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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Cappernicus Here you have for AD1. The PWRSAV is used the same way as on AD2.
  2. Hi @Cappernicus The VCCA is an internal rail of the controller. It should be measured on the marked capacitor, above the 'IS' of the 'discovery' label. According the AD2 EEPROM setting the PWRSAV# option should not be used. This signal is used with a 10k pull-down for other purpose. If you suspect this to be the problem you can try to solder a temporal ~2k pull-up to OE_JTAG and DVCC3V3. See the bottom layout: Connect USB, use the WaveForms application/ Device Manager / "My device is not listed" to reprogram the EEPROM. Disconnect and remove the pull-up. To test this, I have configured the AD2 to 'Suspend on ACBus7 Low' and 'Self Powered' The VCCA was indeed low and device not detected. With the above method I was able to recover it.
  3. attila


    Hi @tomas61 See the Help tab, press F1 or Browse under Help menu. 1. To round a number to 2 decimals you can use: round(value*100)/100 2. To format the number for text conversion use: value.toFixed(2)
  4. attila


    Hi @tomas61 Use .visibledata Use X.data and Y1.data
  5. Hi @Toladar The programming probably fails because the device is busy, opened as COM port. On Windows open Device Manager: - make sure the "Load VCP" is unchecked. If it is, uncheck and reconnect device. - make sure the driver version update from Windows update or https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM v2.12.28 WHQL Certified.zip
  6. Hi @VijayViswanath The AD2 max sampling rate is 100MHz. The Logic Analyzer device buffer size is 4/16k In Logic Analyzer you can have measurements for all DIOs.
  7. Hi @VijayViswanath Modulating of external signal is not supported, but I will add such option in the a few months.
  8. Hi @VijayViswanath Are you look for such signals? You can try the software/hardware features in demo mode: https://reference.digilentinc.com/waveforms3 https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/8908-waveforms-beta-download/
  9. @malexander Could you help in this issue? @Toladar When I run the Enumerate.py the first time the FTDI lib returns no data. The following runs however are correct. Could you try running the script twice? What Linux distribution/version are you using? Could you try the device with Windows or MacOS? $ python Enumerate.py FTDI Version: 0x10408 Devices: 1 1. SN: flags: 0x1 type: 0x3 id: 0x0 locid: 0x0 DMGR Version: 2.8.8 Devices: 1 1. SN:210321A419AA Analog Discovery 2 PDID: 0x40300360 DWF Version: 3.13.15 Devices: 1 1. SN:210321A419AA Analog Discovery 2 $ python Enumerate.py FTDI Version: 0x10408 Devices: 1 1. SN:210321A419AA Digilent USB Device flags: 0x2 type: 0x8 id: 0x4036014 locid: 0x103 DMGR Version: 2.8.8 Devices: 1 1. SN:210321A419AA Analog Discovery 2 PDID: 0x40300360 DWF Version: 3.13.15 Devices: 1 1. SN:210321A419AA Analog Discovery 2
  10. Hi @Toladar Try reinstalling Adept Runtime: https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/software/adept/start Try running the Enumerate.py You only have to reprogram the EEPROM in case it was accidentally erased with some USB development application, like FT_PROG
  11. Hi @ThaRev The recording on Digital Discovery is performed as normal capture in one chunk in DDR. Only the data from here to computer is transferred in smaller chunks. Transferring 256MB over USB 2.0 takes about 8 seconds. Doing it in smaller chunks (with record) gives to feedback on the progress and possibility to cancel it. The Record mode is for traditional Logic Analyzer usage: specify rate, samples and position. Changing the view (zoom, pan) does not affect the next capture setup. Transferring and processing large amount of data takes time, so you capture wait and inspect the data for longer time. The Repeated mode is for Oscilloscope like usage for timing or bit level analysis. Changing the view will affect the next capture. It is done with less samples so processing takes less time. Lets you quickly zoom in and increase sample rate automatically to have better resolution for the next capture. For smooth scan Screen or Shift mode we also need low amount of samples. The next software version will let you capture max samples in Repeated mode with Digital Discovery. Thank you for sharing you opinion.
  12. Hi @ThaRev The Repeated more is intended for timing analysis or short communication message. The number of samples is limited since in this mode the whole capture is transferred at once. With millions of samples this would block the application, making it laggy. Use the Record mode fore larger captures. In this Mode the data is transferred in chunks which does not block the app and it can be cancelled.
  13. attila


    Hi @tomas61 Use ".data =" not ".data[]" if(!('plot1' in this)) setPlots(1) ... var lData = Scope1.Channel1.data plot1.Y2.data = lData ...
  14. attila


    Hi @tomas61 See the Help tab of the application, like in the earlier screenshot, or select Browse in the Help menu.
  15. attila


    Hi @tomas61 The data should be the data from the last capture. You are performing 10x10 captures and the thresholdLow is decremented for each capture by 8x0.01 The threshold value for last capture will be 7.92 lower than for the first capture. You may want to initialize it for each capture.
  16. Hi @martin1701 After cutting trace between JP1200 the hardware IDs should be USB\VID_04B4&PID_8613 To verify if the trace is cut properly, with unpowered board you can measure the continuity using a DMM on the jumper vias. Still having device descriptor failure indicates hardware issue. Is the USB connector looking good? Please inspect the soldering and if the internal contact plate is not broken. You may try contacting for warranty and replacement, support dot digilent at ni dot com. They will need your name, when you purchased the device, whom you purchased it from (i.e. Digilent or a distributor), and the serial number on the underside of the device. If you purchased the board from a distributor, you will need to contact them about their warranty.
  17. attila


    Hi @tomas61 You can use the wait() function or instrument.wait() or dialog like Tool.question() .getNumber() ... See the examples or the Help tab in the application. while(var i = 0; i < 10 && wait(1.5); i++) { .... if(Scope.wait()) throw "Stopped" if(!Tool.question("Continue?")) throw "Abort"
  18. Hi @martin1701 In case the USB device is not detected (hardware id/unknown) and this is due to the erased firmware, you need steps 1-4. Other possibility could be data signal contact issue (cable, plug problem), issue with the supply or damaged IC.
  19. Hi @Hans_ESC The cursors are not accessible from script.
  20. Hi @martin1701 I have not heard such problem with newer revisions but you could try the following procedure:
  21. Hi @martin1701 It could be problem with USB cable or connector, the differential data lines not making contact. Try using other cable and computer plug. On EE revF or earlier boards, the problem could also be due to erased USB firmware. Do you have a revF or board? You can find this info on the bottom of the board under the Xilinx TI logo. You have the reprogramming application in private message and instruction in the following post:
  22. Hi @Stretch You can find phase measurement under oscilloscope measurements add global measurement. The XY view does not have cursors.
  23. Hi @slalps Good to hear it is working. Than you for the feedback.
  24. Hi @slalps Probably the FTDI drivers/libraries are messed up on your system, causing application crash. This is the first time I see such... You can use the CDM uninstaller to remove the installed drivers: Readme: https://www.ftdichip.com/Support/Utilities/CDM_Uninst_GUI_Readme.html Application: https://ftdichip.com/utilities/#cdm-uninstaller Add the following products: 6001, 6010, 6011, 6014 (most common devices) and press Remove Devices. See picture below. Connect your device and install the driver from Windows Update or FTDI setup (it should be the same): Page: https://ftdichip.com/drivers/vcp-drivers/ Installer: https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM212362_Setup.zip
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