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  1. Thanks. This forum did help. We need to short TDI and TDO of JTAG on FMC breakout board. Then the device can be detected.
  2. VADJ is by default 1.2V. It has no relationship with programming the fpga with/without FMC break-our board.
  3. Hello, I can program the FPGA stand alone. However, when I connect the FMC breakout board (newly bought from the Digikey), the FPGA device cannot be detected by the HW manager. What can I do to solve this problem? Vivado version: 2022.2 Evaluation board: Xilinx Nexys Video with Artix-7 FPGA FMC board: HW-FMC-XM105-G Thanks
  4. Hello, I have the same problem. Can you please share how you fixed it?
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