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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @FrankS

    Use one oscilloscope channel to capture the filter/DUT input (Wavegen output) and the other one for the filter output, as it is used in Network or Impedance Analyzer.

    Emulating the Wavegen output or sampling DAC data is not supported since these may not be precise and could be misleading. The signal can be attenuated, distorted due to current limitation, at high frequency the DAC and output latency could be significant...


  2. Hi @reddish

    I run your example with Ethernet connection for 2 hour without any issues.
    You could try the Linux boot mode. This is recommended for embedded use but also supports USB and Ethernet device connection. It boots slower and has a bit lower rates but the Ethernet support may be better than with the Standard boot mode (bare-metal USB and Ethernet device).


    The device enumeration can be filtered by connection type like: FDwfEnum(enumfilterType|enumfilterUSB, &cDev)

    The connection type (DTP) of a device is only available with the following:
    DWFAPI BOOL FDwfEnumEDVC(int idxDev, EDVC* pedvc);


    typedef DWORD DTP;
    const DTP dtpUSB        = 0x00000001;
    const DTP dtpEthernet   = 0x00000002;
    typedef DWORD   PDID;       // device product id
    typedef WORD    FWVER;      // device firmware version number
    typedef DWORD   DCAP;   //capabilities bitfield
    #pragma pack(16)
    typedef struct tagDVC{
        char        szName[cchDvcNameMax];
                //in dvctable:  Alias
                //not in dvctable:  user assigned name in device
                //not in dvctable, no user defined name:  device type with identifier
        char        szConn[MAX_PATH+1];
                //in dvctable:  connection string in dvctable
                //not in dvctable:  USB:   PATHNAME
                //                  Eth:    IP:
                //                  Ser:    COM1:9600,N,8,1
                //                  EPP:    EPP:0x378
        DTP     dtp;
    } DVC;
    typedef struct tagEDVC{
        DVC     dvc;
                    // standard DVC, may be used anywhere a DVC is required
        char    szUsrName[cchUsrNameMax+1];
                    // user name string returned by the device
        char    szProdName[cchProdNameMax+1];
                    // product name string returned by the device
        char    szSN[cchSnMax+1];\
                    // serial number string returned by the device
        char    szMAC[cchMacMax+1];
                    // MAC Address (EUI-48) returned by the device
        char    szIPV4[cchIpv4Max+1];
                    // IPV4 address returned by the device
        char    szIPV6[cchIpv6Max+1];
                    // IPV6 address returned by the device
        char    szPort[cchPortMax+1];
                    // port number network device is listening on
        PDID    pdid;
                    // product identifier returned by the device
        FWVER   fwver;
                    // firmware version returned by the device
        DCAP    dcap;
                    // device capabilities returned by the device
        INT32   cOpen;
                    // count of handles open for this device on this system
        union {
            struct {
                WORD    discovered:1;
                            // 0: device was not discovered during enumeration
                            // 1: device was discovered during enumeration
                WORD    table:1;
                            // 0: device is not in the device table
                            // 1: device is in the device table
                WORD    pdidIsValid:1;
                            // 0: pdid field is invalid
                            // 1: pdid field is valid
                WORD    fwverIsValid:1;
                            // 0: fwver field is invalid
                            // 1: fwver field is valid
                WORD    dcapIsValid:1;
                            // 0: dcap field is invalid
                            // 1: dcap field is valid
                WORD    v2FieldsValid:1;
                            // 0: V2 fields  are not valid
                            // 1: V2 fields (ctlsSupported, dtlsSupported,
                            //    authSupported, and authEnabled) are valid
                WORD    ctlsSupported:1;
                            // 0: device does not support TLS on the control channel
                            // 1: device supports TLS on the control channel
                WORD    dtlsSupported:1;
                            // 0: device is not in the device table
                            // 1: device is in the device table
                WORD    authSupported:1;
                            // 0: client authentication is not supported
                            // 1: client authentication is supported
                WORD    authEnabled:1;
                            // 0: client authentication is disabled
                            // 1: client authentication is enabled
                WORD    rsv:6;
                            // reserved for future use
            WORD    fs;
    } EDVC;
    #pragma pack()


  3. Hi @HK2

    Make sure the proper drivers are installed and configured.

    From software all formats and sample rate up to 384kHz are supported but it depends on the underlaying libraries/drivers/hardware what is natively supported or "emulated".
    The latest beta version increases the audio-output buffer which is useful at higher rate, bits and more channels:



  4. Hi @yohara33

    The following Script should work.
    You may have to adjust the thermocouple temperature conversion, the "*0.25+0.0"


    if(!('Protocol' in this)) open("Protocol")
    Protocol.Mode.text = "SPI"
    print("Chip temperature, thermocouple temperature, eventual faults")
    while(wait(1)){ // wait 1 second
        var bits = Protocol.SPI.Read(32, 1) // read 32 bits
        var chip = ((bits<<16)>>20)*0.0625 // chip temperature, two's comp
        var temp = (bits>>18)*0.25+0.0 // thermocouple with .25*C resolution, two's comp
        var text = "Chip: "+chip+"*C\tThermo: "+temp+"*C\t"
        if(bits&0x10000 || bits&7){
            text += "Fault:"
            if(bits&4) text += " SCV"
            if(bits&2) text += " SCG"
            if(bits&1) text += " OC"


  5. Hi @Someone

    You are right, sometimes the high sample rate can be confusing. Initially it only had 2/4/800MHz options and later added the "100MHz 32bit" option but this limits the 256MiB buffer to 64Mi Samples.
    The next version will add 3rd option as you suggested.


    The Record with Digital Discovery can go up to the 256MiS 800MHz 8bit just like normal (Repeated) capture.
    The 1MHz note should be for the other devices, it will be removed for DD.

    Thank you for the observations.

  6. Hi @MikeWatson

    The difference I notice is that in the WF app the sampling rate is 80kHz and in you app 50kHz.
    The 5V glitch may be filtered out by the lower rate average sampling.

    Also notice the noise band. This is a simultaneous lower rate capture of min/max samples.
    It indicates that you have higher frequency components between 4.6-5.2V and glitches down to ~2.5V and up to ?7V.
    Depending in the sampling rate, the 5V trigger may capture at these higher frequency components.

    1. Use the same sampling rate.

    2. Try using the decimate filter for the trigger detector. This will look at the raw 100MHz samples rather than the default averaged samples at specified sampling rate.
    FDwfAnalogInTriggerFilterSet(hdwf, filterDecimate)
    Set the trigger level to at least 5.5V

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