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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @Anthocyanina 

    The properties can be coupled with a Script like this.
    If a disconnected is not called an application restart is required to get rid of the connection.


    function doFreq(){Wavegen.Channel2.Simple.Frequency.value = Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Frequency.value;}
    function doAmp(){Wavegen.Channel2.Simple.Amplitude.value = Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Amplitude.value;}


  2. Hi @BFisher

    The Protocol tool uses the Pattern Generator device resource to send, to drive the outputs, and Logic Analyzer device resource for reception, compressed data of significant bits for the respective protocol. These bits are further interpreted in the software.
    The errors could be caused by ringing or crosstalk between signals. Try enabling the 'Glitch filter' option, twist each signal wire separately with GND wire.

  3. Hi @HIKARU

    With any device the Scope capture can be exported (File/Export) and imported to AWG (Signal/Type/Import or Custom or Play). The Script tool can be used to automate such tasks. You can explore the WaveForms application features in demo mode.

    The AD3 (and newer devices ADP3X50, EclypseZ7...) provide in device routing from Scope channel (raw 100/125MHz, lower rate average samples or FIR filtered) to AWG output signal (or AM/FM/PM/sum) or power supply outputs. 



  4. Hi @Hamza Oncuer@zygot

    The 'single' capture mode stores the samples in the device buffer (DDR RAM of EclypseZ7 or ADP3X50 in Standard boot mode). Only after the capture is done is the data transferred to the host/computer. Yes, the capture is contiguous, up to 256Mi samples (in total) and 125MHz (for each cannel) on 1, 2 or 4 channels, or 8 channels at up to 62.5MHz. 3 channels multiplexing is not supported, so having 3 channels enabled it will actually capture on 4. 
    The scan modes are intended for slow signal monitoring, like ECG signals or measurements where you are only interested if the last N samples regardless of timing to previous chunk of samples.
    The 'record' is for stream capturing above device buffer size or unlimited. In this case the buffer is used as a FIFO. The maximum sample rate is limited by the USB or Ethernet. 


    The gigabit ethernet has potential for a bit higher transfer rate than USB. I obtained the following with direct connection, but using switch or router could reduce the rate or greatly increase the latency.


  5. Hi @BigBob

    - Import Workspace via drag from file
    This is already supported.

    - Import Analog csv data via drag from files (multiple selection) "Import Samples" configuration dialog will appear.
    Added for next version

    - Import Dialog: Possibility to import multiple files at once. "Import Samples" configuration dialog will appear.

    - Import Dialog: Would be great if the dialog remembers its last settings 
      (e.g. if decimal separator is "," you have to set this in "Format" for every single file)
    Need to think about these since some of the options are auto filled based on the file extension, content... The decimal separator is selected based on Local and system setting.

    - After Import of Analog data: When "Scope to Digital" is active, the Digital view schould update
    Solved for the next version and now working on a mode option to have the digital view without digital inputs, for better performance.

    - Load csv files (or other exported data files) by command line arguments
    Currently it lets you open workspace, script... I imagine the argument options to be used to automate tasks but I don't see such benefit from an import argument. The Script tool can also be used for such tasks. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    - Possibility to retrieve analog or digital live data by other program (Maybe by separate API the can run parallel or sending Windows-Messages ?)
    You can use files for this, like View/Logging or the Script tool to write files, export... and call external applications. I'm not aware of a better and generic solution that would work with different OSs.

    - Have a "Software-Trigger" on Math channels
    The Math channels are processed in the application so it is not possible to trigger on this.
    You could use the Script tool or View/Logging for automation or to stop the instrument at a condition, like:


    - Have 2 or 3 "Preset" Buttons that can store the Time-Settings (Base/Position) and the channel settings (Active/Offset/Range) of the actual analog view.
      Usefull when having a signal that has narrow spikes betwween long pauses. It would be easier to jump to some interesting views than with the Zoom funtion.

    You could have multiple View/Zooms or Scope instances open with different settings (File/New Scope/Clone and adjust) or add shortcuts like this:

    Thank you for your feedback.


  6. Hola @Esther

    Install Adept System: https://digilent.com/reference/software/adept/start

    You can use the Adept application to program the FPGA with the test configuration.



    Here you have the bit files for the PROM:



    You can find the project sources titled "Nexys2 Board verification Project" here:

  7. Hi @Analog

    The Tracer tool takes control over Scope and two Wavegen channels. When used with the Transistor Tester Adapter it also controls the Supplies and Static IO.
    The automation can be done using the Script tool. For export use like: Tracer.Export("~/Documents/trace"+index+".csv", "Trace")
    If you control the instruments separately you can export the Scope XY view like: Scope.Export("~/Documents/xy"+index+".csv", "XY1")

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