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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @JonD Select 32 or 64 bit float format for voltage unit. The 16 bit options saves raw unscaled sample values which need to scaled.
  2. Hi @joebobjoe No, 10MHz on 1 channel is 10Msps. The samples size is always 16 bits/ channel, 14 bit at up to 125MHz ADC + 1 or 2 bits for lower rates from averaging of multiple ADC conversion.
  3. Hi @dmangione The play and record are limited by the USB/ethernet streaming rate if the length exceeds the device buffer size. On Eclypse oscilloscope capture buffer 256Mi samples total and AWG carrier buffer / channel 64ki (1 AWG Zmod w 2ch) or 32ki samples (2 AWG Zmods w 4ch)
  4. Hi @ohkubo Use X from 0 to 1 : -pow(sin(PI*X),2) or X from 0 to 0.5 : -pow(sin(2*PI*X),2)
  5. Hi @dmangione It is fixed in the latest version:
  6. Hi @gabagool I thought you were using Digital Discovery, which can adjust the DIO voltage, but Analog Discovery doesn't have such features. What UART rate are you using ?
  7. Hi @Ronnie Unfortunately there are no plans yet as this would first require FTDI drivers for this architecture.
  8. Hi @bfpa40 The communication errors are probably related to the computer or OS. You could try to see if any useful information is printed on the ADP3450 UART.
  9. Hi @dramnytz Yes, all the instruments (oscilloscope, logic analyzer, pattern generator, and each awg channel) operate independently in parallel in the device FPGA. These can be synchronized with internal or external triggers, and awg channels can be locked to work synchronized.
  10. Hi @engrpetero 'undefined' indicates that the script was executed but did not return anything.
  11. Hi @engrpetero Enabling "Debug with Logic Analyzer" will open a Logic interface if it is not already open and add the currently used protocol and options. After that, the Logic settings can be modified and additional interpreters can be added.
  12. Hi @engrpetero The Protocol tool uses the device Pattern Generator and Logic Analyzer resources. When the Protocol is used the Patterns and Logic show Busy state. When the "Debug with Logic Analyzer" option is enabled, the Logic Analyzer can be used to investigate the signals. In this case, the Protocol instrument will not receive data, it will only send data. You can have multiple instruments open and the last used takes control over the specific device resource.
  13. Hi @m72 Thank you for the observation. It is fixed for the next version.
  14. Hi @engrpetero ABC -> Evaluate script, syntax check See the following:
  15. Hi @JonD Is this what you are looking for? Are there other options to consider adding?
  16. Hi @plswelcomeroh This is expected. It is the leakage current from the voltage monitor and setting rails. It can be minimize with a dummy load, like 1k resistor.
  17. Hi @JonD The Zmod Scope, AWG, Digitizer have SMA connectors. EclyplseZ7 is primarily a development board but it can be also be used with WaveForms. https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/eclypse-z7/start https://digilent.com/reference/zmod/scope/reference-manual I'll try to add display modes after I return from holidays, tomorrow. The custom probes probably later since this may require more time to implement (due to the overlapping code) and I'll have to focus on nextgen devices.
  18. Hi @Steve Pratt Please use "CyclesMin" or "CyclesMax" It will be fixed in the next version.
  19. Hi @joebobjoe The AD3 can capture at up to 125MHz on up to 2 (8) channels up to 64k (2x32k) sample device buffer. The record streaming is also sampled at 16bit/channel, can work at up to 10MHz on 1 channel, 5MHz 2 channels. The inputs are differential and DC coupled, with BNC adapter single ended and AC/DC switch. The ADP3x50 and EclypseZ7 have device buffer of 128/256Mi samples, allowing to capture up to 125MHz on up to 4 channels.
  20. Hi @Andy-205 The board has 4 layers: top, bottom, GNDA(left)|GND(right), V-(left)|V+(right) Pins 28-30 should reliably connect to TP1-3 since these are on GNDA, a large internal plane on the left side. I only have revA and B prototypes, so I'll have to ask my colleagues to check this next week.
  21. Hi @nanderson The AD does not use the COM port but a faster communication method with the device. The Virtual Com Port is disabled in the device eeprom, but this can be overridden from the computer. If this is enabled and an application opens this it will block WaveForms access to the device. Make sure the 'Load VCP' is unchecked, see:
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