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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @SaschaA

    For me the reliable play over USB is about 1MHz and Ethernet 2MHz (in Standard mode).
    With custom application and system (less running apps...) you may get higher rates.
    In embedded mode I expect to get 10-20MHz, need to test...

    With ADP3450/3250 the Ethernet bandwidth could be better than USB, depending on the (1G) network setup.
    Here are some test I just performed, direct Ethernet and USB connection, without hub, switch...
    For embedded test a Python script running in the device Linux was used.


  2. Hi @AML

    You could use a Script like this to automate analysis and export:


    for(var i = 0; i < 100 & wait(1.5); i++){ // wait 1.5 seconds
        Impedance.single() // start
        if(!Impedance.wait()) throw "Stopped" // wait to finish
        Impedance.Export("~/Desktop/imp/"+i+".csv") // see Help/Script and Impedance/File/Export for more info


    If you are interested only for measurements at a specific frequency: set Constant frequency, specify required Steps and rate using the Settle under Options (or use Averaging).


  3. Hi @david2

    You could use the Scope in mixed mode by adding Channel/ Digital/ UART Set Format depending on your temperature value like to Decimal or Two's complement
    Use a Script like this to translate UART data to temperature as Reference channel. You should adapt the data to temperature function...
    Edit: Also make sure the sample rate is more than double of the UART rate.


    var rg = []
    var temp = 0
        if(!isNaN(val)) {
            // convert data to temperature
            temp = 0.25*val
    // clone to have correct time position
    // set data
    Scope.Ref1.data = rg
    // other options
    Scope.Ref1.Units.text = "C"
    Scope.Ref1.Range.value = 100


  4. Hi @RobHe

    The configurations are not listed in the manual.
    See the WF app for the list or use the SDK.


    >python Device_Enumeration.py
    DWF Version: b'3.16.36'
    Number of Devices: 1
    Device 0 :
            Name: 'b'Analog Discovery 2'' b'SN:210321A680EF'
            ID: 3 rev: 3
            0. AnalogIn: 2 x 8192   AnalogOut: 2 x 4096     DigitalIn: 16 x 4096    DigitalOut: 16 x 1024
            1. AnalogIn: 2 x 16384  AnalogOut: 2 x 1024     DigitalIn: 16 x 1024    DigitalOut: 0 x 0
            2. AnalogIn: 2 x 2048   AnalogOut: 2 x 16384    DigitalIn: 0 x 0        DigitalOut: 0 x 0
            3. AnalogIn: 2 x 512    AnalogOut: 2 x 256      DigitalIn: 16 x 16384   DigitalOut: 16 x 16384
            4. AnalogIn: 2 x 8192   AnalogOut: 2 x 4096     DigitalIn: 16 x 4096    DigitalOut: 16 x 1024
            5. AnalogIn: 2 x 8192   AnalogOut: 4 x 4096     DigitalIn: 16 x 2048    DigitalOut: 8 x 256
            6. AnalogIn: 2 x 512    AnalogOut: 2 x 256      DigitalIn: 16 x 16384   DigitalOut: 16 x 16384
            7. AnalogIn: 2 x 8192   AnalogOut: 2 x 1024     DigitalIn: 16 x 16384   DigitalOut: 16 x 256


  5. Hi @EzeStare

    1. Yes. Use the Custom mode and "Constant Voltage" example with Adapter to prevent resistor changing. This will be similar to Constant Voltage mode without Adapter.
    (Or choose Adapter, select the required Resistor and choose "W1-C1-DUT..." to prevent resistor changing during CV/CA mode run.)

    2. The "Constant Voltage Adapter" example is similar to the "Constant Voltage" mode with Adapter. The code is given to be able to customize or finetune the adjustment process if needed.

    3.4. Resistor variable is the reference resistor value.
    The Scope C2 measures the voltage on this Resistor thus giving the current.

    5. The VRMS variable is the measured Vrms. The Voltage is a constant in the code.

    6. The Repeat variable is used to repeat the step measurement, like to have some settle time after the Resistor is changed, to ignore the transients.

    See all the variables in the editor under insert:


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