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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @mrb-bt

    Amplitude setting and Channel# reading unit is V,  peak to peak voltage / 2

    if(Channel2 == 0) return Target; // return initial amplitude
    This is the amplitude very first amplitude setting for initial value. The readings are never going to be 0.0000000, always above 0. You can also use if(Frequency==0)...

    Repeat = abs(Channel2 - Target) > 0.1; // repeat step if needed
    Yes. The earlier will force the step to be repeated if the difference between the target and channel reading is above 100mV.
    For dB use 20*log10(Channel#/Amplitude)

  2. Hi @Daniel M

    It is not isolated.
    The base and collector is controlled by W1 and W2 which generate signals relative to the emitter (virtual ground). If this is set to -5V by the V- power supply, the W1 and W2 for 0V output -5V. The transistor will receive signals from 0V to +10V relative to its emitter. Similarly, the emitter can be set to +5 by the V+ power supply, to have 0V to -10V

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