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Everything posted by kraiskil

  1. thanks @JColvin - I read that as "no desoldering components or warranty is void" What I was experiencing was nothing. Waveforms didn't see the device, neither did 'lsusb' nor 'dmesg' (running on Linux). Tried with several USB ports and cables, on two computers. Nothing. I found an external power supply, and powering the AD2 from that it seems to work again. So probably some protection ferrites/diodes/fuses were blown as attila suggested above? I'd really wouldn't want to ship the device back for maintenance - an external power supply is just a minor inconvenience. But I'd hate to burn something more unrepairable than ferrites/diodes if I use the device with external power supply, and the same thing that caused this occurs again. So any info on what to replace and with what sort of components would be appreciated. Even if it voids warranty Oh, and everything in my setup was powered from just one extension cord (i.e. computer and target power supply). So that should not be the cause for this failure. Unless my laptop docking station (Dell TB16) does something clever with isolating the USB lines... thanks, kalle
  2. I'm looking at a completely dead AD2 device on my desk (one week of excellent service), and wondering if there is any way of checking (or replacing?) these myself, before starting the hassle of warranty & replacement. Or does even thinking about opening the device void warranty instantly :)? thanks, kalle
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