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Retrieving Individual VIs from Universal Library for LabVIEW



I'm working with a LabVIEW 2010 project which uses a number of VIs from the MCC Universal Library. Specifically, it uses FromEng.VI, FromEng(array).vi, AOutScBg.vi, and STOPBG.vi, which are listed in the help document at https://www.mccdaq.com/PDFs/manuals/sm-ul-labview.pdf. This project has been passed between a number of network locations, causing the previous mapping for VIs to be broken. In order to solve this, I downloaded a new copy of the MCC DAQ from the website (https://www.mccdaq.com/daq-software/universal-library.aspx). After going through the installation procedure, however, I can't seem to find these VIs to map my project to. Is there an .lbb file that these VIs are in, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Thank you,


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If you were to go back to 2007, our CD had two versions of LabVIEW support. The UL for NI LabVIEW and the new ULx for NI LabVIEW. UL for NI LabVIEW works with 32-bit copies of LabVIEW only, and doesn't support 18-24-bit devices, but it does have the VI's you seek. The following CD is the last one to have UL for NI LabVIEWhttps://mcc.download.ni.com/Archive/MCCDAQ_CD/Archive_6.32/mccdaq.exe

Best regards,

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