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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @PS_Spectra7 It looks like MSVC 14 is missing/broken on your system. Check the following to install it or from https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.arm64.exe
  2. Hi @JonD Do the Custom Probes need anything else than unit, attenuation and offset shift adjustment? Under Option you can find "Channel Editor" where channels can be configured quickly. (I think I added this after your earlier question in this topic.) You could also save project or workspace for different setups (probes, views... ). This may be more useful than having custom probe option. Segments Display, are you looking for the View/Persistence ? Persistence is also available in XY and XYZ view, and Spectrum Analyzer. Peak Detect, Channel # / Sample Mode: Min/Max There are no plans yet for 4 Channel Affordable Scope, but newer WaveForms versions provide dual mode which lets you control 2 identical devices at the same time. See the Help tab/ Waveforms/Device manager and AD3/System frequency 4 scope channels are available in ADP3450, EclypseZ7 with 2 Scope, Digitizer... Zmods
  3. Hi @Magda The magnitudeRatio is C1/C2 FFT magnitude at the frequency step.
  4. Hi @nanderson 1. Have you checked the used driver version, as shown in the other post ? I've seen 'broken' Windows where the driver files are not getting replaced. 2. To clean up the system from 'bad' drivers see the following post: 3. Verify the ftd2xx.dll version located in C:/Windows/System32 As a secondary solution you could try to copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\Runtime\UsbDriver\amd64\ ftd2xx64.dll so WaveForms to use the correct dll version to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\WaveForms3\ as ftd2xx.dll or for the entire system to: C:\Windows\System32\ as ftd2xx.dll
  5. Hi @ApplePi It looks like the dependency was added for amd64 and i386 but not for armhf and arm64. It is fixed from 3.21.20
  6. Hi @Leo_W On AD2 the user supplies are on the right side of the board on the top and bottom. https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/hardware-design-guide#user_voltage_supplies The L8 is next to the FPGA and L9 closed to the right-bottom corner.
  7. Hi @nanderson It is probably an issue with the FTDI driver. Disconnect the device and reinstall WaveForms (check Adept Runtime section which includes the driver) or install the driver manually from: https://ftdichip.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/CDM-v2.12.36.4-WHQL-Certified.zip https://ftdichip.com/drivers/d2xx-drivers/
  8. Hi @Abhijan The latency is approximately the configuration time which is approximately 1ms, 0.125 to 4ms. It depends on the host controller, hub, buffer/waveform size, if AM/FM is used... AnalogOut_Test.py with AD2
  9. Hi @Magda For W1-C1-DUT-C2-R-GND is: re = magnitudeRatio*cos(phase) im = magnitudeRatio*sin(phase) gp = 1.0/rReferece + 1.0/rProbe bp = cProbe*2*PI*hz y = gp^2 + bp^2 rs = (im*bp+gp*(re-1))/y xs = (im*gp-bp*(re-1))/y + open/short compensation
  10. Hi @dmangione The Play stopped working when the DDR RAM oscilloscope buffering was introduced and the AWG buffer size was increased. It will be fixed in the next version. Thank you for the observation.
  11. Hi @Sid Price It was corrected long time ago. The beak trigger negative pulse longer than 10 bits (1+8+1+parity), for 19.2kHz >520.832us In capture it looks like there is an extra parity bit. Make sure to configure the interpreter correctly.
  12. Hi @Andy-205 The audio/scope inputs have separate ground (GNDA) for better isolation from the rest of the adapter. The Wavegen output amplifier is powered by the V+/- power supplies channels and the ferrites are for filtering.
  13. Hi @Alrie To reduce crosstalk between wires try twisting each signal wire with GND or at least the critical ones like CS and CLK Make sure the digital IO voltage is set correctly since this also adjust the input logic threshold (about half of the VIO)
  14. Hi @Steve Pratt See the measurement names in Logic/View/Measurements.
  15. Hi @BFisher You could print it like this: var dt = new Date(); print(dt.toISOString()); // -> 2024-01-05T10:41:16.768Z
  16. Hi @fizzbang Thank you for the observation. @JColvin probably knows who the editor of this guide is. https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/guides/waveforms-network-analyzer
  17. Hi @Andy-205 Make sure to enable the power supplies, see: https://digilent.com/reference/add-ons/audio-adapter-plus/getting-started https://digilent.com/reference/add-ons/audio-adapter-plus/start
  18. Hi @bfpa40 Don't you have a USB contact problem ? Have you tried using a different port or cable ?
  19. Hi @bfpa40 Could you try updating with another OS and/or computer ? I've just tested updating from WF 3.16.1 fw:33C and from failsafe fw:331, with Linux and Windows, and it is working for me.
  20. Hi @Karneades No, since the Math channels are performed in the software (application). Eventually you could export longer Math channel data and import it in Wavegen to Play.
  21. Hi @Oleg The samples are 16 bits, so 4 channels take 8 bytes, x 1M samples = 8MB, / 40MBps = 0.2 sec to transfer However the captures can be performed much faster, at up to 1GBps, 125MHz x 4 channels See the following example with device buffering: AnalogIn_Buffers.py
  22. Hi @qwertylex The Record capture in the application is limited to 200M samples/channel, 200sec @ 1MHz Allowing Math channels in "Record to File" could slow down the process causing device buffer overflow. With AD3, ADP3X50... you also have in device filter channels. To visualize imported high values, change the Channel's Attenuation to adjusts the selectable Range, like with 100X it lets to set 500V/div.
  23. Hi @BFisher For reception in Protocol the device only stores the protocol specific bits so there is no time information memorized. The View/ Stamp inserts informative software time stamps. For timing analysis use the Logic Analyzer. For newer devices (DigitalDiscovery, AD3, ADP3X50...) a precise trigger time stamp (based on device RTC) is stored for each capture.
  24. Hi @fizzbang The default reference channel in the application is Channel 1 but this can be changed under Phase / Ref It is mentioned in 2.2 "set the phase reference to channel 2" https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/guides/waveforms-network-analyzer
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