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  1. DAQman's post in Requesting source code for daq-service was marked as the answer   
    This inquiry is being handled by a private message.
  2. DAQman's post in PCI-DAS6025 board problem was marked as the answer   
    The board needs to be return for repair. I will handle this via private messaging.
  3. DAQman's post in DAQami Crashes on Startup was marked as the answer   
    Assuming the device that DAQami talks to is in working order, it could be corrupt daqami.mcfg file. In your documents folder, there should be a Measurement Computing folder and in it a DAQami folder and a daqami.mcfg file. Rename or delete daqami.mcfg and the next time you run it, DAQami will create a new one. 
    Best regards,
  4. DAQman's post in DT9829-8 Current Sensor Connection was marked as the answer   
    Use the highest value possible and that is a +12 volt power supply (PS). Connect the (+) PS to (+) sensor. Connect the (-)sensor to DT9829 (+) input. Connect (-)DT9829 input to (-)PS.  This way the current flows from the (+)PS through the sensor and into the DT9829 input returning  back to the (-)PS completing the loop. 
    Best regards,
  5. DAQman's post in Power supply for P/N 410-292 was marked as the answer   
    uses the same 2.1 mm barrel diameter found on the Zybo. This one should work: https://digilent.com/shop/5v-2-5a-switching-power-supply/ 
  6. DAQman's post in Need to download InstaCal for commercial use and your website does not appear permit it was marked as the answer   
    Below is a paragraph you may have seen if you visited our download site, which is different than our download page. The paragraph is referring to documentation such as user manuals and data sheets. Does not apply to programs such as InstaCal.
    Use of Site. National Instruments ("NI") authorizes you to view and download the materials at this Web/FTP site ("Site") only for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original materials on any copies of the materials. You may not modify the materials at this Site in any way or reproduce or publicly display, perform, or distribute or otherwise use them for any public or commercial purpose. For purposes of these Terms, any use of these materials on any other Web site or networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited. The materials at this Site are copyrighted and any unauthorized use of any materials at this Site may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws. If you breach any of these Terms, your authorization to use this Site automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any downloaded or printed materials.
    Best regards,
  7. DAQman's post in Win XP software for usb-201, usb-1208LS, or miniLAB-1008 was marked as the answer   
    No Windows XP support. Supported Operating Systems are: Windows® 11/10/8/7/Vista®, 32-bit or 64-bit
    Best regards,
  8. DAQman's post in What is the turnaround time for calibration of the USB-2404-UI? was marked as the answer   
    Calibration turnaround is 4 weeks from the time it is received. The process starts with a price quote and paying for the service, at which time an RMA number and shipping information is given. I'm sorry, but there is no expedite service.
    Instead, you could check locally to see if there is a calibration house that could verify the performance and issue a new certificate. They won't be able to readjust it, but there's a chance it won't need to be. 
    Best regards,
  9. DAQman's post in Retrieving Individual VIs from Universal Library for LabVIEW was marked as the answer   
    If you were to go back to 2007, our CD had two versions of LabVIEW support. The UL for NI LabVIEW and the new ULx for NI LabVIEW. UL for NI LabVIEW works with 32-bit copies of LabVIEW only, and doesn't support 18-24-bit devices, but it does have the VI's you seek. The following CD is the last one to have UL for NI LabVIEW. https://mcc.download.ni.com/Archive/MCCDAQ_CD/Archive_6.32/mccdaq.exe
    Best regards,
  10. DAQman's post in Personal Daqview Plus Binary header file is missing was marked as the answer   
    Personal DaqView saves data to a file pair - .bin & .dsc. If the .dsc file is missing the data cannot be converted to another format.  The only possible solution is to backup the .bin file and run the acquisition again. When it has completed, switch out the new .bin with the one from the backup and run the converter.
    Best regards,
  11. DAQman's post in Succesor of DAQBOARD/2005 was marked as the answer   
    Reach out to RO Scientific, their contact information is below. They will handle pricing, payment and shipping arrangements. 
    Best regards,

    4 Decebal Alley, Bld. B6 / 10,
    700231 Iasi, Romania
    Phone: +40 728 055 285
    Fax: +40 332 410 869
  12. DAQman's post in Programing library for DaqBoard/3000USB Series was marked as the answer   
    Both use the same library, it is the 32-bit DaqCOM library from IOtech. We stopped recommending it because It is old, never tested on Windows 10 or 11, and the example programs are from 2003. 
    Best regards,
  13. DAQman's post in Can not detect board with Instacal software was marked as the answer   
    use the following to download InstaCal 6.73
  14. DAQman's post in mccdaq/mcculw can't find device (DT9837A) was marked as the answer   
    Hello Luzia,
    Knowing what devices are supported with Measurement Computing software is confusing at best. For instance, our Linux driver with its Python support can be used with the DT9837A but, on Windows we only have C, C# and VB.NET support. Here's a list of the mcculw device support.
    Best regards,
  15. DAQman's post in USB-1208LS with Load Cell (4 Wire) was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at your load cell calibration or specification datasheet. It should list an item called Sensitivity with units of mV/V (millivolts per volt of excitation) and from it you can determine the level of output voltage. Let me give you an example, a sensitivity rating of 3mV/V means that for every 1 volt of excitation, it outputs 3mV when fully loaded. It's quite common for load cells to output small signals. For a case such as this, the USB-1208LS is not the device for the job. My recommendation is  the USB-2408 or to get your hands on a load cell amplifier. The amplifier will supply the excitation and amplify the small signal so that it is large of enough to be acquired by a USB-1208LS.
