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    attila reacted to Raj62 in Can a create an arbitrary data stream using the Digilent 410-338 pattern generator?   
    thanks for the help.  If using the Analog Discovery 3 to generate my custom bit stream: 
    "User-defined arbitrary waveforms: defined within WaveForms software user interface or using standard tools (e.g. Excel)"
    -the WaveForms software is free and requires no license ?
    -I can load a csv (comma seperated values) file into WaveFroms to help create a custom bit stream ,  then use the Analog Discovery 3 to generate the waveform? 
  2. Like
    attila reacted to Stanko in I2C Issue with filtering Pins on Digital Discovery 2   
    hi @attila,

    Thank you, issue is resolved. I had to shift the 7bit address 1 bit to the left '0x28 <<1' for the write operation. Now it is working.

    A debugging feature, like a logger. which displayes the raw messages sent would be nice to have. Do you have something like this, which i could use for the future?
    Similar like we see this in the gui:

  3. Like
    attila reacted to cetapc in Analog Discovery 2 not being recognized   
    I uninstalled the USB Serial Converter and USB Serial Port drivers.  Then installed https://ftdichip.com/drivers/d2xx-drivers/ and it worked!  Thank you.
  4. Like
    attila reacted to dfullerton6 in Mac Disk Image for WaveForms "Damaged and Cannot Be Opened"   
    Never mind! It worked when I tried to do it via USB instead of AirDrop. Thanks! @attila
  5. Like
    attila reacted to Walid in Analog Discovery 3 software compatibility problem with Analog Discovery 2 software   
    Thanks again Attila, that worked perfectly. I had forgotten about the new functionality of power supplies being used as a slow AWG.
  6. Like
    attila reacted to pfm in Waveforms crash in 3.20.28 and 3.20.29 beta (Linux/macOS)   
    I have downloaded version 3.20.30 and the code now works as expected.  Thanks again for all you help.
  7. Like
    attila reacted to Walid in Analog Discovery 3 software compatibility problem with Analog Discovery 2 software   
    Thank you Attila, that was incredibly fast!
  8. Like
    attila got a reaction from Holger Senn in ADP5250 and VB8012 - question   
    Hi @MNSKev
    For the ADP5250 to be supported by LabVIEW/VirtualBench VIs the following DLL(s) needs to be replaced in Windows/System32 nilciuserapi.zip
    If you are using 64bit Windows and a 64bit app (like the File Explorer):
    - the nilciuserapi.dll from directory x64 should be copied to the Windows/System32 in order the 64bit apps to use it
    - the nilciuserapi.dll from directory x86 should be copied to the Windows/SysWOW64 in order the 32bit apps to use it
    For 32bit Windows the nilciuserapi.dll from directory x86 should be copied to the Windows/System32.
    These DLLs should be included in a newer version of VirtualBench installer (like v20) but I'm not sure if this will happen.
    I could include it in the WaveForms installer but it wouldn't be nice to overwrite files belonging to other kits.

  9. Like
    attila got a reaction from Holger Senn in Waveforms rename failed when Device Name is equal   
    Hi @Holger Senn
    The limitation is from the low level library, niVB_Status_ErrorCannotRenameDeviceBecauseNameInUse
    It does not allow devices to have the same name.
    This can be tricked by renaming one from another computer.
    If you connect multiple ADP5XXX or VirtualBench devices with the same name, only one will be listed/available !
    To rename with one computer: close WaveForms (and LabView, VirtualBench app...), delete the following file, connect one device and rename.
    C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Local\National Instruments\NI-VirtualBench\ ni-virtualbench-devices.db
  10. Like
    attila reacted to tedd_okano in Analog Discovery 3 (WaveForms app): Analog and Digital signal timing lag   
    Hi @attila
    Oh, thank you.
    I’ll try latest one.
  11. Like
    attila got a reaction from Anthocyanina in dual mode AD2+AD3 potential implementation   
    Hi @Anthocyanina
    I tried to add reference clock output support to AD2, to allow AD2+AD3, but unfortunately the AD2 FPGA is so full that additional logic for such a feature cannot fit.
  12. Like
    attila reacted to Kirsan in SPI protocol   
    OK, I understand and try to do this. Thanks for the help.😉
  13. Like
    attila reacted to sintech in Dual device mode   
    Thank you for the new 40-bit mode on DD, it is even better than possible dual-mode.
  14. Like
    attila got a reaction from Oznur Caliskan in Pydwf how to read a voltage while it is given at the same time   
    Hi @Oznur Caliskan
    The AWG/AnalogOut are DAC outputs without ADC readback.
    The AmplitudeGet as all Get functions return the currently set value.
    Newer device like AD3, ADP3X50... have in device filter channels and digital loopback for the AWG channels available as analog-in channels.

  15. Like
    attila got a reaction from baldengineer in DPS3340 does not respond to DiscoveryPS.Output.Output1.Enable.checked   
    Hi @baldengineer
    Use: Supplies.Output.Output1.Enable.value = 1;
  16. Like
    attila reacted to JimR2 in Waveforms Crashes when trying to use Custom Wavegen on Eclypse   
    Eclypse works well also, thanks again. I also like the separate pulldowns for wavegen and filter channels, those could get quite tall when stacked up!

  17. Like
    attila got a reaction from Carl Troili in Execution time for FDwfAnalogInStatus   
    Hi @Carl Troili
    See the included example, I get above 3000 captures / second.

  18. Like
    attila got a reaction from Carl Troili in Execution time for FDwfAnalogInStatus   
    Hi @Carl Troili
    It may be useful for you project the high resolution trigger time available with AD3, see the AnalogIn_Trigger.py example.

  19. Like
    attila reacted to Carl Troili in Execution time for FDwfAnalogInStatus   
    It works the same on my computer. I will add the signal generators and then repeat it.
    Regards Carl
  20. Like
    attila reacted to JimR2 in Waveforms Crashes when trying to use Custom Wavegen on Eclypse   
    Thanks Attila
  21. Like
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    attila reacted to JimR2 in Waveforms Crashes when trying to use Custom Wavegen on Eclypse   
    Thanks, will try that tonight.
    Regards, JimR2
  23. Like
    attila reacted to JimR2 in Eclypse Board Not Powering Up   
    Thanks guys, sorry haven't checked forum in a while. Looks like my defective Eclypse is out for delivery in Washington, will await replacement!
    Found a Waveforms bug, using the Eclypse this morning, will put in separate thread.
    Regards, JimR2
  24. Like
    attila reacted to alpanth in Waveform SDK setting AnalogIn Filter   
    Okay thank you!
  25. Like
    attila reacted to norandomtechie in SDK + examples for AD3   
    Ah, that did it.  Thank you!
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