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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @Anton

    No, you don't need to be in education.
    I only asked it to have an estimation on how many people would need such feature, where to put it on the priority list.

    12-18 years ago, during my faculty years, the PS/2 it was already obsolete but still used in lab works.
    I just asked some professors and students, it is not used since many years.

    I will try to make an interpreter for you.

  2. Hi @ThaRev

    The Repeated more is intended for timing analysis or short communication message.
    The number of samples is limited since in this mode the whole capture is transferred at once. With millions of samples this would block the application, making it laggy.
    Use the Record mode fore larger captures. In this Mode the data is transferred in chunks which does not block the app and it can be cancelled.


  3. Hi @Camarillo

    You have fixed the oscilloscope, but it looks like the AWG output is damaged too :(

    You can verify the following rails, when the device is connected and opened with WaveForms, between the no load component pads and device ground.
    Bottom left edge of the board:



    In the following post you have further troubleshooting:


  4. Hi @tomas61

    The data should be the data from the last capture.

    You are performing 10x10 captures and the thresholdLow is decremented for each capture by 8x0.01 The threshold value for last capture will be 7.92 lower than for the first capture. You may want to initialize it for each capture.

  5. Hi @martin1701

    After cutting trace between JP1200 the hardware IDs should be USB\VID_04B4&PID_8613
    To verify if the trace is cut properly, with unpowered board you can measure the continuity using a DMM on the jumper vias.
    Still having device descriptor failure indicates hardware issue.

    Is the USB connector looking good? Please inspect the soldering and if the internal contact plate is not broken.

    You may try contacting for warranty and replacement, support dot digilent at ni dot com.
    They will need your name, when you purchased the device, whom you purchased it from (i.e. Digilent or a distributor), and the serial number on the underside of the device. If you purchased the board from a distributor, you will need to contact them about their warranty.

  6. Hi @tomas61

    You can use the wait() function or instrument.wait() or dialog like Tool.question() .getNumber() ...
    See the examples or the Help tab in the application.

    while(var i = 0; i < 10 && wait(1.5); i++) { ....

    if(Scope.wait()) throw "Stopped"

    if(!Tool.question("Continue?")) throw "Abort"




  7. Hi @martin1701

    It could be problem with USB cable or connector, the differential data lines not making contact. Try using other cable and computer plug.
    On EE revF or earlier boards, the problem could also be due to erased USB firmware.

    Do you have a revF or board?
    You can find this info on the bottom of the board under the Xilinx TI logo.

    You have the reprogramming application in private message and instruction in the following post:



  8. Hi @slalps

    Probably the FTDI drivers/libraries are messed up on your system, causing application crash. This is the first time I see such...

    You can use the CDM uninstaller to remove the installed drivers:
    Readme: https://www.ftdichip.com/Support/Utilities/CDM_Uninst_GUI_Readme.html
    Application: https://ftdichip.com/utilities/#cdm-uninstaller

    Add the following products: 6001, 6010, 6011, 6014 (most common devices) and press Remove Devices. See picture below.

    Connect your device and install the driver from Windows Update or FTDI setup (it should be the same):
    Page: https://ftdichip.com/drivers/vcp-drivers/
    Installer: https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM212362_Setup.zip


  9. Hi @Camarillo

    According your measurements the offset DAC is working.

    I almost forgot that odd reading or output offset could be due to wrong calibration.
    Since the offset voltage is applied this it likely good, but please perform a "Load factory" and see the oscilloscope readings again to make sure the calibration is not culprit.

    Otherwise the 21V reading is likely due to damaged ADG612.
    The one for channel 2 is on the right side, the 16pin IC above the trimmers.


  10. Hi @slalps

    1. In the "USB Serial Converter" properties, make sure the "Load VCP" is unchecked:
    In case it is checked other application may try to use it as COM device, blocking access to it.

    2. Make sure you have the latest driver installed:
    Reinstall WaveFroms and check the Adept Runtime section or install the driver manually: https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM21228_Setup.zip
    Reconnect the device in order the new driver to be loaded.

    3. The USB EEPROM might be erased by other USB development applications.
    In this case use the "My device is not listed", reprogramming option in WaveForms Device Manager.


  11. Hi @Camarillo

    I meant measuring the VOFF_SC2 relative to the device GND with external DMM.
    Having the scope channel 2 range 500mV/div or lower, changing the offset between -2.5V and 2.5V should change the VOFF_SC2 between ~1V and ~3V
    Above 500mV/div for offset between -25V and +25V change VOFF between ~1V and ~3V.

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