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Analog Discovery troubleshooting



During device opening internal chips are enabled and configured. This results in consumption increases, specially when the 100 MHz clock (PLL) is started. The needed current increases from 100mA to 500mA. In case the USB can't provide enough current the voltage drops below the minimal required for the device to operate and communication fails.


In case you get “Device configuration failed (PLL 1)" or "Communication with the device failed.” error message:

The device needs at least 2W/400mA from USB cable. To satisfy this:

- Try to use different USB cable and computer plug.

- Use the USB plug on the back of the PC, not the one on the front panel.

- Use short cable, do not use long cable or cable extender.

- Use powered USB-hub, avoid un-powered hub.

- Use USB-Y cable to load power from two plugs.


Device not detected by WaveForms:

Open Windows Device Manager then connect the device and wait up to one minute for a device to appear:

 - USB Serial Converter, with warning

- Connect the device directly to the computer's USB plug without using external hub.

- Restart the computer.

- Reinstall WaveForms, including the Adept Runtime section.

 - USB Serial Converter, without warning

- Restart the computer.

- Reinstall WaveForms, including the Adept Runtime section.

- Other application might have erased the USB controller EEPROM (FT_Prog, programming cable drivers...)

 Use the "My device is not listed" button in WaveForms application Device Manager to reprogram the EEPROM.

 - Unknown Device

    Check the Hardware IDs under device Properties, Details tab

- USBVID_0403&PID_6014

  The USB driver is not installed.

- Restart the computer.

- Reinstall WaveForms, including the Adept Runtime section.

- USBVID_0000&PID_0000

  Device not identified or malfunction. See "Nothing shows up".

 - Nothing shows up:

- Connect the device directly to the computer's USB plug without using external hub.

- Try to use different USB cable and computer plug.

   The device or its plug might be damaged.

Edited by attila
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Hi @attila

16 hours ago, attila said:

I was referring that connecting the ground wire of the AD device to a different voltage level (like to an external circuit which is supplied from a different source and grounding) could cause high current to pass the ground line toward the computer. This could burn the ferrite or protection diode in the AD.

In my case one of the AD2 boards is connected to a DUT (Device Under Test) and the DUT is powered via a separate bench top power supply. Also, the AD2 board is connected to a test server PC via USB cable and it has a separate external power supply connected to 5V DC input. Obviously, the test server PC, the bench top power supply and the AD2 power supply are powered from different power sockets under my desk (with a proper grounding I believe) and obviously the AD2 board's ground is connected to the DUT's ground. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this should be a fairly common scenario for any measurement device like an oscilloscope or waveform generator. Could you please let me know if my setup can cause high current to pass the ground line toward the computer and damage an AD2 board? Thanks.

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Hi @Maksym Galemin

I saw situation where the earth of wall plugs had 100s of volts difference due to wrong cabling. The bench oscilloscope was connected to one plug and the analyzed circuit powered from a supply connected to a different wall plug. When connecting these together luckily just the fuse of scope blow up.

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Hi @noyasystem

Does any device show up in Windows Device Manager when you connect the AD2?
1. Normally it should appear as "USB Serial Converter".
    In this case open WaveForms/Settings/Device Manager and follow the steps in "My device not listed" to reprogram the USB EEPROM.
2. In case of malfunction it might appear with an exclamation mark, indicating driver software problem.
    In this case try uninstalling with delete driver software checked, then re-scan and try to update driver software.
3. When the USB data wires are broken or short it might show up after one minute as "Unknown Device" or it does not show up at all
    In this case try using a different USB cable and computer plug.

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I read it through and I still could not get my AD 2 to work.

I'll attach my setup and explain my problem better.

I have a Dell Xps 13, which always worked great and never gave me any type of problem.

I downloaded the Waveform 2015 and when I open the program it shows my device but does not connect with it.

I tried uninstalling and installing again WF 2015, but it give me this error :

DptiIO failed ERC: 0x7

Device Configuration Failed. (PLL 3)

USB: 4.88V 236mA AUX 0.00V 0mA.


I don't really know what to do, and if this is a problem from the AD 2 Device or a problem from my Computer.

Thank you




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Hi @Fkawall,

If you have a desktop please try to use the USB ports on the back and if you have a laptop try other ports. You can also try to connect it to another computer to see if the error persists. Right now the discovery doesn't get enough power to start. Maybe a powered USB HUB could also help or to power it from a 5V external power supply. Try with what you have and see if you can see any difference on the connection.

- different USB ports

- different computers

- shorter USB cable with data wires

- Powered USB HUB

- External Power supply.

