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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @Maksym Galemin

    Since you have other devices that are working we can exclude cabling other external problems. It is most likely the device is damaged.

    The 5V auxiliary supply should be protected for reverse polarity and up to 20V, scope inputs up to 50V, digital IOs 20V... Could it happen that device was connected to voltages or external sources exceeding any of these?
    The AD ground is connected to computer ground through the USB cable. The earth/ground of different socket plugs could be wrongly wired and have high voltage difference. Connecting together circuits/equipment supplied from such plugs could blow up fuses, in case of AD the ferrites or protection diode toward the USB VCC/GND. Could it happen that the device ground was connected to another voltage level that the computer ground? 

    For warranty and replacement please contact support_at_digilentinc.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.

  2. Hi @Maksym Galemin

    In the last picture, since the USB voltage and current is read from the device, the fpga gets programmed and communication with this and power monitors is working. Following this, as the other ICs are started most probably runs out of power, internal voltages drop and components are reset, communication is lost or incorrect.
    In the first pictures it seems that in the first stage of connection, during the fpga programming runs out of power.
    The USB controlled is directly powered from USB line, so this remains connected to the PC.
    I was thinking loud... :)

    The loss of power could be because of USB cabling, to high resistance on cable or oxidized plugs.
    The unprogrammed device gets power parallely from USB and auxiliary supply. When connecting to the device with software, after the device fpga is programmed and this sees auxiliary supply it turns off the USB supply switch. In case the aux supply can't provide enough power the device is reset.

    Please try to not to use auxiliary supply, try to use a different USB cable and/or powered hub. 
    We recommend using 5V/2A supply, mostly because the increased capability of the power supplies.

  3. Hello @Krizzle @bentwookie ,

    Sorry to hear that you have problems under OS X. On the Mac's we have in the office it is working fine and it is hard to guess what could be wrong on your side.
    The person responsible for Adept Runtime and lower stuff is on vacation. He will be probably back only next year.

    Please try running the following Python script. This should list the detected devices by the low level FTDI library, Adept and WaveForms Runtimes.


    Hello @ChristopherN ,

    The demo mode is intended to be used from the WaveForms application. I don't think it is useful for the SDK, but if you want you can open such with minus DEVID, like:
    FDwfDeviceOpen(-3, &hdwf); // - devidDiscovery2


    Merry Christmas

  4. Hello,

    Since the connection to the device gets to the PLL configuration it is unlikely to be a hardware problem.
    It rather seems to be a powering issue, supply limitation from computer, bad cable or broken USB plug (in case it is an Analog Discovery 1).

    Make sure there is nothing connected to the device, try using powered USB hub and a short phone charger like cable, try with the latest WaveForms 2015.

  5. For Nexys Video the USB Serial Converters are not supposed to show up as COM ports.
    Under USB Serial Converter ( A and B ) properties uncheck the Load VCP option and reconnect the device.

    Please check if the device is recognized by Adept Application. This is installed by Adept System: https://reference.digilentinc.com/digilent_adept_2

    Which USB driver version do you have installed ?

    Which Vivado version are you using ?


  6. Are you always getting this ERC 0x02 immediately when trying to connect to the device?

    The error indicates communication loss with the device internal FPGA, probably this loses power.

    Make sure there is no external circuit connected to the device that can cause high load.
    Make sure the 5V AUX supply can provide 1-2A.

  7. Hello,

    The USB packets are randomly lost or altered with Analog Discovery (1 & 2) on Raspberry Pi (1 & 2). With RPi1 this happens too often. With RPi2 it manages to configure the device, but later it receives wrong status information. Due to this, the application sees randomly having unpowered, 0V, 0A device... Similarly it could receive wrong acquisition data too.
    I suppose some low level USB library/firmware timeout issue is causing this problem.

    I have not yet tried RPi3 but it looks like the problem is the same.

    See the earlier post: 


  8. Hi Jon,

    Could you provide more information ?
    Which OS are you using ?

    In case it is Windows:
    Do you see "USB Serial Converter" appearing in Windows Device Manager ?

    Make sure the driver version is not 2.12.4 For the solution see the following post:


    If the driver version is good, probably some other application did overwrite the EEPROM content.
    Try reprogramming it using the application I sent you in private message.

  9. Hello,

    In virtual machine options try to disable USB 2.0 support, at least this helps me when using VirtualBox.

    I'm using 15' MacBookPro too with dual boot to OS-X and Windows using Boot Camp, and Analog Discovery is working well.
    The left side USB port on 13' MacBookPro seem to provide insufficient power.

    You might try the new cross-platform WaveForms3 beta version with Windows/OS-X/Linux support. https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/98-waveforms3-beta/

  10. Hello,

    When connecting the device probably it was looking for driver update. The device should work with the provided driver as well with the one found by update.
    Having the device plugged, in Windows Device Manager under USB controller, select USB Serial Controller and try Update Driver software.

    As the device configuration is programmed the consumption increases a bit and having insufficient power could cause error.
    Please try the following:
    - Try to use different USB cable and computer plug.
    - Use the USB plug on the back of the PC, not the one on the front panel.
    - Use short cable, do not use long cable or cable extender.
    - Use powered USB-hub, avoid un-powered hub.
    - Try USB 2.0 plug of your computer or try using USB 2.0 hub.

    What is the model of your computer/laptop and which Windows version are you using?

  11. I don't have too much MatLab experience either. I don't even have it installed at the moment.


    Looking at the documentation the function calling and data passing should look like this:


    % opened device id
    hdwf = phdwf.Value;
    % set parameter
    calllib('dwf', 'FDwfAnalogInFrequencySet', hdwf, double(20000000.0))
    % configure and start scope acquisition
    calllib('dwf', 'FDwfAnalogInConfigure', hdwf, 0, 1)
    % wait to finish
    pstate = libpointer('int8Ptr',0);
    while true
    	calllib('dwf', 'FDwfAnalogInStatus', hdwf, pstate)
    	if pstate.Value == 2 % Done; break; end
    pData = libpointer('doublePtr', zeros(1,8192));
    % get the acquired samples for first channel (0)
    calllib('dwf', 'FDwfAnalogInStatusData', hdwf, 0, pData, 8192)
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