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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @miketranch

    Unfortunately your pictures are not available.
    GND pins are available on the BNC header.
    USB isolator can be used for safety and noise reduction from computer or ground loops. The cheaper ones provide only USB FS 12Mbps but even this is fine for average usage. Slowdown is noticeable with large captures or data streaming, or high capture rate is desired.

  2. Hi @David Wells

    3 hours ago, attila said:

    This is most likely a connection issue, the same error is reported on USB disconnect or device power toggle.
    Make sure the USB and power cables are fully plugged in, try using a different USB port on your computer, cable, different computer...

    Other application or computer performance should not cause transfer error.
    WaveForms application can be used even on low performance single board computers. On these, the slowdown is felt when capturing or streaming lots of samples and/or performing hungry post-processing or views.

  3. Hi @Ola

    In each loop iteration you want to transfer 32 times 24 bits with a clock rate of 6.25MHz. This can be done with a loop rate of at most 7.8kHz = 6.25MHz / 32 / (24+1?) ? because it depends on the specified delays.

    The 5th AD3 configuration allocates 32ki logic and pattern buffer. For each bit it needs 2 or 4 samples, 32768/2/25, so N can be up to about 650.

    When transferring more bits than the Logic Analyzer device buffer, the data need to be streamed over USB, with AD3 the max rate is about 10Msps.


  4. Hi @Ola

    The Write/CmdWrite only writes to D0, like:
    CmdWrite(8, 0x10, 0, 16, [0x0001]); // write 0x0001 to register 0x10
    and for Read0
    CmdRead0(8, 0x10, 0, 16, 1); // read one 16bit word from register 0x10

    The read/write functions activate CS during the transfer with hardware timing.
    You can also use the Start/Stop functions for software CS control but this will take more time (like +1 millisecond) and this is also reflected in CS edge to bit transfer timing.


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