Let us know what you can find.

Best regards,


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I've been trying to calibrate my AD2 without luck. I followed the wizard's instructions and everything was going smoothly until I got step 5 (Oscilloscope). I connected Channels 1 and 2 P and N with ground but I get this message:

"Check the connection!!

The measured voltage on Oscilloscope Channel 2 is between: 2.741106966 V and 2.741734508 V

It might be that the Arbitrary Waveform Generator 1 Offset is not calibrated correctly."

Any idea about why it is not working?


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Hello again,

The reason why I've calibrated my AD2 is to fix a problem. Unfortunately, calibration didn't fix it. Here is it:

My AD2's Ch1 and Ch2 are connected to a CAN-L and CAN-H, respectively. Whatever is connected to Ch1 is shown on the scope, whereas CH2 does not show anything!

See the two examples where the scope only shows whatever connected to Ch1 and ignore what is connected to Ch2.



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Hi @Abdulmalik

Try loading the factory calibration, WaveForms/ Settings/ Device Manager/ Calibrate/ Reset/ Load factory or Reset to zero/ Apply/ Close/ Select. 
Leave the scope inputs open or short them to ground, then start Scope or Voltmeter. In case the reading of channel 2 is still odd probably this input got damaged.

The ratings relative to device ground are the following:

  Recommended operating conditions Absolute maximum ratings
Oscilloscope (1+,1-,2+,2-) ±50 V differential, ±25 V single ended ±50 V 
WaveGen (W1,W2) ±5 V, 10 mA ±5.8 V, 50 mA
Power Supplies (V+,V-) 0.5 ... 5 V, -0.5 ... -5 V +6 V, -6 V
   USB powered   700 mA / channel, 500 mW total
   Auxiliary powered   700 mA or 2.1 W / channel
Triggers, Digital IO (T1,T2,0,1,2,...) LVCMOS 3.3 V, 4 mA ± 20 V

For more information visit the Analog Discovery 2 resource center.

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Thanks @attila for the answer. After following your instructions, it turned out that this odd behavior only happen when the AD2's GND is connected to my testbed's GND (my microcontrollers' GND, I'm not sure if this is the right GND to connect to though!). Once, I disconnected the AD2's GND, CH2 works but I lose CAN's partial information from CH1. Example here:


Any idea why would connecting GND results in losing CH2?

Also, is it ok to leave the rest of GND probes and CH1&2 negatives open?

Edited by Abdulmalik
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Hi @Abdulmalik

It is important to have common ground voltage level, ground to ground connection between devices. Without it these can be easily damaged.

Be careful with the grounding! There could be high voltage difference between device "grounds". In case the earth wiring in the wall sockets is wrong, like on is hooked to another phase, you can have hundreds of volts difference. To prevent such problems use extension cord to power devices from the same socket.

The AD2 ground is connected over USB to the computer. In case you are using PC or laptop with supply that has earth connection your AD2 probably has earth connection. Battery powered or supply without earth pin are floating, safe to connect to other devices.
The first connection point and last removed one should always be the ground!

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On 8/7/2017 at 2:26 PM, attila said:

Connecting together circuits/equipment supplied from such plugs could blow up fuses, in case of AD the ferrites or protection diode toward the USB VCC/GND. Could it happen that the device ground was connected to another voltage level that the computer ground? 

For warranty and replacement please contact support_at_digilentinc.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.

I'm looking at a completely dead AD2 device on my desk (one week of excellent service), and wondering if there is any way of checking (or replacing?) these myself, before starting the hassle of warranty & replacement. Or does even thinking about opening the device void warranty instantly :)?


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Hi @kraiskil,

You can take out the screws and remove the frame without voiding the warranty (though I guess if you physically break the case that'll be a different story :) ).

What are you experiencing specifically with the AD2? Is it detected by the WaveForms software? What do you see in the device manager (if you are using a Windows based device) when you connect/disconnect the AD2 from your computer?

Thank you,

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2 hours ago, JColvin said:

You can take out the screws and remove the frame without voiding the warranty (though I guess if you physically break the case that'll be a different story :) ).

What are you experiencing specifically with the AD2? Is it detected by the WaveForms software? What do you see in the device manager (if you are using a Windows based device) when you connect/disconnect the AD2 from your computer?

thanks @JColvin - I read that as "no desoldering components or warranty is void" ;)

What I was experiencing was nothing. Waveforms didn't see the device, neither did 'lsusb' nor 'dmesg' (running on Linux). Tried with several USB ports and cables, on two computers. Nothing.

