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Posts posted by attila

  1. First, install WaveForms release or the latest WF beta version.

    T&M devices can be controlled from LabView using:

    - Digilent WaveForms VIs or digilent_waveforms_vis-
    Contains VIs similar to VirtualBench VIs, some examples, help and it is compatible LabView 2010 or newer.
    Provides limited access to device features.

    - Analog Discovery Toolkit for LabView
    Not recommended. It is a re-branded version of previous package.
    In order this to work, delete the wrongly included dwf.dll from LabVIEW 20XX/vi.lib/Digilent/_AD2 Toolkit_internal_deps/

    - WaveForms SDK
    The API can be used with LabView/Tools/Import/Shared Library. See the LabForms project as example.
    You can find manual and several Python sample scripts under WF SDK/samples/py

    All above can be used with Windows. For Linux and MacOS the .vip archive needs to be extracted.




  2. Hi @Giovanni

    First of all, connect to the device with WF application in order the analog circuitry to be enabled.

    The VREF1V2_AWG and VREF1V_AWG is generated by the IC42. You should also verify the 3V3 input of this.
    These are buffered by IC13 as VREF_AWG1/2.

    You can find the respective layout sections in the following post:


  3. Hi @sintech

    First of all I would like to thank you for this post.

    1. I have added Select option for Events view.
    2. First value drawing alignment is fixed for the next release.
    3. In Protocol under View menu you can find option for "Max. Lines" to prevent slowdowns. The load also depends on the line (message) length, so you can try to use a line limit of 100...
    4. The next macOS version will fix one possible software issue. You can post it here, or send steps to reproduce or report log to me in private message.

    5. You are right. I wanted to make this Play mode a bit more user friendly before documenting it.
    6. At the moment you can use ROM Logic in Patterns to output on an unused DIO line and capture it together with the input data.
    7. I will add export "all events" later.
    8. Added name to 'Add signal" for the next release.
    9. I use to add Labels or Note to describe the channels, cursors...
    Would it be convenient to have Name column in the Cursor View and tooltip on the cursors buttons ('1 v', '2d1 v'...) ?



  4. Hi @Cappernicus

    If the USB data lines are good and the 3.3V rail is good but the device is not detected most probably the USB controller is damaged.
    On AD1 the USB is supplied with DVCC3V3 and on AD2 from USB 5V.

    The pull-up should have helped if the EEPROM was accidentally reprogrammed to use the Suspend option.
    In Suspend the device is not detected and VCCA is down. In this case the other internal rail VCCCORE is still on.

    At this point I don't have any other idea than replacing the USB controller...

  5. Hi @Cappernicus

    The VCCA is an internal rail of the controller. 
    It should be measured on the marked capacitor, above the 'IS' of the 'discovery' label.


    According the AD2 EEPROM setting the PWRSAV# option should not be used. This signal is used with a 10k pull-down for other purpose.

    If you suspect this to be the problem you can try to solder a temporal ~2k pull-up to OE_JTAG and DVCC3V3. See the bottom layout:
    Connect USB, use the WaveForms application/ Device Manager / "My device is not listed" to reprogram the EEPROM.
    Disconnect and remove the pull-up.

    To test this, I have configured the AD2 to 'Suspend on ACBus7 Low' and 'Self Powered'
    The VCCA was indeed low and device not detected.
    With the above method I was able to recover it.


  6. @malexander

    Could you help in this issue?


    When I run the Enumerate.py the first time the FTDI lib returns no data. The following runs however are correct.
    Could you try running the script twice?

    What Linux distribution/version are you using?

    Could you try the device with Windows or MacOS?


    $ python Enumerate.py 

    FTDI Version: 0x10408
    Devices: 1
     1. SN:  flags: 0x1 type: 0x3 id: 0x0 locid: 0x0

    DMGR Version: 2.8.8
    Devices: 1
     1. SN:210321A419AA Analog Discovery 2 PDID: 0x40300360

    DWF Version: 3.13.15
    Devices: 1
     1. SN:210321A419AA Analog Discovery 2

    $ python Enumerate.py 

    FTDI Version: 0x10408
    Devices: 1
     1. SN:210321A419AA Digilent USB Device flags: 0x2 type: 0x8 id: 0x4036014 locid: 0x103

    DMGR Version: 2.8.8
    Devices: 1
     1. SN:210321A419AA Analog Discovery 2 PDID: 0x40300360

    DWF Version: 3.13.15
    Devices: 1
     1. SN:210321A419AA Analog Discovery 2


  7. Hi @ThaRev

    The recording on Digital Discovery is performed as normal capture in one chunk in DDR. Only the data from here to computer is transferred in smaller chunks.
    Transferring 256MB over USB 2.0 takes about 8 seconds. Doing it in smaller chunks (with record) gives to feedback on the progress and possibility to cancel it.

    The Record mode is for traditional Logic Analyzer usage: specify rate, samples and position. Changing the view (zoom, pan) does not affect the next capture setup.
    Transferring and processing large amount of data takes time, so you capture wait and inspect the data for longer time.

    The Repeated mode is for Oscilloscope like usage for timing or bit level analysis. Changing the view will affect the next capture.
    It is done with less samples so processing takes less time. Lets you quickly zoom in and increase sample rate automatically to have better resolution for the next capture.
    For smooth scan Screen or Shift mode we also need low amount of samples.

    The next software version will let you capture max samples in Repeated mode with Digital Discovery. 

    Thank you for sharing you opinion.

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