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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Bruno The digital voltage is adjustable between 1.2 and 3.3V. Eventually down to 1V and up to 3.4V using the hardware reserve for component/calibration margin, but these are out of spec.
  2. Hi @br3 Yes, Scope.Time.Position.value See Help tab, see toolbar tip, use picker, use Ctrl+Space
  3. Hi @Kou For ADP5250 it is probably easier to use the NI VirtualBench VIs, see:
  4. Hi @cpitman See the following: AnalogOutIn_RMS.py You can use it with repeated or scan-shift capture.
  5. Hi @stoneyys Are the relays clicking on the adapter when the reference Resistor is changed 100R, 1k,...1M ? If not, the relay driver ICs may got damaged during rework, since each adapter is tested. Here you can find the schematic: https://digilent.com/reference/_media/reference/test-and-measurement/analog_discovery_impedance_analyzer_sch.pdf
  6. Hi @Bar You are capturing 32768 samples at 149925Hz which takes at least 218ms + trigger arrival. The Update sets a high limit to capture rate only if this is higher than the time it takes to perform the capture.
  7. Hi @Bar 1. You can use a date-time column like: FileAppendLine("~/Desktop/scope/measure.csv", [Scope.Time.taken.toISOString(), Scope.Channel1.measure("Average"), ...]) 2. You can adjust the Update rate under Time/Options. Of course, the capture takes longer depending on trigger and Time/Base.
  8. Hi @Bruno I assume you are driving the same line from two sources 0V and 1.8V or 3.3V (4mA from Digital Discovery) which balances to 0.7V or 1.2V
  9. Hi @reynaldo See the AnalogIO_AnalogDiscovery3_SystemMonitor.py example
  10. Hi @matde 3x yes The ADP3450 has embedded Linux mode for standalone operation. So you could develop custom script/application on the computer, where it is easier to debug, then port and run it on the device.
  11. Hi @xuezhi You should expect the EFBB21 on MISO and not on the MOSI. 1. The slopes indicate sampling points. Increase sampling rate or change Logic Edge option to Vertical if you want to see square transitions. 2. Make sure you have proper ground connection between devices and use the Oscilloscope channels to see the voltages levels, transitions.
  12. Hi @dabes See the following example which directly starts the AWG on Trigger IO or Analog Input trigger: AnalogOut_Trigger.py
  13. Hi @Bar You could use View/Logging/Script for custom export. Perform a longer Record and use Measurement statistics, cursors... or custom Math channel similar to the Example/RPM
  14. Hi @Bruno I though you are using Digital Discovery. Only this and ADP3X50 support DIO voltage adjustment. The Analog Discovery 1, 2, 3 have fixed 3.3V DIO voltage. You could use voltage level shifter or divider. You could modify the script to drive 0/1 if you need so, since currently uses Z and 0 or 1.
  15. Hi @matde Yes, if you want to avoid jitter. At lower rate device one may sample 0us, 1us.... and the other one at 0.99us, 1.99us... High sampling rate (and less samples) provide higher capture rate. At lower sample rate the capture will take longer (if it takes more than 0.125-1ms) lowering the capture rate. Yes, it is possible, although it would be easier with a 4 channel device like ADP3450
  16. Hi @AlanB See the following example: DigitalDiscovery_PlayRecord2.py
  17. Hi @positron Will be corrected in the next version, probably tomorrow. For short captures better, up to device buffer size, use the default acqmodeSingle. The acqmodeRecord uses data streaming and it is intended for longer and lower rate captures.
  18. Hi @allmy Try reinstalling digilent.adept.runtime and digilent.waveforms, or better install the latest version: https://digilent.com/reference/software/adept/start https://digilent.com/reference/software/waveforms/waveforms-3/start
  19. Hi @xuezhi This looks like 0xFF, 0xFF since MOSI is high all the way.
  20. Hi @matde With AD3 you can capture up to 32k samples /channel at up to 125MHz. The triggering can be synchronized, but the at lower frequencies than the maximum expect jitter between captures since the sampling can't be synchronized. With my computer 64k sample capture rate for 1 device is about 200/s and with 2 devices 100/s. With RPi4 expect significantly lower performance. The manual and examples can be found in the WaveForms installation. See the following post for a device synchronization example:
  21. Hi @hemalarora See the following:
  22. Hi @diligent1 See the following: AnalogOutIn_Devices.py If the trigger is output for the 'master' device and input for the 'slaves' these will receive it with 1 clock cycle delay, 10ns @ 100MHz. This can be compensated with FDwfAnalogOutWaitSet FDwfAnalogInTriggerPositionSet(... x - 10e-9) The FDwfDeviceParamSet(... DwfParamFreqPhase x) adjust the clock phase. AD3 @ 100MHz provides 6 phases, 60deg, 1.666ns steps, which can be set with values of X*60*1000. In the following setup 300* was the best option. The analog-in/out are mixed between devices: D1C1-D2W1, D1C2-D1W2, D2C1-D2W2, D2W2-D1W1
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