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  1. tato0316

    Zybo Z7 SD Card Pins

    Hey there, I am currently working on a project that runs a simple CPU on the Zybo Z7 FPGA. I used generated code from a previous project as a starting point, so I do not have any Block Design sources at all, only Verilog source code. I want to be able to read a .txt file with machine code from an SD Card in order to control the buttons and LEDs on the board. I am currently trying to locate information on how to configure the SD card pins in the design constraints file (Zybo-Z7-Master.xdc). I am hoping to find information for what to set the value of PACKAGE_PIN for MIO pins 40-45 and 47. I am struggling to find an example of configuring any MIO pins in the .xdc file, and am hoping to avoid using any Block Design sources as this would be very difficult to integrate into my project in its current state. TLDR: Looking for what to put for <pin number> for MIO pins 40-45 and 47 on Zybo Z7 board in master.xdc set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN <pin_number> IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports <port_name>];
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