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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Thomas1983 I don't understand the problem. Are you having trouble with Python plot?
  2. Hi @peter_a Please try a different cable, because such sudden errors are usually caused by contact problem, for example, loose connection, the plug is not fully inserted, slight difference is the socket dimensions, worn contacts in a way such the cable works with some devices but not with others... If it still doesn't work properly, for warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent @ ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.
  3. Hi @TanTAH The Network Analyzer can use the AWG channels to generate sine wave sweep, but you can also select the 'external' option and use external stimulus signal or custom signal sweep from the same device Wavegen interface. For white noise you probably want to use the Spectrum interface or Scope/FFT view.
  4. Hi @Xavier Run the following script once to convert C2 from relative to absolute magnitude: (For the next software version I'll try to make the relative option dynamic) var c1 = Network.Channel1.magnitude; // in selected Unit var c2 = Network.Channel2.magnitude; var a = Network.Wavegen.Amplitude.value/sqrt(2); // for VRMS var n = c1.length; for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) c2[i] = c2[i]*c1[i]/a; Network.Channel2.magnitude = c2;
  5. Hi @Kirkhaan This is the effect of AC coupling acting as a high-pass filter.
  6. The Logic Analyzer is available in Scope interface. Here you can add any interpreter this supports on digital and digitized-analog signals.
  7. Hi @Ayesha Zaman See the following: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/hardware-design-guide#scope_spectral_characteristics https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/hardware-design-guide#awg_spectral_characteristics
  8. Hi @JSVENS Will be added soon. Thank you for the feedback.
  9. Do I understand correctly that you want for each software call to generate only one pulse on 5 channels synchronized ? So the sequence of pulses does not need to have precise timing, just the phase between the channels ?
  10. Hi @hrkzkb Your code seems to be good, TX and RX should be returned in rx[0] and rx[1]. and additional UARTs when enabled in rx[2,3] For printable text use Receives (string list) and for raw values use ReceiveArrays (2d numeric array) Protocol.UART.Receiver(); if(1){ while(wait(0.1)) { var rx = Protocol.UART.Receives(); // text var d = new Date(); if (rx[0].length()) print("TX:"+d.toISOString()+":"+rx[0]); if (rx[1].length()) print("RX:"+d.toISOString()+":"+rx[1]); } }else{ while(wait(0.1)) { var rx = Protocol.UART.ReceiveArrays(); // numeric var d = new Date(); if (rx[0].length()) print("TX:"+d.toISOString()+":"+rx[0]); if (rx[1].length()) print("RX:"+d.toISOString()+":"+rx[1]); } }
  11. Hi @Maxpfeiff ... dwf.FDwfDeviceOpen(iDevice, byref(hdwf)) if hdwf.value == 0: dwf.FDwfGetLastErrorMsg(szerr) print(str(szerr.value)) dwf.FDwfDeviceCloseAll() sys.exit(0) rghdwf.append(hdwf.value) dwf.FDwfDeviceAutoConfigureSet(hdwf, 0) # the instruments will only be configured when FDwf###Configure is called dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, 0, 0, c_double(1)) # enable positive supply dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, 0, 1, c_double(5.0)) # set voltage to 5 V dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, 1, 0, c_double(1)) # enable negative supply dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, 1, 1, c_double(-5.0)) # set voltage to -5 V dwf.FDwfAnalogIOEnableSet(hdwf, 1) # master enable dwf.FDwfAnalogIOConfigure(hdwf) # apply ...
  12. Hi @peter_a Such sudden errors are usually caused by bad USB cable contact. This is probably the error message of reconnect. Please disable this option to see what the first error is.
  13. Hi @LuisP 1. Are the devices on the same local network? If so, you can leave the default DHCP For a fixed setting or direct connection, make sure the mask is correct and the IP is unique. Maybe the system or network is blocking LAN autodetection messages, although I have never seen this happen. 2. Use \n or \r separator "ip:x.x.x.x\nuser:digilent\npass:digilent\nsecure:1"
  14. There is not much to explain about this. In sync mode the trigger detector is used as sampling conditioner.
  15. 8bit format stores 8 DIOs or DINs, 16bit -> 16, 32bit -> 32, 64bit -> all 48 channels With FDwfDigitalInInputOrderSet 0 the samples bits represent: 8bit DIN[7:0], 16bit DIN[15:0], 32bit DIO[31:24]DIN[23:0], 64bit DIO[39:24]DIN[23:0] with 1: 8bit DIO[31:24], 16bit DIO[39:24], 32bit DIN[15:0]DIO[39:24], 64bit DIN[23:0]DIO[39:24]
  16. Hi @andyrooski17 You can find newer 'beta' version with new features and fixes here:
  17. I'm not sure I have all the details you want to achieve. Do you only need to run the pulse train once? If so, set the run to a burst length such as 2*256/hzFreq
  18. Hi @andyrooski17 Please try the latest software version which fixes a device connection, PL programming issue.
  19. Hi @siatran With 3 you have set both DIO 8-9 high so the current sense amplifier uses highest gain.
  20. Hi @peter_a Please try the latest software version which fixes a device connection, PL programming issue.
  21. Hi @kevin vannorsdel The Digital Discovery has not oscilloscope so FDwfAnalogIn functions can be used with this device. For Record with FDwfDigitalInTriggerPositionSet you specify how many samples to capture or 0 for unlimited streaming.
  22. Hi @kevin vannorsdel Yes, DigitalIn_Sync.py is similar to the WaveForms application Sync mode See:
  23. Hi @diligent1 Not only the carrier but also the AM/FM are restarted with each Run cycle.
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