    Best regards,
  16. DAQman's post in USB-1208LS Wire Encoder only working partially was marked as the answer   
    I don't think it's a bad sensor. Typically, 4-20mA current loops need at least 10 volts and more is better. Many use a 24 volts.
    A 240 ohm resistor results in a voltage range 0f 0.96 to 4.8 volts leaving little left for the sensor itself. I suspect it will work if you use a 12 volt power supply. Use the differential mode and the input across the resistor. The connection should be as follows: connect (+)12v to (+)input, (-)input to (-)12v. Connect the inputs, (+)input and (-)input, across the resistor. 
    Best regards,
  17. DAQman's post in Partial ulDOutScan with USBDIO32HS was marked as the answer   
    The ports use LCX245 octal transceiver chips in between the screw terminals and the FPGA. In mixed direction asynchronous control, I believe it flips the direction back and forth depending if the function is DBitOut or DBitIn. The DOutScan functionality doesn't have this capability. Removing the direction test from the DOutScan driver code is not recommended.
    best regards,
  18. DAQman's post in Need help with USB-5203 to read RTD was marked as the answer   
    To date, the USB-5203 is not fully integrated into DAQami to the point you can configure the channels. However, because it knows which device you have, it disregards its channel setup and instead uses InstaCal's. About all you can do is turn channels on/off and change the sample rate.  
    Best regards,
  19. DAQman's post in Problem with analog output on USB-231 DAQ was marked as the answer   
    The a_out_scan buffer channels must be interleaved. Attached is my python script that generates a 1000 Hz square wave on both channels. The channels output a +/-10 volt square wave. In D/A counts, the values are 0 for -10 volts and 65535 for +10 volts. 32767 is zero volts. Each volt is roughly equal 3276 counts. 
    best regards,
  20. DAQman's post in Can I connect my DAQ to DASYLab was marked as the answer   
    Hello Jake,
    Close DASYLab and uninstall the support you added with dasylabdaqcom2setup.exe.
    Next, run the DASYLab Configuration utility and select the Packages tab. There should be a green Data Acquisition link with a plus sign. Open this to view the driver support. Find and enable the IOtech driver support.  When you press OK to close the Configurator, the IOtech installation will run. If necessary, follow the default prompts to finish.
    We are almost finished. Find the DASYLab exe in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\DASYLab 2022\. Right-mouse click dasylab.exe and choose Properties. Select the Compatibility tab, find and select the check box that says something like Run this program as administrator. Close the Properties and Start DASYLab. Now, you should have a menu item under Measurement for Hardware Setup-->Driver.
    Do please note, the IOtech support was never updated to for Windows 10 or 11 or DASYLab 2022. There is a bug that would crash DASYLab if you tried to select over sampling. I mention this because over sampling is necessary for thermocouple measurements. If thermocouple measures are your goal, I suggest not using the IOtech device and instead switch to the MCC USB-TC or US-2408.
    Best regards,
  21. DAQman's post in How to deal with the large measuring noise when measuring conductors with USB-2408? was marked as the answer   
    I am able to duplicate your results with the Data Rate property at 100 Hz. Here in the USA, our power grid runs at 60 Hz. When I switched to 60 Hz it greatly improved the data. I believe China runs on 50 Hz so switch to 50 Hz for both channels. 
    Also, if you want to touch the thermocouples please use a grounding strap. This is because your hands have a great deal of voltage and too much will damage the input. A ground strap should keep it to a minimum.
    Best regards,
  22. DAQman's post in USB-205, digital sample rate was marked as the answer   
    Hey Martin,
    We ran some test here and the best we could achieve with a custom program was about 200 Hz. It just wasn't designed to deliver high speed digital data. We do have a few devices that can read the port faster (with a custom program), but even they won't hit 10,000 Hz. The best device to use to scan a digital port is the USB-DIO32HS. https://www.mccdaq.com/usb-data-acquisition/USB-DIO32HS-Series
    Adding a second USB-205 and a custom program is the way to go. With a custom program you could uses the Ext Clock pins on each device and run them synchronously. This way, each channel on both devices is sampled at the sample time. 
    Best regards,
  23. DAQman's post in 3D Model for DAQ was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Ariel
    Nothing for the USB-CTR04-OEM but it's the same size as our USB-1808-OEM and I do have a file for it - see attached zip file.
    Best regards,
  24. DAQman's post in MCC 172 Synchronous scan question was marked as the answer   
    Hey Lee,
    I've reached out to the design engineer regarding the use of external trigger and your original assumption is true. Although the two boards share the sample clock they need an external trigger to provide the initial synchronization. 
    You need a trigger signal to synchronize the sampling start between the two 172s, but it can be done without an external source or wiring.  Set both 172s up as trigger slaves, start a scan on both boards, then create a rising edge on the Pi GPIO pin that is used to share the trigger (GPIO 5).
    mcc172_a_in_clock_config_write using SOURCE_SLAVE
    mcc172_a_in_clock_config_write using SOURCE_MASTER
    mcc172_trigger_config using SOURCE_SLAVE
    mcc172_trigger_config using SOURCE_SLAVE
    Toggle GPIO5 to trigger both without adding any external wires.
    Best regards,
  25. DAQman's post in MiniLab-1008 uldaq: Error: No DAQ devices found was marked as the answer   
    I'm sorry but the MiniLab 1008 is not on the supported devices list for MCC's UL for Linux. It is however, on the list for the third party driver, available on https://github.com/wjasper/Linux_Drivers. The third party driver is out of the North Carolina State University and was the first widely available Linux support for MCC devices before we came up with our own. We do not offer technical support for it, but feel free to contact them about any issue. Their contact info is include on the Github page.
    Best regards,
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