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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @jostikas Fixed for next software version. Thank you for the observation.
  2. Hi @towa For better performance, to minimize the communication with the device set the following after device open: # the device will only be configured when FDwf###Configure is called dwf.FDwfDeviceAutoConfigureSet(hdwf, c_int(0)) Faster reading only one sample, the last ADC conversion and not transferring capture array: dwf.FDwfAnalogInConfigure(hdwf, 0, 1) while True: dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatus(hdwf, 0, byref(sts)) # 0 no data dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusSample(hdwf, channel, byref(voltage)) ... If you need to capture more samples, you could reduce the buffer size from the default 32768: dwf.FDwfAnalogInBufferSizeSet(hdwf, 512) and you could use scan screen or shift mode to always return the last N samples dwf.FDwfAnalogInAcquisitionModeSet(hdwf, acqmodeScanShift) dwf.FDwfAnalogInConfigure(hdwf, 0, 1) while True: dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatus(hdwf, 1, byref(sts)) dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusSamplesValid(hdwf, byref(cValid)) dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusData(hdwf, channel, byref(rgdSamples), cValid) ... To change the frequency: dwf.FDwfAnalogOutNodeFrequencySet(...) dwf.FDwfAnalogOutConfigure(... 3) # 3 apply
  3. Hi @niburris The Pattern as trigger outputs high when running and low in other states. The trigger input condition is the signal edge, so rising triggers on start and falling at the end of Patterns run cycle. You have multiple alternate options: - wire the DIO to a trigger IO and use this as source in Wavegen, - or configure the Logic Analyzer to trigger on the DIO and use 'Logic Analyzer detector' as source in Wavegen, - or if you only need one digital clock signal to generate realize this with constant 0/1 and wait/run, - or generate clock signal the other Wavegen channel
  4. Hi @Al B. Auto detection on LAN was working for me on all OSs I tried. You may have some firewall blocking this. Have you tried adding the device to the Remote list ? and enable Remote under Filter.
  5. Hi @LuisP The lister ID and version are not valid values. It seems to be communication problem, data corruption. Is the device working with USB connection from a computer ? Sorry for the later response, but I'm on vacation.
  6. Hi @niburris See the Help tab, use Ctrl+Space Sorry for the late, I'm on vacation.
  7. Hi @siatran For such measurements dedicated tool may be better which has higher ADC resolution (and lower frequency). You could use Current and Power Adapter or similar setup: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/current-and-power-adapter/start The AD3 ADC resolution is ~75uV with 1R ~75uA and you want to measure ~7uA. You could try higher resistor values to increase the current measurement resolution. Also, for better measurement use the Scope inputs as differential. Perform quick offset calibration in Scope interface with 'Zero offset', Option under Time, or Channel dropdown menu.
  8. Hi @qwertylex The "Read:" refers to the time it tool to transfer the data from the device to the computer. The odd reading may have been caused by an network hiccup, but in this case a warning should have been displayed. I have tested this functionality and it was working for me, but I'll try to reproduce it. You could limit the capture to 128MS total, or 4x32MS, to be fully device buffered.
  9. Hi @hqures1 Only one application can control a device at a time. You could consider using the WaveForms application Script tool to automate tasks, like AWG control, so at the same time you can also use the Scope interface. You could also use the analog-in capture functions to create a custom Scope in you custom analog-out control. As you wish, you can copy the constants file to your project or reference to its default location.
  10. Hi @Todd-Kairos Beside the ADC speed grade, the Zmod Scope revC 40 had bandwidth, one capacitor value difference from 105 and 125 variants. The newer revD 125 uses a different amplifier on the input stage, due to parts availability, EOL.
  11. Hi @hqures1 See the following post:
  12. Hi @Val Are you using the latest WaveForms version ? Is the ADP3X50 in standard boot mode ? I have not tested the Matlab plugin but this should work better with newer WF and ADP3X50.
  13. Hi @Val Make sure you are using newer, the latest software version:
  14. Hi @Val @c.brauer The capture length at high rate is limited by the device buffer size. The Analog Discovery 3 has buffer for 32k-64k oscilloscope samples in total. Up to this length it can capture up to 125MHz. Above this length record (data streaming) is used which may work up to about 12MS/s, but this depends on the host system. ADP3X50 and ADP2230 have 128M and 256M sample buffer. The later one also has faster USB, 5Gbps.
  15. Hi @PaulGlass This seems to be a bug in the cross-platform file dialog, which is 3rd party and can't be corrected. If I remember correctly I choose to use this to have identical dialogs on all platforms. The next version will add an application option for native dialog.
  16. Hi @Maxpfeiff WaveForms application dual mode supports only two devices. Devices could be synchronized with separate application instances. Setting Clocking: Output for one and Input for the others, and proper trigger setup. Devices can also be synchronized with custom application.
  17. Hi @chuqdd The enumeration may not detect device disconnect immediately if there is software connection to it, due to global cached information. If your software is connected to the device, check the return value of any function that communicates with this, like FDwfAnalogIOStatus. If this is zero use FDwfGetLastErrorMsg for details and call FDwfDeviceClose to allow cached information to be update.
  18. Hi @Peter Haas See the AnalogOut_Play and similar examples:
  19. Hi @GSAS - Karthick See the Examples and Help tab.
  20. Hi @GSAS - Karthick LIN is not supported but it could be implemented as Custom interpreter in the Logic Analyzer.
  21. Hi @OE3CPA This is the first such request. I've added it to the wishlist.
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