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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Old Printer The application supports some touch interactions but it is not thoroughly optimized for such. After the following post it was tested and improved.
  2. Hi @prudhvichitturi There is no horizontal quick measure but I can add such, and also more options for persistence.
  3. Hi @prudhvichitturi Horizontal and vertical cursors, and quick measure should be available. Which software version are you using ?
  4. Hi @Xiaohu The Scope/ Time/ Options/ Sampling/ Clock available with most of the devices (AD1,2,3...) is just a sampling condition which can be asynchronous to the ADC. Real reference clock IO is available for AD3, ADP3X50
  5. Hi @Effedipi The pulls by default are not enabled and are not activated in the example script either.
  6. Hi @Ergest See the following example: AnalogOutIn_PlayRecord2.py Your posted code is not complete, it can't be run as it is. Some observation: line 55 the preceding configure is reset by FDwfAnalogOutReset, line 94 there is no need to reconfigure/restart FDwfAnalogOutConfigure
  7. Hi @Effedipi Change the lines 24+ to: print("Opening first device") dwf.FDwfDeviceOpen(c_int(-1), byref(hdwf)) # device configuration of index 3 (4th) for Analog Discovery has 16kS digital-in/out buffer #dwf.FDwfDeviceConfigOpen(c_int(-1), c_int(3), byref(hdwf))
  8. Hi @Md Fahim Al Fattah See the following for WaveForms Dual device control https://digilent.com/blog/extending-channel-counts-by-using-dual-mode/ You can also find 4 channel devices: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/start
  9. Hi @Simon Koops The Coolrunner II has onboard USB-JTAG programmer which can be used with Adept app. The Digilent USB-JTAG programmers can also be used with Adept app to program it.
  10. Hi @MarcosOrzari Probably the powering through USB is insufficient. Try using other USB port, powered hub, auxiliary 5VDC supply or other computer. The latest software version has additional detection for such situations.
  11. Hi @AD2 User The Windows Device Manage refreshed automatically, or with the "Scan" tool button in front, or Action/ Scan for... This is strange since the LED in the AD2 only activated, starts flashing after software/application connection, after the device is detected, 'firmware' download and configuration. Have you tried the device with another computer ?
  12. Hi @Yami Using the Logic Detector as trigger source, the trigger to out delay is 180ns DIO-0 33MHz input and DIO-1 20ms output Wiring the 33MHz signal to trigger input, the trigger to out delay is 110ns
  13. Hi @Effedipi Play&Record from file is the AnalogOutIn_PlayRecordStereo.py
  14. Hi @Effedipi For up to digital-out device buffer size samples (32768 for DD) the simpler method can be used like in DigitalIn_Acquisition.py DigitalOut_Custom.py ... examples For more samples with Digital Discovery see WF SDK/ samples/ py/ DigitalDiscovery_PlayRecord.py ...
  15. Hi @Ergest FDwfAnalogOutNodeFrequencySet for standard and custom signals expects waveform frequency and not sample rate, you probably want c_double(fs/cSamples) FDwfAnalogOutRepeatSet for existing devices it supports value up to 32768 or use 0 for infinite repeat
  16. Hi @Hellsmoke See the following example test1.py and the manual and the other available examples.
  17. Having a powerful external supply with common computer GND/0V and (accidentally) connecting a supply output to AD2's GND will be a short circuit that can damage the device.
  18. I think the current min/max (peak) sampling is sufficient.
  19. Hi @lucasj Could you test it with another computer ? If it is still not working, for warranty and replacement contact support.digilent@ni.com, specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number. To prevent further problems, could you describe the test setup ? How was the device/circuit under test supplied ? Did it had the same ground connection as the AD2 and computer, ground wired from circuit to AD2 ? Independently supplied device can have different ground voltage levels, like due to faulty earth connection, or connecting external power supply rail to AD2 ground which is connected to computer over USB can damage the devices.
  20. Hi @Effedipi The I2C master (with clock stretching) and slave mode can work up to 2.5MHz but this requires stronger pullups. Without clock stretching option it can theoretically work up to 25MHz but this may not respect the timings. This mode simply generates the pattern without waiting on SCL to go high or handshake.
  21. Hi @scootergarrett If you have problem accessing the device after Linux update, reinstall digilent.adept.runtime to make sure the udev rules are properly set. This is needed for Analog Discovery 1,2,3 and Digital Discovery.
  22. Hi @Effedipi Yes, the Patter Generator and Logic Analyzer can work in parallel in the device, using common and/or DIO DIN lines. The Protocol uses the Pattern Generator for transmission/write (driving the DIO lines) and the Logic Analyzer device resources for reception. With the "Logic Analyzer" option the reception is disable, the Logic Analyzer can be used to interpret the transfer/reception and to verify signal timings.
  23. Hi @Christian Lindenblatt It could. This could indicate a grounding problem. The AD2 ground is connected to the PC over USB cable. When working with multiple device make sure these use the same earth connection, like supply these from the same socket. For protection (and noise filtering from PC) an USB isolator can be used.
  24. Hi @Hamza Oncuer It is possible with custom project, using EclypseZ7 as development board, but not with WaveForms. I don't think it should bother you that only half of the samples are actually used. WF provides min/max pairs but you can capture up to 256Mi samples or 'unlimited' at lower rate (<20Msps) using streaming/recording. The WF app limits the captures to 200M samples / channel.
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