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Matlab R2017a

GSAS - Karthick


4 answers to this question

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There is no support for the USB-3114 or the USB-QUAD08 because the support is limited to analog input channels (volts).

Assuming you have the 2017a Data Acquisition Toolbox, you should be able to use the USB-2637 analog input channels.

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1. Which alternate card for MCC USB-3114 supports R2017a for Analog Output?

2. Which Matlab versions support Analog output for MCC USB-3114 16 Channel analog voltage output device (high-drive) with eight digital I/O, and one counter input?

3. Which alternate card for MCC USB-QUAD08 supports R2017a for Encoder? 

4. Which Matlab Versions support MCC USB-Quad08?

5. Are there any example scripts available for the R2017a tool chain that can be used with MCC USB2637 


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Please understand that Digilent/MCC did not create the driver support for Matlab; instead, Mathworks did. Refer to the following page for support information.  https://www.mathworks.com/hardware-support/measurement-computing.html Specifically, this note: The support package does not support counter/timer subsystems, digital I/O subsystems, triggered acquisition, specialized voltage measurements (thermocouple, etc.), or the use of Simulink data acquisition blocks for Measurement Computing DAQ hardware.

There's no support for encoder inputs (counter/timer).

There's no support for the USB-3114 because it is not a waveform-capable device. 

You should be able to use the analog output on the USB-2637. The USB-3101FS should also work. Check out the following app note regarding analog I/O.


If all else fails, you could bypass the Matlab's toolbox driver and access the MCC API directly. Check out the following:https://dev-wiki.digilent.com/daq-and-datalogging/documents/using-ul-for-dotnet-with-matlab. API documentation can be downloaded from https://digilent.com/reference/software/universal-library/windows/start





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