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About plswelcomeroh

  • Birthday 11/12/1977

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    South Korea

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  1. Hi Attila, Also I could find 641mv which is too much to use for the lab test for V+. or I have to wait until thermal drift itself. Thank you though.
  2. Hi Chalotte, if you are using AD3, can I ask what is the value of V+ idle (when turned off V+) with scope1+ channel input? V+ connected with 1+ (scope ch1), to measure V+ off idle level. This is because, I just bought AD3, but V+ idle is TOOOOOOOOOO much higher than V- idle. V+=272mV when V-=0mV (sometimes over than 400mV) Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi Attila, Thank you for supporting it and sorry about that I don't think so. Can you please let me know the device full name of power rail for V+/V-? And if so, what is the maximum expected level for V+ idle? (during the monitoring resolution is 8mV. 192/8=24steps) Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi team again, As I updated about Idle offset of V+, when I measured in close loop, i.e., connected V+ to scope ch1 directly, and connected V- to scope ch2 directly. V+ is 192mV, during V- is only 4mV. Any support for it? I bought it from Mouser Korea, Do I need to contact them? Could you please let me know how do I do / change AD3 if it is bad? Thanks.
  5. Hi team, Can you please check it? Recently I placed the order and checked V+ output noise of AD3. However, it is 120mV output offset during V- makes 19mV even though I calibrated newly. Is it the in range spec? I believe it is NOT normal. Too much high 120mV V+ for lab equipment. Thanks in advance, can you please update me?
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