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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @spillari See the examples including the default one, and the Help tab or Help/Browse /Protocol/SPI/Sensor about this feature. Configure the Logic Analyze according your needs (Samples, Rate...)
  2. Hi @KTP See the following: In newer software version the Oscilloscope signals can be ported to digital, see:
  3. Hi @Jens Schacke You could install the dependencies manually and force the waveforms installation.
  4. Hi @The_YongGrand This is the Script tool and not the SDK. The serial port communication is relatively slow so some wait is needed, like com.open(),wait(seconds),com.read() or com.read(seconds) or com.canReadLine()... In Script loops use wait() to be able to stop it correctly, the while(!com... could block the script. Try the following: var list = SerialPortList(); // returns: [name 1, description 1, name 2, desc 2, ...] for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i+=2){ print(list[i]+" : "+list[i+1]) } if(list.length){ print("Sending Hi to "+list[0]) var com = new SerialPort(); if(!com.open(list[0], 115200)) throw "COM open failed" com.write("hi\n"); while(wait()){ // while not stopped if(com.canReadLine()){ print(com.readLine()); } } }
  5. Hi @Eddi Probably it was powering issue. The Wavegen was showing Config instead Running.
  6. Hi @Yami Export Oscilloscope and Digital separately or: To have digital in analog (Oscilloscope) add custom Math channel with the digital signal name, like DIO0. This way it can also be used for custom operations, measurements. The analog signals can also be ported to digital, using the "Scope to Digital".
  7. Hi @Ricardo Ferreira For better perspective, this is what it looks like when you average 50 captures versus 1 capture. The zero crossing of the DAC can be a bit noisy due to a minor digital-analog crosstalk. For low signal amplitudes an external attenuation can be used, to improve vertical resolution and reduce noise. Edit: You are right, the zero crossing looks like an additional DAC LSbit when only one of the AWGs is running, and there is a bit of crosstalk.
  8. Hi Mikhail, In order to reduce the size of the project/workspace and improve save/load times, the buffers are only used for repeated captures, which are usually done with less samples. Please add the recordings/captures you are interested in to tabs (green +) to save them. The DIO/DIN option save/load is fixed in the latest:
  9. Hi @reddish If you have the "On Close" option Continue, change it to the (default) Stop or Shutdown. With Continue the device continues to run (generate outputs) after close/app exit and on Select/open it does not reconfigure anything to not to affect generator outputs. If you set the frequency in one app to 50MHz, close, then connect to it with another app the frequency in this one is not applied, but kept one set by the earlier app. Even so I'm not able to reproduce to show different frequencies (in Logic and status-bar) as you had. To prevent such situation, the latest version makes sure to apply the frequency.
  10. Hi @reddish It looks like a part of the app calculates with 50 and the other with 100MHz system frequency. To recover, please adjust the frequency in the status-bar "100MHz" button or Settings/Options/Clocking. I'm trying to reproduce it to know what to fix.
  11. Hi @BobA The first one in the list looks to fit, dimensions are less than 0.26x0.65inch 6.6x16.5mm: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/amphenol-cs-fci/65043-031LF/1002688 or this one with key: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/amphenol-cs-fci/69176-012LF/1002698
  12. Hi @reddish @Kirsan The DetectorDigitalIn processes the digital signals. It can be configured for simple edge trigger, pulse length, deserialize and pattern match... The DetectorAnalogIn processes the analog signals: edge, pulse or transition length, threshold, hysteresis... These are configured by digital/analog-in functions but the output of it can be used by any instrument or driven out through trigger IO. The counter seems to be working correctly.
  13. Hi @k_b Digital Discovery has no dedicated trigger IO but any DIO or DIN can be used to cross trigger the Pattern Generator by selecting Logic Detector as trigger source.
  14. Hi @yunjie Just change the DIOs to use for SCL and SDA FDwfDigitalI2cSclSet, FDwfDigitalI2cSdaSet
  15. Hi @spillari Yes, Clock.CmdDelay.value = 2 but see the following:
  16. Hi @spillari The same options are applied also in Custom mode and in Script tool.
  17. Hi @simoncools I would do it like this: FDwfDeviceOpen # the device will only be configured when FDwf###Configure is called FDwfDeviceAutoConfigureSet(hdwf, 0) # SPI transfers FDwfDigitalSpi... # override DIO, drive CS,MOSI,CLK... FDwfDigitalIOOutputEnableSet FDwfDigitalIOOutputSet FDwfDigitalIOConfigure # configure CLK FDwfDigitalOutReset FDwfDigitalOut... FDwfDigitalOutConfigure(hdwf, 0) # release CLK to be controlled by DigitalOut FDwfDigitalIO... # start CLK FDwfDigitalOutConfigure(hdwf, 1)
  18. Hi @simoncools Only by setting each of the channel options (enable,output,type,idle,divider,counter,inits,repetition,data) to the value you want, but the trigger, wait, run, repeat are common for all channels. It can be more effective if you explain what you want to achieve.
  19. Hi @Kirsan The trigger detector logic is: Low and High and (Rise or Fall) In the WF app Either uses: Rise or Fall for the same IO Yes, it makes no sense to use: High and Rise for the same IO.
  20. Hi @simoncools The protocols (SPI,I2C..) use the digital-out and digital-in device resources, configuring these with specific output type, clock and/or custom pattern or rom logic, run length... Before configuring digital-out/in for other purpose call the FDwfDigitalOutReset and/or FDwfDigitalInReset.
  21. Hi @Ahmadb It should work. It is working with Mac mini M1. The WaveForms application is working with Rosetta. The libraries are universal, contains binary for both Intel and Apple silicon. So the WF API is compatible with both x86_64 and arm64 custom applications.
  22. I'm not sure I understood your question. Maybe this is what you want? // CmdWrite(bits per command, cmd, dummy bits, bits per word, [word1, word2...] ) // 3 or 4-wire SPI data write with command and dummy bits. Returns true on success otherwise returns false. CmdWrite(16, 0x55AA, 0, 24, [0])
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