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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Shalin In your screenshot the MISO does not look right, it is very noisy, normally this should be stable for a clock period. Such noisy MISO can not be received, interpreted correctly.
  2. Hi @Shalin For me you project returns the loopback data correctly. Have you changed anything else in the subVIs ?
  3. Hi @reddish Yes, it is corrected. Feel free to ask if something is unclear.
  4. Hi @Pauluck This Record stores raw samples, use the Protocol for SPI data.
  5. Hi @reddish Thank you for the observation. The header file always contains the correct definition. As usual, I corrected and replied immediately, but for some reason it seems that the message was not sent.
  6. Hi @Shalin You have changed the MISO to be #4 DIO28 With a wire between MOSI-DIO26 and MISO the capture is correct:
  7. Hi @samuel.cregut Use the Protocol/SPI/Spy. Under View menu you can adjust the history (max lines) or use receive to file for even more data. The latest version adds multi CS/MISO and receive to binary file options:
  8. Hi @Josh Williams I almost forgot the DPS3340, which can be used as AWG (in voltage or current) and Meter with 1kHz update rate.
  9. Hi @Josh Williams Power Adapter for Analog Discovery (1,2,3) is in works, it should be available in a few months The ADP5250 DMM is intended for precision rather than speed. This is a rebranded VirtualBench with 1/2channel 1G/500MHz oscilloscope, AWG, power supplies, DMM, without special hardware features, no: record, play, pattern generator, protocols... and supported only under Windows.
  10. Hi @tdavis The outputs have a certain delay from trigger, digital pipelining + DAC.. The AWG output to be exactly in phase with the DIO, it should be triggered earlier and wait used to align. For AD2 the Wavegen delay is about 160ns, so 3us + 11.84us will be in phase with the Patterns T0+15us signal. patterns wavegen.dwf3work
  11. Hi @A.Chuck Glad to hear that. The USB controller does not need to be programmed since the IDs are stored in external EEPROM.
  12. Hi @Shalin See the example I attached earlier. In C code a pointer can point to one value or to an array. In LabVIEW make sure to use the proper type.
  13. Hi @Reet02 I wanted to say Python, but it got autocorrected to Phone.
  14. Hi @Ostin Flores There are no examples in C# but the Python Phone ones can be used as pseudo code examples.
  15. Hi @MaciejR You can disable auto-configure with FDwfDeviceAutoConfigureSet(hdwf, 0) and use FDwfAnalog/DigitalOut/InConfigure when needed.
  16. Hi @otherguy I used https://digilent.com/reference/add-ons/impedance-analyzer/start and connected one pair of twisted cable with open then whit short at the other end. Ls-dash Z-solid Rs-dash Xs-dot
  17. Hi @Ostin Flores You can find a C# wrapper in WF SDK/ samples/ cs/ Edit: I recommend using the newer version since if fixes a NA bug of 3.20.1
  18. Hi @Take4 The ADP3X50 input channels have two input ranges 2V and 50V. Configure dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelRangeSet(hdwf, channel#, c_double(2.0)) With newer software version you don't have to complicate with Record mode, the default normal (acqmodeSingle) allows you to capture 128Mi samples, see AnalogIn_Trigger.py and other examples. The latest versions also provide device buffering, memory segmentation, low latency <1us for consecutive captures.
  19. Hi @AaronD You could try to update the system: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt fix-broken install You can also try a newer WF version, currently the latest build for arm is 3.20.24:
  20. Hi @MaciejR I understand now what you are asking for. For soft-start you can initially configure with low (0) amplitude and/or 0 offset and/or 0 phase.. then use loop to gradually reach the desired level.
  21. Hi @GregoR Most likely a jumper header needed for the initial programming of the device was left on the board. This should not cause any problem but feel free to open the device to remove it.
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