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Everything posted by attila

  1. I'm not sure I understood your question. Maybe this is what you want? // CmdWrite(bits per command, cmd, dummy bits, bits per word, [word1, word2...] ) // 3 or 4-wire SPI data write with command and dummy bits. Returns true on success otherwise returns false. CmdWrite(16, 0x55AA, 0, 24, [0])
  2. Hi @RajatDas No, .Export closes the file.
  3. Hi @AstroKevin See the WF SDK/ samples/ py/ AnalogIO_DigitalDiscovery.py and WaveForms SDK Reference Manual.pdf / Devices/ Digital Discovery section.
  4. Hi @nurber3 The trigger level arrows show wrong (filter) channel color when trigger source is a Wavegen loopback and Filters are hidden. Fixed for the next version. Thanks for the observation.
  5. Hi @maierkomor Almost there, just not visible. + Add/ Signal/ DIO 1 or protocol you need.
  6. Hi @maierkomor Could you attach the CVS ?
  7. Hi @mwb1100 This is not possible but you can add reference channels at different sampling rates, shift the channels to align. First make sure to set the sampling mode to Decimate.
  8. Hi @maierkomor The first 'All' column exclusive, to load sample value, for all bits. Like value 3 will be loaded as DIO-0 = 1, DIO-1 = 1, DIO-2 = 0, ... The following ones can be used to load 0/1 value for each bit. You probably want to use this:
  9. Hi @lvogl The odd captures may look like an internal error, badly phased ADC or DAC data. Make sure to have new WaveForms version installed. Check if the problem persists with WaveForms application.
  10. Hi @ilan No. For JTAG only one port is available. The SPI and JTAG use the same/shared resources so only one can be enabled at a time. The frequency can be configured by DjtgSetSpeed and DspiSetSpeed
  11. Hi @TOIVI And what about 3 and other stroke numbers ?
  12. Hi @javier_munoz Take a look at Analog Discovery 3 and ADP3450: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/start
  13. Hi @Takuya The ADP5250/VirtualBench only supports SPI an I2C in Protocol tool Master and Custom modes, the SPI only in standard mode and 8,16,24,32bit words.
  14. Hi @chris007 Increase the sample Rate or use the Protocol/ I2C/ Spy.
  15. Hi @torbos The easier is to use a Trigger IO for source, like T1 trigsrcExternal1
  16. Hi @iPsych Virtual Bench and ADP5250 are only supported on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows due to driver availability. https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-pro-5250/start
  17. Hi @Steve_3 Could you provide more detail ? some screenshots would be helpful
  18. Hi @m72 Thanks for the observation. Fixed for the next version.
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