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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Duh These are input fields, you can select or type what you want.
  2. Hi @DMarandino There is no FDwfDigitalInChannelEnableSet function. All digital inputs are always enabled. See the manual and examples:
  3. Hi @m72 Yes, the oscilloscope offset shifts the signal so the filter input is also shifted, like -1V input offset makes +1V to be 0 input for the filter.
  4. Hi @BigBob Data can be imported from Script like this: Scope.AddTab("myfile", FileImport("~/Desktop/default.csv"), 1e6) See the Script/Example/TCP and Named Pipe examples, Help tab for details. List and decimal separators are remembered in Import dialog, it lets you open or drop multiple files...
  5. Hi @philipg The latest version changes the oversample weighting to linear used in combining captures. Previous versions used exponential weighting to compensate for bandwidth reduction but this could cause artifacts at higher oversampling ratios. Here C1 is oversampled with EExplorer and R1/2 is captured with a 2GHz 500/20MHz oscilloscope.
  6. Hi @m72 Thank you for the observation. It will be fixed in the next version 3.21.18 I recommend using the individual calibrations which you need to perform. To overcome this wizard bug, before the wizard press Reset/ Reset to zero.
  7. Hi @Doc TB Thank you for the feedback. There are currently no plans for a new generation of this device. The threshold is adjustable up to 2V with ADP5250 (VirtualBench), but this is a different class of device, 1GHz scope, supplies, dmm and less special features.
  8. Hi @PaulGlass The data transitions are on the clock falling edge so make sure to set the sampling to rising edge.
  9. Hi @philipg The transitions are usually steeper around the middle and placing the trigger level here makes the triggering more stable, less affected by noise. The horizontal positioning of the captures for oversampling is done either by FFT phase (if there are multiple periods captured) or by trigger level interpolation (as it is in your experiment). In the second case, a stable trigger is more important.
  10. Hi @BFisher Protocol reception and spying use the same device resource as Logic Analyzer, so the two cannot be used at the same time.
  11. Hi @BigBob I remembered wrongly, AddTab with custom data is available for Logic Analyzer but Scope.AddTab only supports buffered capture. Probably it is missing because of a problem in passing 2D arrays between JavaScript and native code... I'll look into this tomorrow. We could have named pipes or use share memory to pass data between applications. I'll have to experiment with it and think about an interface, possibilities for such feature, it may take some time... Later we may add such (conditional and sequence) triggering but I can't say a date or which devices will support it.
  12. Hi @ammarredaa If you are using "Debug with Logic Analyzer" the reception with Protocol is disabled, function returns 0s Note that your CmdWrite and CmdRead are performed in one CS cycle, since it is between Start and Stop. If you want these to be performed in separate cycles you don't have to call Start or Stop at all, Write/Read asserts CS automatically with hardware timing if software Start is not called. PS: deadc0de :)
  13. Hi @Carl Troili sampling_delay = round(0.5*nSamples/sampling_freq + 0.75/triangle_freq) T0 is relative to the middle of the buffer so '0.5*nSamples/sampling_freq' to bring it to the first sample. Shift the capture further to have the lowest point of triangle, which is at 270* or 75%, by 0.75/triangle_freq (or -0.25/triangle_freq)
  14. Hi @agentsmith Both zero or negative record length specify infinite record length. The demo mode is intended to be used with the WaveForms app to discovery the application and various device features. The demo mode is not fully functional, it does not emulate all the features correctly like record mode, triggering...
  15. Hi @Karsten Skrydstrup I don't know how does the "KEEP" option work, but with WaveForms application you can add Reference channels (cloning data from existing ones) in most of the instruments: Scope: Add Channel / Reference / Channel # Spectrum: Add Trace / Trace # Network Analyzer: Add Channels / Channel # Impedance Analyzer: + (Add Reference) / Add Trace as Reference Each channel/trace can be unchecked to hide or removed, or all removed. The Scope and Logic Analyzer also has Add Tab, which saves the capture, data of all 'real' channels in a separate tab.
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