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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Empower Unfortunately, this project was not created by Digilent, but I hope we can solve its maintenance.
  2. Hi @jasonkee111 Specify command byte(s) in SubAddress field and use Read button, or specify argument for Read function in Custom and Sensor mode, and Script.
  3. Hi @Wayne Contello Thank you for the information. It looks like the communication with the device failed, probably the USB got disconnected, and adept runtime crashed on the following software disconnect/close. So far I was unable to reproduce this. @malexander Do you see something suspicious in multithreading with DVT::Term() DoTransThread() DoTimeoutThread() ?
  4. Hi @k_b Slow transitions plus noise can can cause ringing-like false triggers. In the following picture a glitch trigger was used to catch such an event. To reduce the chance of this use faster slew signal, and shielded or twisted signal wire with ground to reduce noise, or use pulse timeout trigger. Currently the max edge is 1.25ns (due to 800MHz internal sampling) but I'll try to add glitch filter adapting sample rate in the next sw version.
  5. Hi @janpi A floating high impedance input is not a good metric, it can pick up random radiation from anywhere.
  6. Hi @Oleg I'm glad the problem was resolved and sorry for the issue. A notification has already been sent to the testing house to ensure that the following batches are packed without headers.
  7. Hi @matthew-aedapt It would be helpful if you could provide more information, attach a screenshot or workspace with data... The Format can be specified in the I2S configuration: This is a script for logging the value: var rg = Logic1.Channels.I2S.events; //events var rgt = Logic1.Channels.I2S.eventStamps; // event time stamps var c = rg.length-1; // number of events var i = 0; if(rg[0].charAt(0)!="R") i++; // make sure to start with right var file = File("~/Desktop/i2s.csv"); file.writeLine("Right,Left"); for(; i < c; i+=2){ // trim leading R/L char print(rg[i].substring(2), rg[i+1].substring(2)); file.appendLine(rg[i].substring(2)+","+rg[i+1].substring(2)); }var rg = Logic1.Channels.I2S.events; //events var rgt = Logic1.Channels.I2S.eventStamps; // event time stamps var c = rg.length-1; // number of events var i = 0; if(rg[0].charAt(0)!="R") i++; // make sure to start with right var file = File("~/Desktop/i2s.csv"); file.writeLine("Right,Left"); for(; i < c; i+=2){ // trim leading R/L char print(rg[i].substring(2), rg[i+1].substring(2)); file.appendLine(rg[i].substring(2)+","+rg[i+1].substring(2)); }
  8. Hi @Oleg Check that you are connected to the correct COM port. COM# becomes available after ADP is turned on/connected, in Windows Device Manager COM# should be FTDIBUS... If there is no ADP USB device and no output on COM port, this means that the device/Zynq is not booting. You could open the device (remove rubber feet, unscrew) to make sure that J15 is not shorted with a jumper (behind the Reset button, "USB DEVICE" label). You can remove jumpers (J15, J12) as these are not required. (The J15 is only shorted for initial device programming, then removed for the subsequent testing and calibration. I assume the header was accidentally placed after the procedure.) If not, the device may have been damaged in transit. For warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent @ ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.
  9. Hi @janpi I don't know what could be the cause of this. You could use Filter channel to filter hf components and/or various averaging options in the application. Edit: To measure the input 'internal' noise a (50R) terminator or a very short wire shorting the BNC input should be used. Additional wire will absorb more radiation. For instance a probe ground loop can be used to locate the source/orientation of the radiation:
  10. Hi @k_b To prevent edge trigger on glitch, the timeout trigger can be used:
  11. Hi @Oleg Make sure the COM port is set to 115.2 kbps On reset the firmware should print something like this: After PL programming, the front LED starts blinking during the software is initialization. For Linux it takes a few seconds, but baremetal (standard/recovery) loads quickly so the LED only blinks once.
  12. Hi @janpi It looks like you have a nearby radiation source of about 16 4.1 MHz. With shorted probe end I see about 5mV pk2pk noise, C3 of ADP3450 is in location C1 of ADP3250. (For nicer UI on MacOS and Linux, recommend to use the Settings/Options/Style: Fusion)
  13. Hi @ysrevol There is no such option, only sampling on trigger (Time/Options/Sampling) or post-processing the captured data like this: default.dwf3work
  14. Hi @Wayne Contello Notice the samples lost warning. The record uses data streaming which has limitation in average toggle rate. You could try reducing the sample Rate, the Samples captured or use the default Repeated Mode.
  15. Hi @TOIVI Currently the break trigger uses a negative pulse of at least 9 bits long, 1 + uart bits + ?parity, which is on the limit of NUL. It will be fixed in the next version 3.21.14 to be 10 bits long. Alternatively configure a pulse trigger of at least 520us
  16. Hi @Timotej Merklin Perform a single capture and process the data.
  17. Hi @Loic VINET The digital-in should be started before the digital-out, otherwise the out may finish or generate the trigger condition before the in starts looking for this. Instead record you can use the simpler to use acqmodeSingle.
  18. Hi @Martin Obert The Logic Analyzer has CAN FD interpreter and the Protocol tool can send CAN FD messages. Scope to digital conversion is also available in the mixed mode (Scope + Digital/Logic Analyzer). Beside the supported Bus, SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, I2S, 1-Wire, HDMI CEC, Manchester, JTAG, GPIB, SWD, SAE J1850 VPW interpreters, Custom protocols can also be implemented in Logic Analyzer.
  19. Hi @Loic VINET Could you attach or send me the configuration or the entire script ?
  20. Hi @Blue21 The supply brick is ATS065T-P190 but the tip of the connector may be a bit longer than the standard version. The thresholding in ADP3X50 is 18.2V .. 19.8V I'm forwarding your request to be for sale. Edit: the connector pin is 1.65mm
  21. Hi @miketranch Newer WaveForms version can control two identical devices, doubling Scope, AWG and Digital channels. It is recommended to be used with AD3, ADP3X50 or newer devices which support clocking IO. With AD1, 2... the clock is not synchronized. It is not supported with ADP5250 and DD. See in WFs / Help tab, Device Manager and AD3 info.
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