I found an external power supply, and powering the AD2 from that it seems to work again. So probably some protection ferrites/diodes/fuses were blown as attila suggested above? I'd really wouldn't want to ship the device back for maintenance - an external power supply is just a minor inconvenience. But I'd hate to burn something more unrepairable than ferrites/diodes if I use the device with external power supply, and the same thing that caused this occurs again. So any info on what to replace and with what sort of components would be appreciated. Even if it voids warranty :)

Oh, and everything in my setup was powered from just one extension cord (i.e. computer and target power supply). So that should not be the cause for this failure. Unless my laptop docking station (Dell TB16) does something clever with isolating the USB lines...


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Hi @kraiskil

I suspect the ferrites (50mOhm/1A BK2125HS470-T) on USB GND and VCC got damaged or weekend on your board.
These are below the USB plug, on the edge of the bottom side, and are intended for noise filtering, but also act as a fuse to protect the computer beside D28, in case of connecting the device ground to high external voltage. https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/instrumentation/analog-discovery-2/reference-manual#usb_power_control

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Not sure if this is the ideal place to post but... I have a Analog Discovery 1 that is no longer detected by my PC (Windows 7 laptop). Nothing shows up in the Device Manager list when I connect it via USB, either directly to laptop or via externally powered USB hub. I noticed there was a bit of give on the USB connector so I opened it up and found some of the USB mini connectors pins had lifted slightly off the PCB. I re-soldered all pins and to the best of my efforts there doesn't appear to be any solder bridging and the connection looks ok. My validation for this was a continuity test to check that the pins on the free end of a connected cable beep on the relevant solder pads of the USB mini connector and some adjacent components that l assumed might be connected to either USB 5V or GND.

With the USB mini connector pins fixed I retried but still cannot get the PC to detect it when connected.

I wasn't sure if Attila's comment about ferrite beads was also relevant to the Analog Discovery 1. I did notice that beneath the USB mini connector on the other side of the board there are 2 ferrite bead looking components. A continuity test between one leg of the bead to the other beeps (for both of them), so I assume that means they're ok but I'm not sure.

Just want to know if anyone can suggest other things to probe that might revive this box?

Thanks in advance!


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My PC is having trouble detecting my Analog Discovery 2. It worked for a while and then stopped detecting the device at some point. I am using Windows 10 and have the device plugged directly into my PC's USB port but it is not even detected by the device manager. The AD2 is detected and functional with all other PC's. I have tried the following to fix the issue:

  • Restart PC
  • Reinstall WaveForms + Adept Runtime
  • Change USB cable
  • Change USB port
  • Use external 5VDC power supply
  • Click "My device is not listed" in WaveForms (WaveForms closes without any action)

Is there any other action that can be taken? Thanks for help.

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Thank you for your reply. 

I guess it does detect as "USB Serial Converter" through the device manager, but no other PC app is able to detect it. I have reinstalled WaveForms  twice, no luck so far. 


Edited by slalps
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Hi @slalps

1. In the "USB Serial Converter" properties, make sure the "Load VCP" is unchecked:
In case it is checked other application may try to use it as COM device, blocking access to it.

2. Make sure you have the latest driver installed:
Reinstall WaveFroms and check the Adept Runtime section or install the driver manually: https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM21228_Setup.zip
Reconnect the device in order the new driver to be loaded.

3. The USB EEPROM might be erased by other USB development applications.
In this case use the "My device is not listed", reprogramming option in WaveForms Device Manager.


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Hi @attila, thanks for your help. The AD2 is still undetected by WaveForms, here is what I have checked/tried per your advice:

  1.  "Load VCP" is unchecked.
  2. I have reinstalled WaveForms and Adept Runtime, device is still undetected
  3. I have tried to use the "my device is not listed" option, but WaveForms immediately closes when I click "Find Devices," so I can't make it past that point.
  4. image.png.d40145810f6272e89c1343306b6d468a.png
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Hi @slalps

Probably the FTDI drivers/libraries are messed up on your system, causing application crash. This is the first time I see such...

You can use the CDM uninstaller to remove the installed drivers:
Readme: https://www.ftdichip.com/Support/Utilities/CDM_Uninst_GUI_Readme.html
Application: https://ftdichip.com/utilities/#cdm-uninstaller

Add the following products: 6001, 6010, 6011, 6014 (most common devices) and press Remove Devices. See picture below.

Connect your device and install the driver from Windows Update or FTDI setup (it should be the same):
Page: https://ftdichip.com/drivers/vcp-drivers/
Installer: https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM212362_Setup.zip


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