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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @reddish

    Regarding your question in private message, I reply here since it may be useful for other people too.

    The FDwfEnumInfo info is not really needed for custom apps. It is for delay loaded "Remote Devices"... With custom apps the IP or Alias can be used for connection.
    The other AMFM functions are only for the obsolete EExplorer...

    The enum filtering is backward compatible.
    You can still use device id for filtering, like FDwfEnum(devidDiscovery2)
    The filter meaning only changes when MSbit (Type) is used, like FDwfEnum(enumfilterType | enumfilterUSB)


  2. Hi @Robin Oswald

    In coherent mode, C2 blue, when time captures are averaged the coherence is 1 because the "fixed noise" is mostly eliminated, C1 and C2 spectrums are almost identical.

    6 hours ago, attila said:

    The coherence in 3rd plot looks like this:



    With the normal mag/phase average, the C1 captures only the W1 stimulus signal and R1(C2) = W1+W2
    When the W1 and W2 are distant frequencies C1 has 1 peak and C2 has 2 peaks.
    When W1 and W2 are overlapped C2 has only 1 peak attenuated or amplified depending on phase.
    At close frequencies the two peaks merge or it is one wider.

    See at 200kHz and 290kHz with no averaging:



  3. Hi @spbhanus

    1. The MATLAB DAQ toolbox plugin only supports Analog Discovery 1/2 and provides limited features.
    However the WaveForms SDK which lets you to use all the features (including simultaneous analog/digital sampling) can also be used from MATLAB, see the following post:


    2. Yes. With plugin like below and with SDK FDwfAnalogInChannelRangeSet


    3. See the specifications in the WF app Help or on the reference page




    4. For such low mV signals pre-amplification would be recommended.
    The ADP3450/3250 low range is 2Vpk2pk ~130uV resolution and ~30mV with 16bit sampling at 31.25MHz or lower.
    The AD2 low range has about 300uV resolution.

  4. Hi @Robin Oswald

    Test setup: 
    W1 -> 1+ and 2+ (100-400kHz 1V)
    W2 -> 2- (200kHz 1V)
    GND -> 1-

    In my previous post for the second screenshot W2 was generated with another device to be fully out of sync with the NA.

    The mag/phase average (default, green): capture -> FlatTop window -> fft -> mag/phase (average) -> result
    The coherent average (blue): capture -> (average) -> FlatTop window -> fft -> mag/phase -> result
    With coherent average mode the scope captures are triggered by wavegen1, so each capture for averaging is perfectly in phase.

    The coherence in 3rd plot looks like this:



    More "Min Periods" narrow the coherence peak at low frequencies:



  5. Hi @RobHe @reddish

    The DDRam record buffering is transparent for the API, it is done internally.
    The normal recording process can be used. See the SDK/ samples/ py/ AnalogIn_Record.py AnalogIn_Record_Trigger.py AnalogOutIn_PlayRecord.py ...

    The limits for this is are: 128MiS up to 125MHz for 1 enabled channel, 62MiS up to 62.5MHz for 2 channels, 32MiS up to 31.25MHz for 3-4 channels

    I recommend using the latest version which brings fixes and improvements:


  6. Hi @sray070

    For instance:
    DD1 generates 16 signals DIO 24-39
    connect DD1 DIO 39 to DD2 DIN 0 (or any other DD1 DIO to any other DD2 DIO or DIN)
    DD2 Logic Analyze trigger on this input
    DD2 Pattern Generator to trigger on "Logic Analyzer" Also set DD2 Run time to be less than the period and repeat Trigger to resynchronize with the DD1.
    Take in consideration the ~200ns delay of DD2 signal (input, trigger, output)

    Here I used DD1 Logic Analyzer to monitor all the 17 signals.




  7. Hi @hargan123

    The following should be used:
    FDwfDeviceAutoConfigureSet(hdwf, 0)
    FDwfAnalogOut*Set ... // set parameters
    FDwfAnalogOutConfigure(hdwf, channel, 1) // start
    FDwfAnalogOut*Set ... // change parameters or set all
    FDwfAnalogOutConfigure(hdwf, channel, 3) // apply
    FDwfAnalogOutConfigure(hdwf, channel, 0) // stop

    0 - disabled: Device will be configured when calling FDwf*Configure. It is recommended for complex apps to prevent device configuration with each parameter setting.
    1 - enabled (default): Any FDwf*Set will configure the device stopping the respective instrument.
    3 - dynamic: Any FDwf*Set will configure the device without stopping the instrument.

    0 - stop
    1 - start
    3 - dynamic, configure without changing the state

  8. Hi @LarsB

    I will try to answer your questions but let me know if I miss some from your posts.

    1. With DD you are using 20MHz sampling rate. If your TRIG is signal rate is higher than 10MHz or pulses shorter than 50ns 5ns it may loose some.

    2. Click on other row to change highlighted row or under the last row to remove highlighting.
    Use the latest software to have better dark style.

    3. Try the latest version and if you are not satisfied with the "zoom effect" please send me a workspace with data.

    4. The Repeated mode is intended for oscilloscope like analysis (pulse, phase, timing...) and here the "zooming" adjusts the sample rate.
    In Record mode the "zooming" does not affect the rate.

    5. In the WF app Welcome tab you can find the last used workspaces.
    Check the "Open last workspace on start" it you want this.


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