The Protocol tool uses the device Pattern Generator and Logic Analyzer resources. When the Protocol is used the Patterns and Logic show Busy state.
    When the "Debug with Logic Analyzer" option is enabled, the Logic Analyzer can be used to investigate the signals. In this case, the Protocol instrument will not receive data, it will only send data.
    You can have multiple instruments open and the last used takes control over the specific device resource.

  2. Hi @JonD

    The Zmod Scope, AWG, Digitizer have SMA connectors.
    EclyplseZ7 is primarily a development board but it can be also be used with WaveForms.

    I'll try to add display modes after I return from holidays, tomorrow.
    The custom probes probably later since this may require more time to implement (due to the overlapping code) and I'll have to focus on nextgen devices.

  3. Hi @joebobjoe

    The AD3 can capture at up to 125MHz on up to 2 (8) channels up to 64k (2x32k) sample device buffer. The record streaming is also sampled at 16bit/channel, can work at up to 10MHz on 1 channel, 5MHz 2 channels. The inputs are differential and DC coupled, with BNC adapter single ended and AC/DC switch.
    The ADP3x50 and EclypseZ7 have device buffer of 128/256Mi samples, allowing to capture up to 125MHz on up to 4 channels.

  4. Hi @JonD

    Do the Custom Probes need anything else than unit, attenuation and offset shift adjustment?
    Under Option you can find "Channel Editor" where channels can be configured quickly. (I think I added this after your earlier question in this topic.)
    You could also save project or workspace for different setups (probes, views... ). This may be more useful than having custom probe option.

    Segments Display, are you looking for the View/Persistence ?
    Persistence is also available in XY and XYZ view, and Spectrum Analyzer.

    Peak Detect, Channel # / Sample Mode: Min/Max

    There are no plans yet for 4 Channel Affordable Scope, but newer WaveForms versions provide dual mode which lets you control 2 identical devices at the same time. See the Help tab/ Waveforms/Device manager and AD3/System frequency
    4 scope channels are available in ADP3450, EclypseZ7 with 2 Scope, Digitizer... Zmods

  5. Hi @nanderson

    1. Have you checked the used driver version, as shown in the other post ?



    I've seen 'broken' Windows where the driver files are not getting replaced.

    2. To clean up the system from 'bad' drivers see the following post:


    3. Verify the ftd2xx.dll version located in C:/Windows/System32

    As a secondary solution you could try to copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\Runtime\UsbDriver\amd64\ ftd2xx64.dll
    so WaveForms to use the correct dll version to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\WaveForms3\ as ftd2xx.dll 
    or for the entire system to: C:\Windows\System32\ as ftd2xx.dll

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