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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hello,

    When connecting the device probably it was looking for driver update. The device should work with the provided driver as well with the one found by update.
    Having the device plugged, in Windows Device Manager under USB controller, select USB Serial Controller and try Update Driver software.

    As the device configuration is programmed the consumption increases a bit and having insufficient power could cause error.
    Please try the following:
    - Try to use different USB cable and computer plug.
    - Use the USB plug on the back of the PC, not the one on the front panel.
    - Use short cable, do not use long cable or cable extender.
    - Use powered USB-hub, avoid un-powered hub.
    - Try USB 2.0 plug of your computer or try using USB 2.0 hub.

    What is the model of your computer/laptop and which Windows version are you using?

  2. I don't have too much MatLab experience either. I don't even have it installed at the moment.


    Looking at the documentation the function calling and data passing should look like this:


    % opened device id
    hdwf = phdwf.Value;
    % set parameter
    calllib('dwf', 'FDwfAnalogInFrequencySet', hdwf, double(20000000.0))
    % configure and start scope acquisition
    calllib('dwf', 'FDwfAnalogInConfigure', hdwf, 0, 1)
    % wait to finish
    pstate = libpointer('int8Ptr',0);
    while true
    	calllib('dwf', 'FDwfAnalogInStatus', hdwf, pstate)
    	if pstate.Value == 2 % Done; break; end
    pData = libpointer('doublePtr', zeros(1,8192));
    % get the acquired samples for first channel (0)
    calllib('dwf', 'FDwfAnalogInStatusData', hdwf, 0, pData, 8192)
  3. The MatLab DAQ toolbox support for Analog Discovery offers limited functionality, but the underlying WaveForms SDK functions can be accessed too.


    For manual and examples in Python and C++ see the SDK located in the default Windows installation path:

    - 32bit C:Program FilesDigilentWaveFormsSDK

    - 64bit C:Program Files (x86)DigilentWaveFormsSDK

    function DWFtest();
    % 32 bit system
    %hfile = 'C:Program FilesDigilentWaveFormsSDKincdwf.h';
    %64 bit system
    hfile = 'C:Program Files (x86)DigilentWaveFormsSDKincdwf.h';
    display(['Set variable hfile: ' hfile]);
    if ~libisloaded('dwf')
        loadlibrary('dwf', hfile);
    islibloaded = libisloaded('dwf');
    fprintf('Check if dwf library is loaded: islibloaded = %dn',islibloaded)
    % This is necessary to get the character strings
    pBuffer = libpointer('int8Ptr',zeros(32,1));
    display(['Version: ' char(pBuffer.Value')]);
    %Just opening and making sure the device is in a known state
    phdwf = libpointer('int32Ptr',0);
    display(['FDwfDeviceOpen returned: ' num2str(phdwf.Value)])
    % Close device and unload library
    if phdwf.Value > 0
  4. The CMOD S6 has a 128Mbit (16MByte) S25FL128S QSPI Flash.
    This can be programmed using Xilinx iMpact.
    1. Create BIT file using ISE
       - make sure the Generate Programming File/ Properties/ Startup Options/ FPGA Start-Up Clock is CCLK
       - otherwise iMpact will prompt and fix this CCLK option
       - optional: to speed up the boot process increase the "Configuration Rate" and "Set SPI Configuration Bus Width" to 4
    2. Create .MCS file
       - start iMpact, (press No then Cancel)
       - Create PROM File, SPI Flash, Configure Single FPGA, ->, 128M(bit), Add Storage Device, ->, browse desired "Output File Location", OK
       - Add Device - OK, locate the earlier ISE generated BIT file, No, OK, Generate File...
    3. Flash programming
       - start iMpact, (press No then Cancel)
       - Boundary Scan, Initialize Chain
       - Right click on SPI/BPI above the FPGA symbol, Add SPI/BPI Flash, locate the .mcs file, SPI PROM, S25FL128S, (optional: for faster programming set Data Width 4)
       - Right click FLASH, Program, OK
  5. In case your Electronics Explorer board is not detected by WaveForms application try to do the followings:
    1. Check if it is properly supplied with 12V and the Red Power LED is on?
        The USB controller is powered by this supply, connecting only the USB cable is not suffice.
    2. Check if the Yellow USB LED is on when the USB cable is connected?
        Otherwise, try to use another micro USB cable and computer plug.
    3. Remove the board supply, wait a minute then connect it back.
        Do this, to make sure that all the internal circuits are reset.
    4. Check the Windows Device Manager if any new device is listed after you supply the board or connect the USB?
        It should appear: Digilent USB Device or Unknown Device.
    5. In case you see Digilent USB Device but it is not detected by WaveForms:
        restart the computer, reinstall the application including the Adept Runtime section.
    6. In case you see Unknown Device, verify the Hardware IDs under Properties, Details tab.
        If this is USBVID_04B4&PID_8613... Use this application reprogram the USB EEPROM: DigilentFX2Repair.exe
  6. During device opening internal chips are enabled and configured. This results in consumption increases, specially when the 100 MHz clock (PLL) is started. The needed current increases from 100mA to 500mA. In case the USB can't provide enough current the voltage drops below the minimal required for the device to operate and communication fails.


    In case you get “Device configuration failed (PLL 1)" or "Communication with the device failed.” error message:

    The device needs at least 2W/400mA from USB cable. To satisfy this:

    - Try to use different USB cable and computer plug.

    - Use the USB plug on the back of the PC, not the one on the front panel.

    - Use short cable, do not use long cable or cable extender.

    - Use powered USB-hub, avoid un-powered hub.

    - Use USB-Y cable to load power from two plugs.


    Device not detected by WaveForms:

    Open Windows Device Manager then connect the device and wait up to one minute for a device to appear:

     - USB Serial Converter, with warning

    - Connect the device directly to the computer's USB plug without using external hub.

    - Restart the computer.

    - Reinstall WaveForms, including the Adept Runtime section.

     - USB Serial Converter, without warning

    - Restart the computer.

    - Reinstall WaveForms, including the Adept Runtime section.

    - Other application might have erased the USB controller EEPROM (FT_Prog, programming cable drivers...)

     Use the "My device is not listed" button in WaveForms application Device Manager to reprogram the EEPROM.

     - Unknown Device

        Check the Hardware IDs under device Properties, Details tab

    - USBVID_0403&PID_6014

      The USB driver is not installed.

    - Restart the computer.

    - Reinstall WaveForms, including the Adept Runtime section.

    - USBVID_0000&PID_0000

      Device not identified or malfunction. See "Nothing shows up".

     - Nothing shows up:

    - Connect the device directly to the computer's USB plug without using external hub.

    - Try to use different USB cable and computer plug.

       The device or its plug might be damaged.

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