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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Mavitaka Only the FPGA or Zynq development boards: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/start
  2. Hi @ctighe Calling Receive/Receiver function from Script the RX logging in the Protocol/UART will stop. The Receive function returns the characters received since the previous call or after initialization, calling Receiver. Try adding wait() before Receive.
  3. Hi @Dat Nguyen Do you have anything connected to the V+ output ? Can you tell me what you used it for last time? The device USB power/current is very low, it should be at least about 3W/600mA, and the USB voltage is too low. The lack of USB power, essentially dropping supply voltage could cause device malfunction. Try using other USB port, computer, powered hub, 5V DC auxiliary power supply. The latest software version overcomes a problem caused by low voltage, but the real solution is to provide sufficient power for the device.
  4. Hi @Steve_3 Here two periods are generated for each capture: test_undersampling_v4.py Analog-in: trigger-wait-run-wait-run-done I set the wait to 2ms to fit in the 8ms capture, but you can adjust the analog-in trigger position (secDelay) as you need it.
  5. Hi @Mavitaka Reference clock is not supported by Digital Discovery only Sync capture mode:
  6. Hi @Mavitaka The highest output frequency with Digital Discovery is 50 MHz, half of the default 100 MHz system clock which is adjustable.
  7. Hi @Steve_3 In v3 one analog-out run is performed for each analog-in capture. Having FDwfAnalogOutRepeatTriggerSet-1 each analog-out run will wait for trigger (analog-out capture). After each analog-in reading by the software (FDwfAnalogInStatus) a new capture is started which also initiates a new analog-out run. This is why the analog-out repeat is set to infinite (FDwfAnalogOutRepeatSet-0). Adding wait to analog-out would delay the signal relative to the analog-in start, shift the signal to the right in the capture. To shift it left (or right), to start the analog-out before (or after) the capture left-most sample use a positive (or negative) secDelay parameter.
  8. Hi @Hellsmoke See the WF SDK/ samples/ py/ AnalogIn_Trigger.py DigitalIn_Trigger.py example
  9. Hi @k_b The latest version adds glitch filter for edge trigger with Digital Discovery:
  10. Hi @jaejoo14 Contact the support for replacement. The relay on oscilloscope channel 1 is stuck on high range, so the reading is probably correct only with 1V/div and higher. Toggling the relay a few times, like changing between 500mV/div and 1V/div, should have removed temporary stuck, contact issue, oxidation. You could try the following to make sure all application settings are reset, but don't expect to help. /Applications/WaveForms.app/Contents/MacOS/WaveForms -safe-mode (For nicer app interface you could use Settings/ Options/ Style : Fusion)
  11. Hi @jaejoo14 For warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent @ ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.
  12. Hi @jaejoo14 1. Make sure the attenuation is set to 1 X 2. The input range relay may be stuck or remain in bad position due to certain software settings. Try toggling Channel 1 Range between 500 mV/div and 1V/div Does it solve the problem ? Can you hear it clicking like it is for Channel 2 ? 3. If you have calibrated the device (WaveForms/Settings/Device Manager/Calibrate), make sure the Scope 1 Gains are low values, or select Reset/Load Factory.
  13. Hello, In AD3 the system frequency (ADC, DAC, DIO) is adjustable between 50-125MHz, so the sample rate can be set up to 8ns. The oscilloscope device buffer can up to 64k samples. The capture rate is limited by USB latency and can be up to about 2000 captures / second, when capturing up to 256 samples.
  14. Hi @Loic VINET Could you attach or send me the script ?
  15. Hi @Kuz I am working on it
  16. Hi @dmangione A device can be controlled by one application/script at a time. If you want to control it from script/custom app, make sure to close the WaveForms app or connect with it to a Demo device.
  17. Hi @ryangill No, currently we have no T&M device with LVDS. You can find devices with LVDS IOs among the development boards, like Zmod connectors on Eclypse Z7, USB104 A7: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/eclypse-z7/start https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/usb104a7/start
  18. You can use the analog-in trigger position: dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerPositionSet(hdwf, c_double(acqTime / 2 + sec_delay))
  19. Hi @Kuz Internally in the application for each channel a persistence 2d array is computed, from this rgb images generated and drawn/overlaid in the Persistence view. Exporting the image is not suitable for you ?
  20. Hi @Steve_3 The SamplingDelay is only for external sampling clock, when using a trigger input edge to validate sampling. You can use the AWG/AnalogOut Wait to delay the signal output relative to the trigger.
  21. Hi @Alessandro Are you using the latest sw version ? Do you see the same behavior with WaveForms application ? It is easier to use the app for troubleshooting, modify settings and see the result.
  22. Hi @Steve_3 It comes to mind now, to have consistent capture phases trigger the AWG on Scope. dwf.FDwfAnalogOutTriggerSourceSet(hdwf, c_int(ChNum), trigsrcAnalogIn) dwf.FDwfAnalogOutConfigure(hdwf, c_int(0), c_int(1)) dwf.FDwfAnalogInConfigure(hdwf, c_int(1), c_int(1)) You can also set: AnalogOutRepeatSet 0 infinite AnalogOutRepeatTriggerSet 1 This way, new generator outputs are automatically performed by the device for each capture. There is no need to reconfigure the Scope or AWG in the loop, just read the captures: def trigger_and_read_ch0(rgdSamples,numSamp): while True: dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatus(hdwf, c_int(1), byref(sts)) if sts.value == DwfStateDone.value: break dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusData(hdwf, 0, rgdSamples, numSamp) # get channel 1 data y = 0 return y
  23. Hi @Steve_3 The fundamental problem is that the sampling is not synchronized. The Scope with decimate sampling for 1MHz stores every 100th ADC conversion, but this sampling is not synchronized with the AWG output, so consequent captures can have 100 phases. This Scope sampling start can not be synchronized with any trigger source. The only option would be using 100MHz sampling, but the AD2 is limited up to 16ki samples with the 2nd device configuration.
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