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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @erikderuijter I'm not familiar with this unmaintained 'WF_SDK' wrapper. See the WaveForms SDK manual and examples. The indexing in code is base 0, 4th is 3
  2. Hi @game890921 Cut, 'Add tab with visible data', select Tab, Export
  3. Hi @aminoh It looks likes the following dependencies need to be installed manually: sudo zypper install libQt5Multimedia5 libQt5Script5 libQt5SerialPort5
  4. Hi @Kenji_T The Probe option in the application is a software feature, it cannot have specifications. This scales the oscilloscope input, voltage reading in the specified way and displays the units you want, similar to a math channel. The used hardware probe should match the oscilloscope specifications.
  5. Hi @Ostin Flores For averaging calculate the average of multiple frequency domain results. For triggered repetitive patterns/signals time domain averaging may provide better result.
  6. Hi @mrb-bt Amplitude setting and Channel# reading unit is V, peak to peak voltage / 2 if(Channel2 == 0) return Target; // return initial amplitude This is the amplitude very first amplitude setting for initial value. The readings are never going to be 0.0000000, always above 0. You can also use if(Frequency==0)... Repeat = abs(Channel2 - Target) > 0.1; // repeat step if needed Yes. The earlier will force the step to be repeated if the difference between the target and channel reading is above 100mV. For dB use 20*log10(Channel#/Amplitude)
  7. Hi @Shalin I spent a few days with this and then realized the approach I had chosen would not work. Please don't wait for this, I don't know when I will have time to try to make it happen again.
  8. Hi @sintech 1. The next version will remember the last dialog positions. 2. I'll try to implement such option later.
  9. Hi @aminoh The waveforms rpm is signed in the latest version: The adept runtime release should be updated soon. In the future the Linux packages will be signed automatically by the build script. Thank you for the observation.
  10. Hi @PhilipJ Isn't the Events view helpful ? The 'blue arrows' on signal row moves to the next/previous edge and on the protocol row to the protocol specific event/value.
  11. Hi @fractalbrain I'm glad it works. Thank you for the advice.
  12. Hi @clb The latest version adds auto leveling possibility for Network Analyzer.
  13. Hi @liu The phase adjustment for different number of custom samples than the device buffer size if fixed in the latest version.
  14. Hi @HasNoCreek See the examples and manual: FDwfDigitalInTriggerSet(hdwf, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF) is not a valid trigger, DIN15:0 to be high and low at the same time and also to be either edge, rising or falling. FDwfDigitalInStatus with false (0) instructs to not fetch capture data from the device.
  15. Hi @liu After I2C transfer configure the digital-out as you need. FDwfDigitalOutReset FDwfDigitalOut.... FDwfDigitalOutConfigure
  16. Hi @aminoh The digilent rpm packages are not signed, select ignore.
  17. Hi @liu The protocols take control over digital-out and in device resource. You can use the digital-io functions to control the DIOs. You can use the trigger IOs to output a reference clock between 10-50MHz You can also use the analog-out to generate digital clock with pulse signal 3.3V amplitude.
  18. Hi @Pedro_Sousa Yes, break. Reference resistor is needed since the DUT is measured relative to this, and also for current limitation at lower impedance since the AWG output is voltage controlled.
  19. Hi @Daniel M It is not isolated. The base and collector is controlled by W1 and W2 which generate signals relative to the emitter (virtual ground). If this is set to -5V by the V- power supply, the W1 and W2 for 0V output -5V. The transistor will receive signals from 0V to +10V relative to its emitter. Similarly, the emitter can be set to +5 by the V+ power supply, to have 0V to -10V
  20. Hi @clb Currently the Impedance Analyzer has such auto-level, CV/CC option. I'll try to add such options to the NA.
  21. Hi @FrankL You can add Zoom view and export this source, or write custom script for export with file write. Scope.Export("~/Desktop/scope/acq"+Index+".csv", "Zoom1") FileWrite("~/Desktop/scope/acq"+Index+".csv", Scope.Channel1.visibledata)
  22. Hi @Greg McDaniel See the Help tab
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