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How to work with one USB cable in zedboard?




I tried HelloWorld example in Vitis and Vivado 2019.2 and this worked well until programming FPGA. 

Because I have only one USB cable to connect into zedboard PROG port or UART port, I ran a HelloWorld program with "RunAs -> Launch on Hardware(System Project Debug)" with connecting cable to PROG port and reconnected to UART port to receive outputs from zedboard.

However, I got weird results(e.g. there is no outputs or there is outputs but garbled).

After that, I borrowed a cable from my friend and also connected it to zedboard, and I rerun program and got appropriate outputs.

My question is whether I must have two cables to connect two ports when programming FPGA and run program by jtag.
If not, please tell me how to do that.

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1 answer to this question

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Hi @SoyaOhnishi

In case of petalinux you may not need two cables since fsbl or u-boot can load the bitstream into fpga ("programiming") usually done over USB-JTAG (J17). 
To include bitststream in boot.bin use petalinux-package command see ug1144 for your version of petalinux.
You only need to connect to UART over USB (J14) to see linux console. 

However if you have a standalone application you need two cables one for USB-JTAG to debug or load bitstream (J17) and one to communicate with your application over UART1 (J14).

If boot your application from SD and load it using a fsbl that will also load the bitstream in fpga the USB-JTAG cable is no longer needed.

UART0 in ZYNQ is not assigned. you can use EMIO and have it mapped to a PMOD connector if you need an extra.

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