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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Ostin Flores V/sqrt(2)/sqrt(WindowNENBW*Frequency/Samples) FDwfSpectrumWindow(...., byref(WindowNENBW)) FDwfAnalogInFrequencyGet(..., byref(Frequency)) The first BIN is double of the DC value.
  2. Hi @aro Try using the original cable or other cables you have at hand. The tip of the cable may be too short to make contact. A cable working with one device may not work with others due slight differences between receptacles and wear.
  3. Hi @Art.S The AD3 requires a bit more power. Try using the provided USB-C-C cable, other computer port, or powered USB hub, or auxiliary 5VDC supply for the device. The newer software version has better detection for AD3 powering problems.
  4. Hi @arang Since the I2C is an open drain, the rise time is mostly determined by the pull-up resistor and the drive/slew of master and slave. This can be adjusted for DIOs of Digital Discovery, Analog Discovery 3... The duty cycle is influenced by the combination of frequency and pull-up.
  5. Hi @idegani You could use a script/custom app based on WaveForms SDK or calls the dwfcmd command line application with the following argument: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\WaveFormsSDK\samples\dwfcmd\dwfcmd.exe" connect analogout channel=1 enable=1 sine frequency=40Hz amplitude=0.5V start For automation you could use Windows Task Scheduler, Create Task, Triggers/New Custom, Edit XML Edit, Actions/New, Start a program <QueryList> <Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-Windows-DeviceSetupManager/Admin"> <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-DeviceSetupManager/Admin">*[System[(EventID=112)]] and *[EventData[Data[@Name='Prop_DeviceName'] and (Data='Digilent USB Device')]]</Select> </Query> </QueryList> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\WaveFormsSDK\samples\dwfcmd\dwfcmd.exe" connect analogout channel=1 enable=1 sine frequency=40Hz amplitude=0.5V start
  6. Hi @ssm Most of the examples are generic. The Python ones can be used as pseudocode. The Digital Discovery does not have analog in/out, but the analog-io, digital-io/in/out... examples can be use with DD.
  7. Hi @m72 Thank you for the observation. It is fixed here:
  8. Hi @Joeoancea Set trigger pulse, more or less, length and the duration of longer or shorter periods as holdoff. The AD3 device buffer is up to 64k samples. For deeper captures record mode can be used but the data streaming with this works up to about 10Msps.
  9. Hi @mowoodsiii You could verity the functions return value, true/false 1/0 on success/failure if dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatus(hdwf, c_int(1), byref(sts)) != 1: szerr = create_string_buffer(512) dwf.FDwfGetLastErrorMsg(szerr) print(szerr.value) quit() You can specify the following after DeviceOpen to minimize device communication, so it is no real need to verify (eventually for invalid arguments) #Set functions but only #Config and #Status dwf.FDwfDeviceAutoConfigureSet(hdwf, c_int(0)) # 0 = the device will only be configured when FDwf###Configure is called
  10. Hi @ssm % install_name_tool -add_rpath /Library/Frameworks a.out or add dwf.framework to your app bundle/Frameworks
  11. Hi @ssm Which WaveForms version are you using ? 3.21.27 is working for me on Mac mini M1
  12. Hi @Belargo Corrected to be editable in newer version:
  13. Hi @samuel.cregut Make sure you have good ground connection between devices and the digital voltage is set to proper value, twist signal wires with ground...
  14. Hi @ssm You should already have the examples installed, see:
  15. Hi @jerry iii Select Independent or Synchronized, Idle:Hold, Run:Auto, Repeat:1 Adjust anything to return to Ready state, for initial output, or uncheck Enable for 0V output.
  16. Hi @Mavitaka The 'Record to File' in the WaveForms application is improved in the latest version. For Python examples see WF SDK/ samples/ py Transferring 256MB over USB with 40MBps takes about 7 seconds.
  17. Hi @latot See the Averaging setting in the front for minimum time per step and the Average under Options to specify number of captures to average, and you also have 'Min.Periods' DC is available in Meter mode or you can use Scope with Math channel.
  18. Hi @Jerin James Install digilent.adept.runtime https://digilent.com/reference/software/adept/start
  19. Hi @Denspa Try a newer version, 3.21.21 is the latest for armhf
  20. Hi @mjelec The samples represent levels for DIO channels 0 to 15 When a channel is left floating, the high impedance input can capture radiation, specially transitions from nearby wires or channels, or the grid's 50/60Hz Mask the channels you are interested in, like for DIO-0 : rgwSamples[i]&1
  21. Hi @m72 Thank you for the observation. This version expects a return in the last line or something that it can return... I wanted to have this rule for some (math, measurement...) scripts, unfortunately it is applied for all scripts in the app. This should work: // Find I2C devices // array to store the present adresses var rgadr = []; if(Clear()!=true) return "I2C bus error. Check the pull-ups."; for(var i = 8; i < 120 && wait(); i++){ //Write(address) return true when acknowledged var f = Write(i); if(f == true) rgadr.push("0x"+i.toString(16)); } if(rgadr.length) return rgadr; return "No I2C device found";
  22. Hi @zelle The next version will add cursor indicators to zoom views.
  23. Hi @zelle With odd base the digital can be auto-set to lower rate than the analog and it takes more time for the digital to complete the capture. At higher base this difference can be significant and the instrument does not wait for the digital capture. Thank you for the observation. It will be fixed in the next version. (The bug was introduced when adding dual device support.)
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