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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @jakubdr

    On AD3 and ADP2230 the user supply voltage settings and AWG offset(s) are controlled by the same quad DAC, so the bandwidth of this is shared between these channels. Looking at the CS for ADP2230, the update rate is ~370kHz.
    Yes, EclypseZ7 with Zmod Scope, AWG, Digitizer, SDR are and will be supported since the Zmod testing/calibration uses WaveForms.

  2. Hi @Al B.

    Please attach or send me your workspace (without acquisition option for reduced size) so I can try to reproduce the problem. This could be a software issue, since message should be shown for communication errors, like disconnect, reset...

    If you don't really need the embedded Linux features of the device, I suggest to use the Standard boot mode since this provides better performance and more features, like deep buffering and memory segmentation.




  3. Hi @jakubdr

    The AD3 and ADP2230 adjustable supplies are almost identical, the later one having additional output protection circuitry.
    Now for ADP2230 I added filter option, to be able to disable slew rate limitation, and adjustment for this in the Supplies tool. Similar options we can add later also for AD3.
    The V+/- AWGs support standard, custom signals, play/streaming mode and in-device source from Scope raw, average or filtered data.

    The maximum frequency is limited by the load, voltage. Here 2.7R can discharge the caps at 250Hz (pic1) but not at 500Hz (pic2)
    From firmware the update rate is limited by the SPI DAC 200/400kHz update but the regulators ramp about 2ms (pic3)




  4. Hi @Al B.

    As every device, ADP3X50 was tested for temperature margins in heat chamber for prolong use.
    For this device the temperature is measured in the hottest IC. Newer software version has a 'Temp Limit' option with 85*C default setting, the spec for this IC. High ambient temperature, blocked air vents... could heat up the device.
    What temperature do you reaches when stacked ? 
    Do you get any error message from the application ?
    When the Reconnect option is enabled it tries to automatically reconnect and resume operation, hiding the message. You could try to disable this option and leave the Supplies tool in front with system monitor group open, so if an error occurs the last temperature reading remains visible.


  5. Hi @hsk

    Please try a different cable, eventually the latest software version, but I don't remember changing anything critical for AD3.

    If it is still not working, for warranty and replacement contact support.digilent@ni.com, specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.


  6. Hi @jakubdr

    Currently you could use custom waveform with multiple periods to generate higher frequencies.
    Like in the first pic 3 periods at 2Hz to obtain 6Hz. The 'firmware' has a slew control to prevent overshoots on V+/- which is visible in the second pic 7.5Hz (3x2.5Hz)
    (For this tests I used a 22R to discharge the output caps.)
    For the next software version I'll try to remove or speed up the slew limitation for V+/- AWG.
    What max frequency would you need ?



  7. Hi @BUtech

    It will be corrected in the next software version, hopefully tomorrow.
    Currently for real channels the math is performed with fast process, without taking in account the shift. You can add the shifted channel2 as reference channel or shift the reference. This way the shift will be taken in account in math channels, interpolating the data when needed.

    Edit: You can also use custom Math, where the shift is also taken in account.


  8. Hi @qwertylex

    You can use a custom Math in Scope where the RPM value is for the previous pulse.
    You can also use Logic Analyzer Custom interpreter to show the value of each pulse.



    var f = C1>1.5;
    if(prev==false && f==true){
        last = sum;
        sum = 0;
    prev = f;
    return Rate/last*3600;



    // rgData: input, raw digital data array
    // rgValue: output, decoded data array
    // rgFlag: output, decoded flag array
    var c = rgData.length;
    var prev = 1;
    var idx = 0;
    var sum = 0;
    for(var i = 0; i < c; i++){
        var f = rgData[i]&1;
        if(prev==0 && f==1){
            for(var j = idx; j < i; j++){
                rgValue[j] = hzRate/sum*3600;
                rgFlag[j] = 1;
            idx = i;
            sum = 0;
        prev = f;


  9. Hi @dvb

    I tried to make configuration 9 similar to the 2nd but with more AWG buffer but it does not fit.
    Later I will try to add cordic sine generator for 2nd config, which should help in AWG THD.

  10. Hi @hsk

    Are you using original USB C-C cable ? Try using a different port or better a different computer to make sure the problem is not with the laptop.
    Does the 5V DC supply output close to 5V ? Is the LED next to the USB lit up dimly when it is connected only to 5VDC (no USB) ? The device only accepts between 4.5V and 5.5V

    Edit: The monitoring data for this dialog will be corrected in the next software version.
    It should have displayed 41.9*C USB: 5.06V 472mA AUX: 3.454V ...
    The 5V DC supply you are using seems to output low voltage or it is off and the voltage is due to backpower from USB.

  11. Hi @SpencerStorey

    The newer software version adds hardware timer option for Logger, allowing higher capture rate to be used.
    You can also use Mode:Record in the Scope interface, where you can also trigger the capture, perform data processing... or the 'Rec. to File' option.
    For custom application example see the AnalogIn_Record.py and similar examples or the dwfcmd command line application, which is also found in the WK SDK folder.


  12. Hi @dvb

    The Network Analyzer uses average sampling mode for the ADC to eliminate/reduce higher frequency aliases. 
    The signal generated with deeper DAC buffer looks cleaner with decimated sampling, but with averaging I see minimal difference, 0.2dB


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