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UIO Interrupt handling




i have an issue with the uio Interrupt handling.

An AXI-GPIO ip core with enabled interrupt is connected with the interrupt system of the Zynq on an Arty-Z7-20 board. With petalinux i created an minimalistic Linux image which is running on that design and gives the GPIO-HW an uio device.

I can read and write data throu that GPIO-HW via the Linux uio device. Now i wish to use the Interrupt ability. I know that i must make a blocking read Operation on the uio device to wait for an incomming Interrupt.

If i push the "make Interrupt"-Button, then i do not receive an Interrupt (blocking read does not return). The GPIO IP core was configured like on a bare metal System. The "proc/Interrupts" file is empty, so Linux detected no Interrupts.

I think that i must configure petalinux (e.g. petalinux-config -c kernel) to process Interrupts with Linux but i do not know which part of the large configuration i should Change and in which way.

So here my questions:

1. What are the needed petalinux config items and there values to enable the uio Interrupt handling on Linux (petalinux)?

2. Are there special c function calls to enable the Linux Interrupt ability?

3. Has anybody ever seen an uio interrupt handling application on a zynq and could you give me the example code?

4. Is there a digilent eval board with a demo app uses that Technologie?

5. What is the Price in US-$ to get that informations?


Thank you...

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