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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @lucasj

    Could you test it with another computer ?

    If it is still not working, for warranty and replacement contact support.digilent@ni.com, specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.

    To prevent further problems, could you describe the test setup ? How was the device/circuit under test supplied ? Did it had the same ground connection as the AD2 and computer, ground wired from circuit to AD2 ? Independently supplied device can have different ground voltage levels, like due to faulty earth connection, or connecting external power supply rail to AD2 ground which is connected to computer over USB can damage the devices.

  2. Hi @Effedipi

    Yes, the Patter Generator and Logic Analyzer can work in parallel in the device, using common and/or DIO DIN lines.

    The Protocol uses the Pattern Generator for transmission/write (driving the DIO lines) and the Logic Analyzer device resources for reception. With the "Logic Analyzer" option the reception is disable, the Logic Analyzer can be used to interpret the transfer/reception and to verify signal timings.


  3. Hi @Hamza Oncuer

    It is possible with custom project, using EclypseZ7 as development board, but not with WaveForms.

    I don't think it should bother you that only half of the samples are actually used. WF provides min/max pairs but you can capture up to 256Mi samples or 'unlimited' at lower rate (<20Msps) using streaming/recording. The WF app limits the captures to 200M samples / channel.

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