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MiniLab-1008 uldaq: Error: No DAQ devices found



i have a MiniLab-1008 but i get the error: Error: No DAQ devices found

when i execute lsusb i get:

Bus 001 Device 006: ID 09db:0075 Measurement Computing Corp. MiniLab 1008

but when i execute this in python3.8

from uldaq import (get_daq_device_inventory, DaqDevice, InterfaceType, AiInputMode, Range, AInFlag)

i get->[]
so uldaq seems to be unable to find the device, but the computer finds the usb device

i am using ubuntu 20.04,
libuldaq-1.2.1 from https://github.com/mccdaq/uldaq/
uldaq 1.2.3 from https://pypi.org/project/uldaq/
the MiniLab-1008 should be supported https://www.mccdaq.com/PDFs/Manuals/Linux-hw.pdf

please help me



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I'm sorry but the MiniLab 1008 is not on the supported devices list for MCC's UL for Linux. It is however, on the list for the third party driver, available on https://github.com/wjasper/Linux_Drivers. The third party driver is out of the North Carolina State University and was the first widely available Linux support for MCC devices before we came up with our own. We do not offer technical support for it, but feel free to contact them about any issue. Their contact info is include on the Github page.

Best regards,



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