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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Walid 1. It will be fixed in the next version by stretching the custom waveform by N (having repeated samples in the device buffer without affecting actual output) to make sure the number of samples is above buffer size / 2 2. FDwfAnalogOutRunSet(hdwf, -1, 1.0/DACFreq) FDwfAnalogOutWaitSet(hdwf, -1, 0.0) FDwfAnalogOutRepeatSet(hdwf, -1, 0)
  2. Hi @Walid To fix it use FDwfAnalogInTriggerSourceSet(hdwf, trigsrcAnalogOut2) or set run time to 1.0/frequency The reason why AnalogOut1 trigger is not working with AD3 is a bit complicated but if will be fixed in the next version. The trigger output of AnalogOut channels is toggled when half of the buffer output is reached, based on the most significant carrier addressing bit. When providing less than half of device buffer size (default 16k for AD3) custom samples the msb won't toggle so the output trigger event (rising edge) is only generated at start. The standard waveforms (sine, triangle) use the entire device buffer and for AD2 the custom waveforms is always stretched to the buffer size, so these generate trigger. Thank you for the observation.
  3. Hi @tedd_okano It is fixed in the latest version and this also brings 'Scope to Digital' option.
  4. Hi @Maciej Lasota Press F1, see the Help tab, or Help menu/ Browse Use the I2C in Protocol tool since the I2C is an open drain handshaking protocol.
  5. Hi @cetapc COM port should not show up with Analog Discovery. This is disabled in EEPROM config but it can be force enabled from software and an app/service keeping the COM busy prevents access to the device. 1. Make sure to uncheck "Load VCP" then reconnect the device. I don't know why would the "My device is not listed" crash. This tries to load the FTDI library dynamically and it is safeguarded all around... may be caused by a buggy library version. 2. Make sure the driver version is new. The latest is included in the WaveForms installer, available on Windows Update and here https://ftdichip.com/drivers/d2xx-drivers/ https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM v2.12.36.4 WHQL Certified.zip 3. If the Windows does not want to load the new driver for the device, disconnect it, remove the driver files like shown here and reinstall the new driver.
  6. Hi @Shalin The VIs provide simple usage and for advanced usage all the API functions can be called from LabVIEW, just like from Python... The newly added multi-miso option is only available in the WF application.
  7. Hi @Anthocyanina I tried to add reference clock output support to AD2, to allow AD2+AD3, but unfortunately the AD2 FPGA is so full that additional logic for such a feature cannot fit.
  8. Hi @MRMTZ I'm not familiar with this wrapper, but at Record capture end the data needs to be aligned. Instead of Record use the normal (Single/repeated) capture mode.
  9. Hi @nlbutts The AD3 USB is high-speed, 480MHz. In the Logic Analyzer the Record mode can be used with data compression which in the WF app is limited to 256Mi samples, 5.3s @ 50MHz. To prevent device buffer overflow the average signal toggle rate should be below ~5MHz. The gaps between individual capture in Repeated mode can be a few milliseconds, depending on the processing performed, added interpreters, opened views... If you are only interested in the event (trigger) rate and count you can use the Counter view which measures the trigger timing/rate in the device: The ADP3X50 has much deeper DDR-RAM buffer and supports device buffering (memory segmentation) in Scope and Logic Analyzer which can perform sequence of captures at low latency (<1us) up to 32768, depending on the enabled channels and specified samples to collect for each capture, 64M-128M / Samples / channels
  10. Hi @Kirsan It can be done with the current features and I don't really want to add more option to complicate interface.
  11. Hi @Anthocyanina It would not be impossible to implement dual device support in the WF app for AD2+AD3 but it would rise some complications since the devices have different buffer allocation for different configurations and new features.
  12. Hi @Kirsan You probably need something like this to Read and to Write:
  13. Hi @Kou It can be controlled by 'Digilent WF VIs' which are very similar to VB VIs
  14. Hi @charlesw The dwf.dll is installed in system folder so it should be able to locate it by "dwf.dll", or "C:\Window\System32\dwf.dll"
  15. Hi @rtorsvik The device AWG output controlled in voltage and the "Constant Current" in Impedance Analyzer is solved by software adjusting the output according the measurements, similar to the "Custom" mode examples: With AD3, ADP3X50 and newer devices the AWG's digital output can be captured but for the precision needed in the IA the actual AWG output or DUT input is captured with Scope channel 1. The IA interfaces and API simplifies the usage by hiding the AWG control and raw Scope data, but custom NA/IA measurement can be implemented with script or custom app using the raw AWG control and Scope data.
  16. Hi @otherguy This is a measurement on a ~2m open-ended ethernet cable pair compared with a 100pF cap and the second with short at the end. I'm not familiar with twisted wire measurements. Are these sufficient for you ?
  17. Hi @asdfex When capturing a lot of samples and the transfer time takes more than one second the repeated mode is stopped. This prevents the application from becoming unresponsive. For long captures and traditional logic analyzer behavior the Record mode should be used.
  18. Hi @MRMTZ We currently have no plans for a public release, but you can use the beta version.
  19. Hi @Steely The Meter/Analyzer toggling does not have a control object but it can be toggled from UI/window function: Impedance.window.toggleMeter()
  20. Hi @Shalin In the 'Sensors' tab only the SPI transfers in the 'loop' function are packed, executed with no delay for the given number of times ('Iterations') and 'Rate'. The transfers in 'initialize' and 'finish' are executed normally with software delay.
  21. Hi @JAlaj Using the latest version: Create a custom pattern for SPI control. Use pattern frequency, wait and/or pattern length to adjust the timing: You can also configure Pattern to wait for the Protocol/SPI reading to start by selecting Logic, uncheck Trigger-repeat. Configure the Protocol/SPI/Spy like here: Start Patterns, then press receive "to File", select text or the newly added Binary for better performance, press Cancel to stop. The sustainable rate depends on the USB port, computer... the log in the progress window will show "samples lost" on device buffer overflow. For me binary record was working for 24x16bit capture below 500kHz, wait+run more than 2us.
  22. Hi @Oznur Caliskan The AWG/AnalogOut are DAC outputs without ADC readback. The AmplitudeGet as all Get functions return the currently set value. Newer device like AD3, ADP3X50... have in device filter channels and digital loopback for the AWG channels available as analog-in channels.
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