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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @engrpetero Do you have proper ground connection between the devices ? Is the VIO set to to 3.3V ?
  2. Hi @Hansi See the following: double_pulse_and_acquisition_SDK_v2.py
  3. Hi @miketranch You can find the option next to the 'Clear buffers'
  4. Hi @mms14 On Linux usually only the OS architecture's applications are supported. The 64 bit OS and application (ARM64 for raspberry) will allow to capture more data but this system has its own limitations. The USB/system is slower and I'm not sure if you will be able to record at the desired rate.
  5. Hi @plswelcomeroh Use a resistor (like 1k for max 67mV) to reduce the V+ idle voltage.
  6. Hi @Hamza Oncuer Does it show you any information if you start the application from terminal ? $ waveforms or call dmesg after this
  7. Hi @miketranch You should not leave any together used device floating since the communication between these would not work, unless you use dedicated isolator. Voltage is potential difference ! You need to have a common or known relative level. You could use different reference voltage for the DUT, like the GND of this to be connected to +0.9V relative to the AD2 GND. A 0.9V floating supply negative to be at AD-GND and positive at DUT-GND or use the AD V+ supply. This way the AD's 0V will be -0.9V for the DUT and for AD's +0.9V be 0V for the DUT. Note, the AD-GND is connected to the computer GND via USB cable and this, depending on the computer supply, this may be connected to mains earth. A wrong connection, like earth referenced supply output connected to AD GND will be a short circuit that could damaged the devices ! Usually, the safest option is to use the same GND for all devices and generate negative pulses.
  8. Hi @miketranch This is a high resolution trigger counter&timer measurement performed in the device.
  9. Hi @mms14 What operating system are you using ? The 64bit WaveForms support Logic Analyzer captures of up to 256Mi samples and for 32bit it is limited to 10M.
  10. Hi @infield Configure the Logic Analyzer trigger detector and trigger the Pattern Generator on Logic Detector.
  11. Hi @Norm-12 The Spectrum analysis options can be enabled in Network Analyzer under Magnitude group.
  12. Hi @infield Unfortunately only the DIOs can be controlled from Patterns and used by ROM logic.
  13. Hi @Dr.Zool Maybe AD3 V+ is not providing 5V or there is a problem with the IA adapter like one of the relay drivers is bad or it consumes a lot of power and the voltage drops, in this case it should also heat up... I was only able to reproduce some relays to not switch, just by lowering the V+ voltage from the software code. Please check the V+ voltage in the Supplies tool: without adapter (V+ controlled from Supplies) and with adapter connected (V+ controlled by IA interface). Also the power consumptions (USB Current) should not increase by much with the adapter. You could also verify the V+ voltage (top 3rd/4th pins) on the header or the C3 capacitor on the adapter.
  14. Hi @Dr.Zool Like every devices each adapter is tested with a load to make sure the drivers, relays and resistors are ok. Try using other USB port, powered hub or the latest version which add better USB supply insufficiency detection for AD3:
  15. Hi @gabagool The mentioned wrapper is not maintained at the moment. Use the WF SDK/ samples/ py/..
  16. Hi @engrpetero Function expects an array of words. Protocol.SPI.Write (8, [0xF8, 0x50, 0x40]);
  17. Hi @Vladimir F On ADP3X50 the USB Vbus is only used for host detect, so this has no (<mA) power requirements. Dropping or fluctuating Vbus voltage could cause the ADP to sense USB host disconnect, resulting communication error in the software. The source of such problem could be bad USB cable or contact issue. Eventually high currents passing through the USB cable GND caused by 'bad' supplies, like having different earth connections for the two supplies. Such problem could damage devices. For together used devices is recommended to connect supplies to adjacent sockets or the same extension cord. The earlier post in the same topic:
  18. Hi @john123 Yes, using the Record Mode, see:
  19. Hi @Hansi The app's "no synchronization" just hides these options to simplify the interface. Setting wait/run is sufficient in the custom app/script and for synchronized mode use FDwfAnalogOutConfigure(hdwf, -1, 1) or FDwfAnalogOutMasterGet FDwfAnalogOutTriggerSourceSet(trigsrcAnalogIn) trigger on oscilloscope T0 The trigsrcDetectorAnalogIn looks for trigger condition on the analog input.
  20. Hi @mms14 You could record 10 minutest with the WF application and export, or write a custom application which decodes the streamed data.
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