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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Jerry Kuo In Protocol tool, only one, master or slave is supported at a time.
  2. Hi @AaronN AVR programmer could be implemented using SPI functions. There is a dedicated (discontinued) AVR programmer which relies on JTAG/SPI cable and modules: https://digilent.com/reference/software/digilent-avr-programmer/start
  3. Hi @Mohamed Kamal The calculations in the application take in account the probe(s) impedance.
  4. Hi @PaulGlass For clock qualifier you could use trigger level + edge. The bus interpreter has clock, enable, delay options. Click on Protocol with Ctrl key to reveal the advanced trigger which is only documented in the SDK manual. To have examples, first configure a standard trigger (for protocol, pulse...) then open the advanced editor.
  5. Hi @doggy Math channels are implemented in the application, so they are not available as trigger source. The Analog Discovery scope inputs are differential, so you could you use these like: C1 = '1+' - '1-'
  6. Hi @linear_guy The checkbox for secondary measurements is available with Adapter. This will perform two measurements toggling the relays of the adapter. With 4 channel scope (line ADP3450) all the measurements are performed at once.
  7. Hi @Conrad2468 You could also use the dwfcmd command line app, see WF SDK/ samples/ dwfcmd
  8. Hi @Hazardsneon It lets you capture up to 256Mi samples.
  9. Hi @Ayesha Zaman FFT/CZT function is available in WF SDK as C API but you can use similar VIs to process the raw data. https://forum.digilent.com/topic/20241-labview/ https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/labview-api-ref/page/menus/categories/signal-processing/anspectral-mnu.html https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/labview-api-ref/page/menus/categories/signal-processing/antransform-mnu.html
  10. Hi @bryan78 You could use Frequency Modulation. Like this goes between 1kHz and 3kHz : The next version will add sweep shape option:
  11. Hi @doggy How does your signal look like ? could you attach a screenshot ? Have you tried triggering options like: type, hysteresis... or filter channels ?
  12. Hi @s4fq7 Thank you for the observation. I wanted to rename the signals when changing the device only for the default names ('DIO ', 'DIN ', 'Sc ') since this naming can be different for some devices. It will be corrected in the next version.
  13. Hi @Hazardsneon Edit: Use Mode:Record or the Protocol tool/ SPI/ Spy
  14. Hi @Shalin I just corrected a bug that could cause the MISO to be driven from the device side.
  15. Hi @Rohan16 Yes, the demo mode only emulates some of the features.
  16. Hi @mms14 Sorry, 6M samples at 100kHz and not the other way around.
  17. Hi @Shalin The supply voltage applies to all DIO and DIN channels. The IO and IN channels have different frontends, see: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/digital-discovery/reference-manual#io_level_translators https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/digital-discovery/reference-manual#input_dividers The SPI and other protocols swap the capture order of IO IN channels, so DIOs are first. To use a DIN channel as MISO configure data 1 to be 16+DINnumber, like FDwfDigitalSpiDataSet(hdwf, 1, 16) for DIN-0
  18. Hi @Logan B For I2S output custom signal can be used from Pattern Generator. Decoding is supported in Logic Analyzer.
  19. Hi @Adrian Campos Try apt update and upgrade. https://www.google.com/search?q=Cannot+mix+incompatible+Qt+library
  20. Hi @mms14 Only natural division of system frequency are supported. With the default 100MHz closest would be 5.882MHz. For 6MHz set system frequency for instance to 120MHz. dwf.FDwfDeviceParamSet(hdwf, DwfParamFrequency, 120000000) See WF SDK/ samples/ py/ DigitalIn_Record.py example Set number of minimum samples you want to capture before trigger as Prefill and the exact number after trigger as Position. After the capture is done the data need to be aligned. rgwSamples = rgwSamples[iSample:]+rgwSamples[:iSample] For digital record 6MHz is on the limit to work, buffer overflow may occur. To improve the record use the 4th or 5th device configuration. dwf.FDwfDeviceConfigOpen(-1, 3 or 4, byref(hdwf)) If the average signal toggle rate is less than 3MHz use data compression. This way you may be able to use even higher record rate, like 120MHz See DigitalIn_Record_Compress.py example
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